Clackamas Indians

Clackamas Indians. From their own name, Guithla’kimas, significance unknown. Also spelled Tltkimish, and called:

  • A’kimmash, by the Atfalati Kalapuya.
  • Gita’q!emas, by the Clatsop.
  • Nsekau’s or Ns tiwat, by the Nestucca.
  • Tu’hu tane, by the Umpqua.

Clackamas Connections.-The Clackamas belonged to the Chinookan linguistic stock and to a dialectical division to which they have given their name.

Clackamas Location.-On Clackamas River, claiming the country on the east side of Willamette River from a few miles above its mouth nearly to Oregon City and east as far as the Cascade Mountains. (See also Washington.)

Clackamas Population. Mooney (1928) estimates that the Clackamas numbered 2,500 in 1780. In 1806 Lewis and Clark set down their probable number as 1,800. In 1851 there were 88; the 1910 census returned 40; and United States Office of Indian Affairs in 1937, 81. The census of 1930 reported a total of 561 Indians in the Chinookan stock.

Connection in which the Clackamas Indians have become noted. The name Clackamas is perpetuated by a river, a county, and a town in Oregon.

Chinookan, Clackamas,

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