Caroline C. Todd Cunningham of Elyria OH

CUNNINGHAM, Caroline C. Todd7, (Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 2, 1824, in Martins-burgh, N. Y., died Sept. 3, 1907, married Sept. 18, 1850, Myron H. Cunningham, who was born Sept. 20, 1823, in Lancaster, Erie County, N. Y., he is now (1912) living in Elyria, Ohio. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sept. 18, 1900. They lived on a farm most of their lives. He is still (1912) very active for a person of his age, being in his ninetieth year. Children: I. Frank I., b. Aug. 4, 1851, m. Nov. 13, 1873, Louise Rutson, they had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis J. Peck

Peck, Francis J.; engineer; born, West Farmington, O., Sept. 7, 1866; son of Dr. Allen Francis and Cordelia A. Fuller Peck; educated, public schools, Cleveland and Warren, O., Hudson Academy, Hudson, O., University of Michigan, Ph. C., B. S., E. M.; married, Elyria, O., Nov. 20, 1901, Caroline Margaret Cramer; one daughter, Helen Dorothy Peck; city chemist, Cleveland; chief engineer and mngr. Francis J. Peck & Co.; mining, chemical and mechanical engineers; director The Universal Community Mausoleum Co., and the Standard Reduction Co.; member American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The National Geographical Society; member Elks, B. P. … Read more

Millard I. Todd of Wakeman OH

Millard I. Todd8, (Isaac7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 29, 1847, in Wakeman, O., married in 1876, Anna E. Washburn. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1873, taught school for several terms, was a lecturer on the farmer’s institute force of Ohio. He owns and operates a farm in Wakeman, O. Children: *1885. Sumner E. 1886. Louis U.; graduated from Wakeman, High School, also from Oberlin College; taught four years in Graded schools and Yankton College; then he qualified himself for his chosen profession by taking a course in law at the Harvard Law School, from which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Ernest Borton

Borton, Thomas Ernest; broker; born, Plymouth, Ind., Dec. 14, 1868; son of Dr. Amos 0. and Mary Cooper Borton; educated, high school; graduated in 1887; went to Wabash College, graduating in 1893; married, Elyria, O., Miss Elizabeth Lewis; issue, three children, Marion Frances, Jean Lewis and Robert Ernest; entered the employ of the American Steel & Wire Co.; worked for Dime Savings and Trust Co.; then became sec’y of the Reserve Trust Co.; then sec’y and treas. of the Prudential Trust Co.; resigned and went to California; after two years there returned to Cleveland as asst. cashier of the Cleveland … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Corydon Hutchins

Hutchins, John Corydon; lawyer; born, Warren, O., May 8, 1840; son of John Hutchins; mother’s maiden name Andrews; educated, Warren public schools, Oberlin College and Albany Law School; married, Ravenna, O., Dec. 28, 1861, Jane M. Campbell; issue, five children, two daughters and three sons; 1st lieut. 2nd Ohio Cavalry in Civil War; came to Cleveland to live in 1868, and from that time on has lived an active professional business and official life; member of School Board, 1873; prosecuting attorney, 1871-1880; Judge of Police Court from 1883 to 1887; member of Public Library Board thirteen years, and pres. eight … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Baldwin Wick

Wick, Dudley Baldwin; vice pres. Wick Investment.; born, Youngstown, O., Oct. 3, 1846; son of Henry and Mary S. Hine Wick; attended public school and Oberlin College; married, Painesville, O., July 28, 1875, Miss Emma Steele; issue, three children; Helen, now Mrs. Charles Dukelow of Boston, Warren Corning and Dudley B. Jr., deceased; business career; became associated with my father in the banking business; sold interests in the City Trust Co., and devoted time to private interests; one of the organizers of The North Electric Co.; served as vice pres. till 1907; still a director; officer and director in many … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Lawrence Pierce

