Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Olds

Olds, Charles H.; lawyer; born, Jefferson, O., Nov. 4, 1865; son of Rev. Abner D. and Adeliza Hawley Olds; educated, Oberlin College, Classical Course, 1890, degree of A. B.; married, Elgin, Ill., June 29, 1893, Eugenia Kincaid; one daughter, Florence E. Olds; was first asst. prosecuting atty. of Cuyahoga county from January 1909 to 1913; member Council of Glenville (now a part of Cleveland). 1897-1899; admitted to practice law in 1892; incorporated and represent many large companies; member Masonic, and Knights of Pythias Orders; member Tippecanoe and Western Reserve Clubs; also Colonial Club, being sec’y and director of the latter. … Read more

Biography of Walter Judson Entrikin

After sixty-two years of experience of the most varied nature, Walter Judson Entrikin, prominent attorney, died August 3, 1908, at his residence in Moline, at 316 Sixteenth Street. Unlike many of the older settlers in this county, Attorney Entrikin was born on American soil and spent his entire life in the United States of America – in the great middle west. Born on February 8, 1846, he spent his early youth in Salem Township, Columbiana County, Ohio, but later choose to roam farther vest. After many years of work in various capacities in Rock Island County, Mr. Entrikin became city … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Hadden

Hadden, Alexander; lawyer and jurist; born, Wheeling, W. Va., July 2, 1850; son of Alexander and Mary Welch Hadden; graduate of Oberlin College, A. B., class of ’73; married Frances Mary Hawthorne, July 17, 1883, Coshocton, O.; two children, Alice and John A.; assistant prosecuting attorney, 1882-1885; prosecuting attorney 1885-1901; probate judge since 1905; member of law firm of Goulder & Hadden, 1880-1882; Hadden & Parks, 1891-1902; Hadden, Parks & Griswold, 1902-1903; Wilcox, Collister, Hadden & Parks, 1903-1904; Collister, Hadden & Griswold, 1904-1905; professor of criminal law, Western Reserve University, since 1894; trustee, Cleveland Humane Society; member University Club, Chamber … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Clark Ford

Ford, Horatio Clark; lawyer, banker; born, Cleveland, O., Aug. 25, 1853; son of Horatio Cyrus and Martha Cozad Ford; Oberlin College, 1870-1872; B. S., University of Michigan, 1875; married, Ida M. Throp, of Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1877; in law practice, Cleveland, since 1878; senior member Ford, Snyder & Tilden; also pres. Garfield Savings Bank since 1892; pres. Williamson Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co. Wheeling Traction Co., Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co.; member City Council, 1879-1885 (part of the time vice pres.), trustee Oberlin College; vice pres. Congregational Building Society; director Congregational Board Ministerial Relief; member Zeta Psi, Union Club.

Biography of John S. Dean

John S. Dean, of Topeka, has been a Kansas lawyer for over thirty years, was for five years United States district attorney and by the force of his ability and his acknowledged service in many capacities is undoubtedly one of the foremost living lawyers of the state. His birth occurred in Seneca County, Ohio, November 11, 1861, and he is a son of William O. and Harriet J. (Curtiss) Dean. Mr. Dean was well educated, having attended college at Oberlin and determined upon the law as a profession when quite young. He became a student in the office of Judge … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles F. Morgan

Morgan, Charles F.; lawyer; born, Oberlin, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1851; son of John and Elizabeth Leonard Morgan; graduated from Oberlin College, in 1872, degrees A. B. and A. M.; married, Cleveland, July 12, 1883, Mary Betheah Roach; two sons, Whittier Roach, and Gilbert Eugene; counselor and trial lawyer in all kinds of law; equity and patent cases. Recreations: Mechanical Constructions, care of his Home, Automobile Riding, Elocution, and his business itself; is a professing Christian, a strong believer in the Bible, hates infidelity and everything else that is profane and degrading, and believes that no man is happier than he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Danforth Nutting

