Biographical Sketch of M. Winsor

M. Winsor editor Mankato Review, has been one of the most prominent men in the county. He was born in Chautauqua County, N. Y., and March 20, 1840. He received only a common school education, yet a thorough one. He removed when eighteen to Illinois with his parents, and when twenty, went alone to Colorado, where he joined the First Colorado Cavalry in 1863, remaining in active service to the close of the war. His regiment was at the battle of Apache Canyon, New Mexico, when the Texan Rangers were defeated and four million dollars worth of Government property was saved at Fort Union. Soon after the close of the war he selected Jewell County as his future home, where he located on a homestead. In 1873 he established the Jewell County Diamond, which in 1878 was united with the Monitor, under the title, Monitor-Diamond. In 1876 Mr. Winsor and James A. Scarbrough wrote a history of the county, which was issued in pamphlet and to which this history is greatly indebted for its data. Mr. Winsor is now editing the Review at Mankato, an excellent county paper with perhaps the largest circulation of any paper in the county. He is a man of marked ability, and widely known and esteemed for his benevolence and kindness of heart.


Biography, Civil War,

Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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