Pierce, Stephen Lawrence; manufacturer shoes; born, Birmingham, O., Nov. 4, 1855; son of Bennett and Clarry Pierce; educated, Oberlin College; married, Cleveland, May 10, 1882, Kittie J. Hawkint, many years with the old firm of Childs, Groff & Co., shoe jobbers; in 1884, started to manufacture shoes and has continued in same line until the present time; has a large trade in most of the states of the Union; head of S. L. Pierce & Co.; director First National Bank, Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Clifton Land & Improvement Co.; member Chamber of Commerce; served one year as treas. of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George A. Bingham

Bingham, George A.; real estate and insurance; born, Eaton, Lorain County, O., Nov. 24, 1872; educated, district and Elyria public schools, and Cleveland Spencerian Business College; came to Cleveland in 1888, as a clerk in Fries & Schuele Dry Goods Store; in 1890, started in the grocery and meat business for himself; engaged in that business for 20 years; manufacturer and inventor of “The Tru-Kut Cutter,” for lard and butter; in 1904, became identified in the real estate business with his father, under the firm name of A. L. Bingham & Son, located in The Arcade; since the death of … Read more

Frank Edward Todd of Elyria OH

Frank Edward Todd9, (Lorenzo R.8, Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Elyria, O., Sept. 17, 1895, married Feb. 13, 1920, Loraine Norris, who was born April 26, 1895, a graduate of the Ohio State University. He is a graduate of the Elyria High School, class of 1914, also of the Ohio State University, class of 1920, receiving A. B. S. degree. He enlisted in the World War at Philadelphia, Pa. in the Jefferson Medical Unit 38, July 1917. Served in France as Entomologist of the Unit, from July 4, 1918 to May 1919. Received an honorable … Read more

Lorenzo D. Todd of Elyria OH

Lorenzo D. Todd7, (Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 29, 1820, in Lowville, N. Y., died April 8, 1895, in Elyria, Ohio, where he was buried, married, Nov. 9, 1845, in Watertown, N. Y., by Rev. Isaac Brayton, Harriet S. daughter of David W. Mills, who was born Sept. 13, 1826, in Watertown, N. Y., died May 25, 1900, in Elyria, Ohio, where she too was buried. Mr. Todd was a shoemaker by trade and worked at the business most of the time, though farming at intervals. He and family moved to Elyria, Ohio, about 1850, and lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Arthur Loughry

Loughry, James Arthur; dentist; born, Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 30, 1881; son of Clark Hawkins and Emma Louise Cooper Loughry; educated, Elyria, O., public school, and graduate of High School, 1899; Ohio State University dental education; received degree of D. D. S., 1904; married, Marion, Ind., Dec. 25, 1906, Edith Johnson; one son, James Richard Loughry; member National Dental Ass’n, Ohio State Dental Society, Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n, and Cleveland Dental Society; member Psi Omega Dental Fraternity, and Euclid Club.

Biography of William Elliott Barnhart

William Elliott Barnhart, who has lived in Kansas City, Kansas, since 1887, has held many large responsibilities in connection with transportation lines, both urban and general railway companies, and has also regulated his private affairs so as to give time for much public service to his home city. His personal career has been one of many interesting experiences and achievements and his ancestry is also an appropriate matter of record. Mr. Barnhart was born at Cedar Valley in Wayne County, Ohio, December 8, 1857, a son of Frederick William and Clarisas (Gooding) Barnhart. The paternal ancestry goes back to his … Read more

Arthur Russell Todd of Elyria OH

Arthur Russell Todd9, (Lorenzo R.8, Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Elyria, O., Jan. 18, 1894, graduated from the Elyria High School, June, 1913. He enlisted in the World War, Oct. 1917. Left for Camp Pike, Ark. Nov. 11, 1917, where he attained the rank of Sergeant. In June 1918 he was transferred to Camp Zachary Taylor, where he remained until the Armistice was signed, acquiring the rank of Sergeant Major. He received an honorable discharge, Dec. 31, 1918.

