Smith Cemetery, Chautauqua County, New York

Transcription of Smith Cemetery located in Chautauqua County, New York between Stockton & Cassadaga, on the William Moore farm (1950’s – 1960’s). SMITH Ebenezer, Rev., d. 6 July 1821, ae. 89 yrs., 9 mos., 3 days. Grandfather. Jemima. Sister of Rev. Ebenezer Smith. Mariam. Sister of Rev. Ebenezer Smith.

Biography of George Gorden Derby

George Gorden Derby is a comparatively young man but is old in the service of railroads. He began his career in Western Pennsylvania, where he was an employee and rose to large responsibilities with the Erie Railroad. About ten years ago he came West and had since been with the Santa Fe at different points and is now superintendent of the Oklahoma division, with headquarters at Arkansas City. Mr. Derby was born in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, January 14, 1876. His paternal ancestors were colonial settlers in Connecticut. His father, Lafayette Derby, was born in New York State in 1844, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. P. Jacobs

Although death claimed W. P. Jacobs in 1906, a year after his arrival in Bartlesville, he had already gained a well established position in business circles here, his enterprise and integrity winning for him the respect and confidence of all with whom he was brought into contact. He was born in Hammond, Indiana, in 1866, and acquired his education in Danville College, after which he became connected with the lumber business at Toledo, Ohio. From there he went to Findlay, Ohio, where he was identified with the same line of activity, and he subsequently removed to Lima, that state, where … Read more

Biography of Herbert Franklin Sheldon

Herbert Franklin Sheldon. The original settlers of a new state, county or city, irrespective of any intrinsic qualities which they possess, are subjects of peculiar interest to succeeding generations. Men are interested in recalling their accomplishments and delight to treasure in memory the slightest incident connected with their persons and their settlement. As the years go by the pilgrims of New England are gradually elevated from the level of ordinary humanity and placed before our contemplation on pedestals challenging the admiration and respect of posterity. Each successive step in the settlement of the country as adventurous pioneers have pushed out … Read more

Marquis De Lafayette Todd of Santa Paula CA

Marquis De Lafayette Todd7, (Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Feb. 13, 1837, in Stockton, N. Y., died June 30, 1908, in Santa Paula, Cal., married first, in 1866, Mary Jane Beckwith, who died in 1869. He married second, in 1871, Dora Emma Ricker, who was born Jan., 1852, in Boston, Mass. She is living now (1912) in Santa Paula, Cal. When he was seventeen years of age, he went to Nebraska, where he spent five years in trying to cultivate an unbroken prairie, at the end of which time, he returned to his father’s home. In 1859, he … Read more

Edwin R. Todd of Plattsmouth NE

Edwin R. Todd7, (Thomas Jefferson6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Oct. 10, 1833, in Jamestown, N. Y., died Feb. 16, 1910, in Plattsmouth, Neb., married, Sept. 8, 1861, Mary E. Thomas, who was born Nov. 1, 1844, in Grant County, Ind., died Dec. 5, 1912, in Plattsmouth, Neb. She was a sister of ex-Senator Samuel L. Thomas, who is now (1910) living in Long Beach, Cal. Mr. Todd was a very well known and highly esteemed citizen of the community in which he lived. He had lived in Plattsmouth, Neb., since 1857, when he first arrived in that region … Read more

Biography of Andrew Benson

Andrew Benson has had a long and varied experience in the oil fields of both the East and West, and for a number of years had been established at Independence, from which city as headquarters he had operated extensively in the oil and gas districts of Southern Kansas and Oklahoma. Born March 5, 1864, in Warberg, Sweden, he was six years of age when his parents came to the United States in 1870 and settled in Jamestown, New York. He grew up there on a farm, received a fair amount of schooling, and in 1883, at the age of nineteen, … Read more

Biography of James Neild

JAMES NEILD – The Neild family came from the North of England. Thomas Neild, a native of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, a stone cutter by trade, now living in Jamestown, New York, was born on February 9, 1854, and came to America in 1882, locating first at Albion, New York, where he procured work in his trade. He later moved to HoVey, New York, and in 1893 came to Holyoke, Massachusetts, and entered the mill of the American Thread Company, working there for four years. After this he returned for a time to England, but later came back to America and … Read more

Caleb Todd of Clayton MI

Caleb Todd6, (Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 13, 1807, at Fairfield, N. Y., died March 25, 1856, at Clayton, Genesee County, Mich., married first, at Westfield, N. Y., by Elder Chapman, March 17, 1833, Lucretia Wood, who was born April 10, 1816, at Westfield, N. Y., died Oct. 5, 1840, at Chautauqua, N. Y. He married second, April 21, 1843, at Westfield, N. Y., also by Elder Chapman, Hannah A. Felt, who was born May 4, 1818, at Palmyra, N. Y., died Feb. 2, 1885, at Davison, Mich. Child by Lucretia Wood: *994. George Emmett, b. July 1, … Read more

Biography of Olney N. Morse

The subject of this sketch, who was one of the argonauts of 1849, was born in Westfield, Chautauqua county, New York, December 4, 1826, and is the son of William and Lydia Ford Morse. During his early years he resided on his father’s farm, and received his education at the common schools until the spring of 1849. In that year he organized a company with nine other young men to cross the plains to the gold fields of California. Being elected secretary and treasurer of the party, he was sent to St. Louis in advance, and purchased the outfit and … Read more

