Biographical Sketch of John Corydon Hutchins

Hutchins, John Corydon; lawyer; born, Warren, O., May 8, 1840; son of John Hutchins; mother’s maiden name Andrews; educated, Warren public schools, Oberlin College and Albany Law School; married, Ravenna, O., Dec. 28, 1861, Jane M. Campbell; issue, five children, two daughters and three sons; 1st lieut. 2nd Ohio Cavalry in Civil War; came to Cleveland to live in 1868, and from that time on has lived an active professional business and official life; member of School Board, 1873; prosecuting attorney, 1871-1880; Judge of Police Court from 1883 to 1887; member of Public Library Board thirteen years, and pres. eight years; Common Pleas Judge, 1892 to 1895; Post Master from 1895 to 1899; first class member Military Order of Loyal Legion; at different times member of the Union and Euclid Clubs.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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