Oregon Indian Reservations

A list of Oregon Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Reservation: Grande Ronde
Tribes: Kalapuya (Calapooya), Clackamas, Cow Creek (Nahankhuotana), Lakmiut, Mary’s River (Chepenafa), Molala (Molalla), Nestucca, Rogue River (Chasta), Santiam, Shasta (Chastacosta), Tumwater, Umpqua, Wapato, Yamhill (Yamel).
Established by: Treaties of Jan. 22, 1855 (x, 1143), and Dec. 21,1855 (xii, 982); Executive order, June 30, 1857. 440 acres were reserved for government use and 33,148 acres allotted to 269 Indians. Act of Apr. 28, 1904 (xxxiii, 567), amending and ratifying agreement of June 27, 1901.

Reservation: Klamath
Tribes: Klamath, Modoc, Paiute, Pit River (Achomawi), Walpape (Walpapi), and Yahuskin band of Snakes (Shoshoni).
Acres: 872,186
Established by: Treaty of Oct. 14, 1864 (xvi, 707). 177,719.62 acres were allotted to 1,174 Indians, and 6,094.77 acres reserved for agency, school, and church purposes. The residue, 872,186 acres, unallotted and unreserved. Act of May 27,1902 (xxxii, 260); Indian appropriation act approved Apr. 21, 1904 (xxxiii, 202); act of Mar. 3, 1905 (xxxiii, 1033). Lands now in process of allotment.

Reservation: Siletz
Tribes: Alsea, Coquille (Mishikhwutmetunne), Kusan, Kawasami, Rogue River (Chasta), Skoton, Shasta (Chastacosta), Saiustkea (Shinwauk?), Siuslaw, Tututni, Umpqua, and thirteen others.
Acres: 3,200
Established by: Unratified treaty of Aug. 11, 1855; Executive orders, Nov. 9, 1855, and Dec. 21, 1865; act of Mar. 3, 1875 (xviii, 446); agreement of Oct. 31, 1892, ratified by act of Aug. 15, 1894 (xxviii, 323). 47,716.34 acres were allotted to 551 Indians; the residue of 177,563.66 acres, except 5 sections, was ceded to United States (President’s proclamation of May 16, 1895, xxix, 866). Acts of May 31, 1900 (xxxi, 233), and Mar. 3, 1901 (xxxi, 1085).

Reservation: Umatilla
Tribes: Cayuse, Umatilla, Wallawalla
Acres: 79,820
Established by: Treaty of June 9, 1855 (xii, 945); act of Aug. 5, 1882 (xxii. 297); act of Mar. 3, 1885 (xxiii, 340); act of Oct. 17, 1888 (xxv, 559); orders of Secretary of the Interior, Dec. 4, 1888. 76,933.90 acres were allotted to 893 Indians and 980 acres reserved for school and mission purposes. Act of July 1, 1902 (xxxii, 730).

Reservation: Warm Springs
Tribes: Des Chutes (Tyich), John Day, Paiute, Tenino, Warm Springs (Tilknni), Wasco.
Acres: 322,108
Established by: Treaty of June 25, 1855 (xii. 963). 140,696.45 acres were allotted to 969 Indians, and 1,195 acres reserved for church, school, and agency purposes. The residue, 322,108 acres, unalloted and unreserved.


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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