Nutting, John Danforth; clergyman; born at Randolph, Vt., March 8, 1854; son of Rufus and Sarah H. Nutting; A. B., Wheaton (III.) College, 1878, A. M., 1881; graduate, Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1885; married, Nannie Keith Miller, of Oberlin (class 1883), June 23, 1885 (died, 1886); 2d, Lillis R. Morley, of Mentor, O., (Ohio, 1887), Jan. 1, 1890; ordained ministry in. Congregational Church, 1885; pastor, Wauseon, O., 1885-1888; Newport, Ky., 1888-1890; St. Louis, 1890-1892; Salt Lake City, 1892-1898; sec’y Utah Gospel Mission for special work in behalf of the Mormon people and against the Mormon system, since 1898; writer and lecturer … Read more

Millard I. Todd of Wakeman OH

Millard I. Todd8, (Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 29, 1847, in Wakeman, O., married in 1876, Anna E. Washburn. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1873, taught school for several terms, was a lecturer on the farmer’s institute force of Ohio. He owns and operates a farm in Wakeman, O. Children: *1885. Sumner E. 1886. Louis U.; graduated from Wakeman, High School, also from Oberlin College; taught four years in Graded schools and Yankton College; then he qualified himself for his chosen profession by taking a course in law at the Harvard Law School, from which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John G. W. Cowles

Cowles, John G. W.; financier; born, Oberlin, O., March 14, 1836; son of Rev. Henry and Alice Welch Cowles; educated in public and preparatory schools of Oberlin; entered Oberlin College, graduating in 1856; studied for the ministry, earning money for education by teaching; graduated from the Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1859; married, in 1859, to Lois M. Church, of Vertmontville, Mich.; issue, two daughters, living, and two sons, deceased; second marriage, to Miss Beatrice Walker, of Brantford, Conn.; issue, one daughter, Jeanette, born in 1905; preached in the Congregational Church of Bellevue from 1859 to 1861; joined the army then; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Irving L. Daniels

Daniels, Irving L.; civil engineer; born, Oberlin, O., June 26, 1877; son of Theodore F. and Julia H. Lewis Daniels; educated public and high school, Lorain, O., Berea College, Berea, Ky., and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Cleveland, O., Della E. Holmden; two sons, 9 and 3 years of age; member Sons of Veterans, Lookout Camp, No. 466, and Cleveland Commandery, Uniform Rank Sons of Veterans; member the Old Stone Church (1st Presbyterian); member the Cleveland Chamber of Industry; for five years in Engineering Dept., L. S. & M. S. R. R., in the Toledo Division; on county work for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hudson E. Willard

Willard, Hudson E.; coal business; born, Cleveland, Oct. 18, 1860; son of Elliott Sherrill and Ruth Hudson Willard; educated, Cleveland schools, Brooks Military Academy, and Oberlin College; married, New Philadelphia, July 11, 1890, Edith Smith; issue, three children; business career, William Bingham & Co., wholesale hardware, six years; organized The New Philadelphia Pipe Works Co., manufactures cast iron pipe; A. C. Saunders & Co., coal and iron ore; organized with A. R. Rhodes and M. A. Bradley, The United States Coal Co., and kindred organizations and corporations; sec’y, gen. mgr. and director The United States Coal Co.; member Clifton, Tennis, … Read more

Biography of Augustus G. Upton, A. M., D. D.

Although Dr. Upton has been a resident of Weiser for little more than three years he has been so closely and prominently connected with the educational and moral interests of the town during that time that no history of the community would be complete without the record of his career. It is a widely acknowledged fact that the most important work to which man can direct his energies is that of teaching, whether it be from the pulpit, from the lecture platform or from the schoolroom. Its primary object is ever the same, the development of one’s latent powers that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of La Zell Tanney

Tanney, La Zell; attorney; born, West View, O., Oct. 8, 1862; son of LaCortes and Abbie E. Brooks Tanney; educated, Baldwin University, Berea, O., Oberlin College, Oberlin, O., graduated in law from Valparaiso, Ind.; with degree of LL. B.; married, Decatur, Ind., June 6, 1888, Cora Tricker; issue, one son, Leigh T. Tanney born Aug. 6, 1891; Cora Tricker Tanney died June 17, 1892; married, Lake Helen, Fla., May 6, 1894, Violetta Giddings; issue, one daughter, Florence M. Tanney, born Dec. 10, 1901, and died June 15, 1911; Violetta Giddings Tanney died in July, 1906; began the practice of law … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul Howland

Howland, Paul; congressman; born, Jefferson, O., Dec. 5, 1865; son of W. P. and Esther Elizabeth Leonard Howland; A. B., Oberlin College, 1887, A. M., 1894; LL. B., Harvard, 1890; married, Jessie F. Pruden, of Burghill, O., Jan. 18, 1905; practiced at Jefferson, 1890-1894; at Cleveland, since 1894; senior member law firm of Howland, Moffet & Niman; member 60th, 61st, and 62d Congresses (1907-1913), 20th Ohio Dist.; Republican; 2d lieut., 1st Ohio Cav. in Spanish-American War.