Biography of Peter John Wagner

Peter John Wagner has been for many years identified with the farming enterprise of Ogden Township, and still lives in a home and on a farm that are evidence of his hard work and intelligent care. This attractive rural home is in section 18 of Ogden Township, conveniently situated by the interurban road. Mr. Wagner was born at Brownhelm in Lorain County, Ohio, a son of Berkhardt and Catherine (Hahn) Wagner. His parents were both natives of Germany. Berkhardt came to this country when twenty-seven years of age. His wife was a year and a half old when her parents … Read more

Charles Orville Todd of Cleveland OH

Charles Orville Todd9, (Marvin M.8, Lorenzo D.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 23, 1887, in Elyria, O., married in May 1908, Emily Yeager, of Cleveland, O. He passed his boyhood days in Elyria, O., where he passed through the grammar grades at school, and then took a course in the Elyria Business College. He has been very suceessful since he entered the business world. In 1912, he was living at 7113 Linwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Children: 2743. Marie Elouise, b. June 29, 1909. 2743a. Bruce Orville, b. Jan. 19, 1917.

Helen Elizabeth Todd Ballinger of Elyria OH

BALLINGER, Helen Elizabeth Todd9, (Lorenzo R.8, Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born in Elyria, O., Aug. 27, 1899, graduated from the Elyria High School, class of 1917, married July 13, 1919, Walter J. Ballinger, of Chicago, Ill., who was born July 19, 1896.

Biographical Sketch of John G. W. Cowles

Cowles, John G. W.; financier; born, Oberlin, O., March 14, 1836; son of Rev. Henry and Alice Welch Cowles; educated in public and preparatory schools of Oberlin; entered Oberlin College, graduating in 1856; studied for the ministry, earning money for education by teaching; graduated from the Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1859; married, in 1859, to Lois M. Church, of Vertmontville, Mich.; issue, two daughters, living, and two sons, deceased; second marriage, to Miss Beatrice Walker, of Brantford, Conn.; issue, one daughter, Jeanette, born in 1905; preached in the Congregational Church of Bellevue from 1859 to 1861; joined the army then; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Finney Donaldson

Donaldson, Albert Finney; real estate dealer; born, Charlestown, O., Aug. 17, 1889; son of Levi Judson and Margaret Frew Donaldson; early education in the district schools of Florida and Georgia, later attending Oberlin College at Oberlin, O., took gold medal as 1st prize for original oration in Oberlin, 1910; spent about two years traveling for Frontier Press Co. of Buffalo, N. Y., doing general agency work; went to the Northwest, and engaged in the real estate business in Vancouver, B. C.; returned to Cleveland, and established the firm of Heintz & Donaldson, specializing in the sale of East End property; … Read more

Lorenzo Russell Todd of Elyria OH

Lorenzo Russell Todd8, (Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 20, 1869, in Elyria, Ohio, married June 1, 1892, Nellie M., daughter of Charles B. Spring, in Elyria, Ohio, and where they also lived. He is a railway mail clerk. Children: *2263. Arthur Russell, b. Jan. 18, 1894. *2264. Frank Edward, b. Sept. 17, 1895. *2265. Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug. 27, 1899. 2266. Lorena Doris, b. July 1, 1903. 2266a. Lorenzo Spring, b. Nov. 22, 1911.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cooper Blake

Blake, Samuel Cooper; attorney-at-law; born, Euclid, O., Dec. 29, 1855; son of John M. and Harriet L. Cooper Blake; educated, public schools, Shaw Academy, preparatory dept. Oberlin College, and private school, law dept. University of Michigan, LL. B.; married, Euclid, O., June, 1889, Mary A. Camp; two children, Anna H. and Allan B. Blake; clerk of Euclid School Board for two terms, and township clerk two terms; taught in the Euclid schools for two years, admitted to the Ohio Bar, at Columbus, in 1883; practised in Cleveland since admission to the Bar; director and member financial committee, The Garfield Savings … Read more