Mishikhwutmetunne Tribe

Mishikhwutmetunne Indians (‘people who dwell on the stream called Mishi’). An Athapascan tribe formerly occupying villages on upper Coquille River, Oregon.  In 1861 they numbered 55 men, 75 women and 85 children 1. In 1884 the survivors were on Siletz Reservation.  Dorsey 2 int hat year obtained the following list of their villages (which he calls gentes) as they formerly existed on Coquille River form the Kusan country to the head of the stream, although not necessarily at one period: Chockrelatan, Chuntshataatunne, duldulthawaiame, Enitunne, Ilsethlthawaiame, Katomemetunne, Khinukhtunne, Khweshtunne, Kimestunne, Kthukhwestunne, Kthunataachutunne, Meshtshe, Makhituntunne, Nakhochatunne, Natarghiliitunne, Natsushltatunne, Nilestunne, Rghoyinestunne, Sathlrekhtun, Sekhushtuntunne, Sunsunnestunne, Sushltakhotthatunne, Thlkwantiyatunne, Thluchikhwutmetunne, Timethltunne, Tkhlunkhastunne, Tsatarghekhetunne, Tthinatlitunne, Tulwutmetunne, Tuskhustunne and Tustatukhuushi.


  1. Indian Affairs Reports, 162, 1861[↩]
  2. Dorsey, Jour. Am. Folk-lore, iii, 232, 1890[↩]

Siletz Reservation,

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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