Tuscarora Reservation Map and Occupants, 1890

Tuscarora Reservation Map, 1890

The Tuscarora Reservation, in Niagara County, New York, is formed from 3 adjoining tracts successively acquired, as indicated on the map. Their early antecedents as kinsmen of the Iroquois, their wanderings westward to the Mississippi, and their final lodgment at the head waters of the rivers Neuse and Tar, in North Carolina, are too much enveloped in tradition to be formulated as history, but courageous, self-supporting, and independent, after long residence upon lands owned by them in that colony, they first came into collision with white people, then with other tribes of that section, until finally, overpowered by numbers, they … Read more

Washington Indian Reservations

A list of Washington Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Wisconsin Indian Reservations

A list of Wisconsin Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Oklahoma Indian Reservations

A list of Oklahoma Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Oregon Indian Reservations

A list of Oregon Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Indian Reservation History

Provides a brief history of Indian Reservations in the United States and how they came from a natural result of land cessions.

North Dakota Indian Reservations

A list of North Dakota Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Nebraska Indian Reservations

A list of Nebraska Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

New Mexico Indian Reservations

A list of New Mexico Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

New York Indian Reservations

A list of New York Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Idaho Indian Reservations

A list of Idaho Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

American Indian Reservations

A list of Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Utah and Wymoning Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Kansas Indian Reservations

A list of Kansas Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Minnesota Indian Reservations

A list of Minnesota Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Arizona Indian Reservations

A list of Arizona Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

California Indian Reservations

A list of California Indian reservations showing the Indian tribes the land was set aside for, the amount of acres if known, and the acts, treaties, and executive orders used to establish the reservation.

Chronology of Plains Tribes Culture

So Far we have sought to sketch the outline for a mental picture of what Plains Indian life was like a half century ago. We have given no consideration to what it was before the discovery of the New World, how these people worked out their food problems, whence they came, the ideas that led to their most characteristic inventions; in short, the course of their culture history. The data for a history of any culture come from three sources, direct observation of the living people, written records, and archaeological remains. So far we have depended almost entirely upon observations … Read more

Indian Reservations 1908

Schedule showing each Federal Indian Reservation in 1908, under what agency or School, Tribes occupying or belonging to it, area not allotted or specially reserved, and authority for its establishment. (Compiled by the Office of Indian Affairs) Reservation History Current Federally Recognized Indian Tribes by State Arizona Indian Reservations California Indian Reservations Colorado Indian Reservations Idaho Indian Reservations Iowa Indian Reservations Kansas Indian Reservations Michigan Indian Reservations Minnesota Indian Reservations Montana Indian Reservations Nebraska Indian Reservations Nevada Indian Reservations New Mexico Indian Reservations New York Indian Reservations North Carolina Indian Reservations North Dakota Indian Reservations Oklahoma Indian Reservations Oregon Indian Reservations South Dakota Indian Reservations … Read more