Biography of Captain Thomas Jonathan Jeffords

Captain Thomas Jonathan Jeffords was born in Chautauqua County, New York, in 1832. He laid out the road from Leavenworth, Kansas, to Denver, in 1858. In the fall of 1859 he came to Taos, New Mexico, and wintered in Taos. The following spring he went into the San Juan Mountains to prospect and mine. In 1862 he carried dispatches from Fort Thorn to General Carleton at Tucson. At that time, he was on the payroll of the United States Government as a scout, and piloted the advance companies of the California Column into New Mexico, to old Fort Thorn near … Read more

Biography of Major James M. Beardsley

The above named and beloved patriot was of that branch of the Beardsley family which trace their genealogy in America as far back as 1628. Major Beardsley was born October 30, 1833, at Ellington, Chautauqua County (near the reservation of the Six Nations), New York State; died at Rock Island, August 22, 1903. He came to his future home, this city, in the middle 50’s, while still in his teens, and, though young he was, his inordinate intellect, retentive mind and assiduity had enabled him to attain a thorough academic training. Being admitted to the bar, Mr. Beardsley soon won … Read more

Levi Goodsil Todd of Union NE

Levi Goodsil Todd7, (Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 22, 1830, in Stockton, N. Y., died Feb. 24, 1906, in Union, Neb., married Feb. 22, 1855, in Burlington, Iowa, Lydia Jones, who died Aug. 17, 1908. Mr. Todd too, went to Nebraska at the same time that his brothers did. He lived the rest of his life on or near the place where he first settled. He was once a candidate for Governor of Nebraska on the Greenback ticket. Children: *1703. Albina Philinda, b. Feb. 27, 1856. 1704. Elizabeth Matilda, b. March 28, 1858, d. Feb. 21, 1886, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Levant F. Thompson

HON. LEVANT F. THOMPSON. – There are but few lives of the pioneer settlers of the many communities upon the Pacific slope which illustrate in a greater degree than does that of the subject of this sketch the varied experiences of those who lay the bases of future commonwealths; the motives under-lying action; the vicissitudes which mold and alter resolution; and the patient waiting for the reward of following sagacious and far-seeing judgment in the adoption of location. Here is a man who was comparatively denied the education of the schools; who has assimilated practical knowledge as he struggles with … Read more

Biography of C.N. Bentley

C.N. Bentley, whose home is on section 21, Harlem township, is one of the venerable figures of the pioneer gatherings of Stephenson county. It indeed has few if any residents whose settlement antedates his own. He knows what it means to open up a new country to civilization, and he is now living in the peace and comfort that follows a long and useful career. Eldred Bentley, the grandfather of the subject of this article, was born in Rhode Island, but spent the greater part of his life in Rensselaer county, New York, and died in Chautauqua county of that … Read more

Elbridge Gerry Todd of Stockton NY

Elbridge Gerry Todd7, (Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born July 20, 1815, in Chautauqua, N. Y., died May 9, 1890, in Stockton, N. Y., married June 17, 1832, Sarah, daughter of Abel and Mary (Bourlsbey) Irwin, who was from Nunda, N. Y. He was a traveling salesman for the Risley Brothers, who were large growers of seeds. In 1863 he returned home from the south, where he had lost his health. He was a competent judge of timber land and water powers. Children: *1692. Helen Mae, b. June 14, 1840. 1693. Mary Electa, b. Sept. 17, 1847, in Mt. … Read more

Reservations of the Six Nations in New York and Pennsylvania, 1723-1890

Map of the Country of the Five Nations

The accompanying map was prepared in 1771 under the direction of William Tryon, captain general and governor in chief of the province of New York, and is as nearly suggestive of the then recognized boundary of the Six Nations as any that has had official sanction. In 1851 Lewis H. Morgan, assisted by Ely S. Parker, a Seneca chief; and afterward an efficient staff Officer of General Grant, and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, prepared a map for a volume entitled League of the Iroquois, which aimed to define the villages, trails, and boundaries of the Five Nations as they … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Vail

Isaac Vail, proprietor of livery, feed and sale stable, Charleston; was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Nov. 29, 1833; in 1839, his father removed with his family to Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and after residing there ten years, to Erie Co., Penn., thence the next year to Steuben Co., Ind., and, in 1851, to Coles Co.; his father located 800 acres of Government land in Hickory Tp., four miles north of Charleston, at a cost of $700. Three years later he removed to Livingston Co., where he is a prominent farmer. Mr. Vail left home in 1852, driving an … Read more

Frances DeEtta Todd Patterson of Westfield NY

PATTERSON, Frances DeEtta Todd9, (Zerah8, Lemuel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 4, 1838, in Toddsville, N. Y., married Sept. 17, 1861, George W., son of Hon. George W., and Hannah W. (Dichey) Patterson, who was born Feb. 25, 1826, in Lester, N. Y. He studied law in Buffalo, N. Y., for two years after he left college. In 1854 he moved to Corning, N. Y., where he was president of the George Washington Bank; was for many years, president of the Board of Education, and also president of the Board of Water Commissioners. In 1876 they moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Lang

Lang, George C.; furniture and undertaking business; born, Dunkirk, New York, Sept. 27, 1870; son of John A. and Theresa Fischer Lang; married Emma M. Stocker of Cleveland; lived on a farm until 21 years old; two years at the German-Wallace College; at 23, entered the coal and stone business, at Chicago Junction, Ohio; two years at Dunkirk, N. Y., in the ice and coal business; in 1897, went into the furniture and undertaking business in Cleveland, at Lorain Ave. and W. 95th St.; supt. of the German M. E. Sunday school; trustee of The German-Wallace College; member of the … Read more