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Peter Allen

Allen, Dudley Peter; surgeon; born, Kinsman, O., Mar. 25, 1852; son of Dudley and Janette (Frame) Allen; A. B., Oberlin, 1875, A. M., 1883; M. D., Harvard, 1880; (LL. D., Oberlin, 1908); married, Elizabeth S. Severance of Cleveland, Aug. 4, 1892; prof. principles and practice of surgery from 1893; now ’emeritus prof. surgery, Western Reserve U.; trustee Oberlin Coll., 1898-; Mem. Am. Surg. Ass’n (pres. 1906-7); Ohio State Med. Soc. (ex-pres.), etc.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cooper Blake

Blake, Samuel Cooper; attorney-at-law; born, Euclid, O., Dec. 29, 1855; son of John M. and Harriet L. Cooper Blake; educated, public schools, Shaw Academy, preparatory dept. Oberlin College, and private school, law dept. University of Michigan, LL. B.; married, Euclid, O., June, 1889, Mary A. Camp; two children, Anna H. and Allan B. Blake; clerk of Euclid School Board for two terms, and township clerk two terms; taught in the Euclid schools for two years, admitted to the Ohio Bar, at Columbus, in 1883; practised in Cleveland since admission to the Bar; director and member financial committee, The Garfield Savings … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Thomas Corlett

Corlett, William Thomas; physician; born Orange, O., April 15, 1854; son of William and Ann Avery Corlett; educated, Oberlin College, 1870-1873; M. D., Wooster University, 1877; student and asst. London Hospital, 1879-1881; Hospital St. Louis, Paris, winter 1881; diploma Royal College Physicians, London 1881; later studied in Vienna, Berlin and Breslau; married at Rheinpfalz, Germany, Amanda Marie Leisy, of Cleveland; June 26, 1895; prof. diseases of the skin and genito-urinary diseases, Wooster University, 1883-1885; prof. dermatology and syphilograph, Western Reserve University, since 1885; fellow Royal Society Medicine (Great Britain); member 11th International Medical Congress, Rome, 1894; American Public Health Ass’n, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Muckley

Muckley, Henry C.; asst. supt. of instruction, Cleveland Public Schools; born, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Sept. 28, 1850; educated, public schools and Oberlin College, degree of A. M., from Hiram College, 1896; taught school in Tuscarawas and Stark Counties, until 1872; then in the village schools of Mt. Union for one year; moved to Youngstown, and was principal of the grammar schools until 1884; then in Rayen High School one year; came to Cleveland in 1885 and taught physics in Central High School eight years; in 1893, appointed supervisor of the Cleveland Schools; appointed second asst. supt. of schools in 1901; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Baldwin Wick

Wick, Dudley Baldwin; vice pres. Wick Investment.; born, Youngstown, O., Oct. 3, 1846; son of Henry and Mary S. Hine Wick; attended public school and Oberlin College; married, Painesville, O., July 28, 1875, Miss Emma Steele; issue, three children; Helen, now Mrs. Charles Dukelow of Boston, Warren Corning and Dudley B. Jr., deceased; business career; became associated with my father in the banking business; sold interests in the City Trust Co., and devoted time to private interests; one of the organizers of The North Electric Co.; served as vice pres. till 1907; still a director; officer and director in many … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Lawrence Pierce

Pierce, Stephen Lawrence; manufacturer shoes; born, Birmingham, O., Nov. 4, 1855; son of Bennett and Clarry Pierce; educated, Oberlin College; married, Cleveland, May 10, 1882, Kittie J. Hawkint, many years with the old firm of Childs, Groff & Co., shoe jobbers; in 1884, started to manufacture shoes and has continued in same line until the present time; has a large trade in most of the states of the Union; head of S. L. Pierce & Co.; director First National Bank, Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Clifton Land & Improvement Co.; member Chamber of Commerce; served one year as treas. of … Read more