Biographical Sketch of Irving L. Daniels

Daniels, Irving L.; civil engineer; born, Oberlin, O., June 26, 1877; son of Theodore F. and Julia H. Lewis Daniels; educated public and high school, Lorain, O., Berea College, Berea, Ky., and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Cleveland, O., Della E. Holmden; two sons, 9 and 3 years of age; member Sons of Veterans, Lookout Camp, No. 466, and Cleveland Commandery, Uniform Rank Sons of Veterans; member the Old Stone Church (1st Presbyterian); member the Cleveland Chamber of Industry; for five years in Engineering Dept., L. S. & M. S. R. R., in the Toledo Division; on county work for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dan Freeman Bradley

Bradley, Dan Freeman; clergyman; born, Bangkok, Siam, March 17, 1857; son of Dan Beach and Sarah (Blachly) Bradley; educated, Oberlin College, 1882, Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1885, Oberlin Honorary Degree Doctor of Divinity, 1909; same degree, Cornell College, 1904; married, Oberlin, O., July 9, 1883, Lillian Jaques; three sons, Dwight J., Robert G., and Theodore Bradley; pastor Steubenville Ohio, Congregational Church, 1885-1887; Yankton, S. D., 1887-1892; Grand Rapids, Mich., 1892-1902; pres. Iowa College, Grinnel, Ia., 1902-1905; pastor Pilgrim Church, Cleveland, 1905 to date; has gymnasium, branch of public library cooking school and mothers club; has been instrumental in the organization of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Shadrack Reed

Reed, Charles Shadrack; lawyer; born, North Fairfield, O., Sept. 17, 1862; son of David H. and Caroline Long Reed; attended school at Oberlin College, and Delaware; Law Course at University of Michigan; married, Fredonia, Kas., Nov. 16, 1887, Nellie B. Baughman; issue, three sons and two daughters; prosecuting attorney of Wilson County, Kas., three terms; judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1st Sub-division of 4th Judicial District of Ohio, from September 1899, to September, 1911; elected three times; served twice under appointment of Gov. Bushnell; from law school went West to Fredonia, Kas., practiced law there until 1897; moved … Read more

Biography of Major Harry Sturgeon Crossen, M.D.

Major Harry Sturgeon Crossen, whose military title was won by active service in the World war and who is recognized as an eminent gynecologist of St. Louis, while his contributions to medical literature are rated as of high worth, was born in Appanoose county, Iowa, February 2, 1869. His father, the late James Crossen, was of Irish descent, the family, however, being founded in America at an early day. James Crossen devoted his life to merchandising and passed away in 1874. He married Affinity Sturgeon, who was of English lineage, although the family has long been represented on this side … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George H. Worthington

Worthington, George H.; merchant; born, Toronto, Can., Feb. 13, 1850; son of John and Mary Wellborn Worthington; public school and business college education; married, Mount Vernon, O., in February, 1878, Mrs. Hannah L. Weaver; worked in a wholesale grocery store in Canada for three years; came to United States to take charge of his fathers interests as contractor in building the Southern Central R. R., in New York State; then went to Brownhelm, O., and worked for his father and brother in operating a stone quarry; in 1873, admitted to the firm which later became the Cleveland Stone Co.; became … Read more

Frank Leonard Todd of Elyria OH

Frank Leonard Todd8 , (Russell W.7, Marvin6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 8, 1873, in Elyria, Ohio, married Nov., 1898, Minnie, daughter of Garrett Reublin, of Elyria, Ohio, who was born May 28, 1877. After having arrived at young manhood, Mr. Todd decided to take up mechanical engineering. Accordingly, he studied persistently after having done his days work and persevered until he finished the course. He is now working at his chosen trade. Child: 2267. Florence, b. Nov. 22, 1899. Graduated from Elyria High School 1919.

Biographical Sketch of Frank B. Carpenter

Carpenter, Frank B.; atty. and general counsel The N. Y., C.& St. L. R. R. Co.; born, Oberlin, O., July 17, 1866; son of John D. and Charity G. Lester Carpenter; educated, Oberlin College, A. B., 1888, and Columbia Law School; married, Morrison, Ill., June 3, 1890, Edna Woods; one daughter, Florence, and two sons, John and Edward; 1901 to 1912, assistant general counsel for The N. Y., C. & St. L. Ry. Co.; in 1912, appointed general counsel for the same road; administrator and trustee of the estate of W. J. Gordon, since 1903, succeeding Hon. Samuel E. Williamson, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred Burns Smythe

Smythe, Alfred Burns; banking and real estate; born, Nevada, O., Aug. 4, 1874; son of Marcus and Mary Burns Smythe; educated, common schools and Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Oil City, Pa., Nov. 13, 1902, Catherine Loomis; issue, two sons, mgr. Real Estate Dept. of The Cleveland Trust Co.; pres. The Land Security Co., The Loop Realty Co., The Seneca Security Co.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cooper Blake

Blake, Samuel Cooper; attorney-at-law; born, Euclid, O., Dec. 29, 1855; son of John M. and Harriet L. Cooper Blake; educated, public schools, Shaw Academy, preparatory dept. Oberlin College, and private school, law dept. University of Michigan, LL. B.; married, Euclid, O., June, 1889, Mary A. Camp; two children, Anna H. and Allan B. Blake; clerk of Euclid School Board for two terms, and township clerk two terms; taught in the Euclid schools for two years, admitted to the Ohio Bar, at Columbus, in 1883; practised in Cleveland since admission to the Bar; director and member financial committee, The Garfield Savings … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Lawrence Pierce

Pierce, Stephen Lawrence; manufacturer shoes; born, Birmingham, O., Nov. 4, 1855; son of Bennett and Clarry Pierce; educated, Oberlin College; married, Cleveland, May 10, 1882, Kittie J. Hawkint, many years with the old firm of Childs, Groff & Co., shoe jobbers; in 1884, started to manufacture shoes and has continued in same line until the present time; has a large trade in most of the states of the Union; head of S. L. Pierce & Co.; director First National Bank, Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Clifton Land & Improvement Co.; member Chamber of Commerce; served one year as treas. of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Clark Ford

Ford, Horatio Clark; lawyer, banker; born, Cleveland, O., Aug. 25, 1853; son of Horatio Cyrus and Martha Cozad Ford; Oberlin College, 1870-1872; B. S., University of Michigan, 1875; married, Ida M. Throp, of Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1877; in law practice, Cleveland, since 1878; senior member Ford, Snyder & Tilden; also pres. Garfield Savings Bank since 1892; pres. Williamson Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co. Wheeling Traction Co., Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co.; member City Council, 1879-1885 (part of the time vice pres.), trustee Oberlin College; vice pres. Congregational Building Society; director Congregational Board Ministerial Relief; member Zeta Psi, Union Club.

Biography of Capt. George W. Moore

Among the many prominent eastern families who at an early day migrated westward with a view to bettering their fortunes was the Moore family, an honored and respected member of whom, now residing in Stone County, is the subject of this sketch. His father, James M. Moore, was born in North Carolina May 13, 1811, and when about five years of age moved with his parents to Tennessee; where they remained until 1829. There James M. grew to mature years and married Miss Rachel W. Patton, a native of Tennessee, born in 1817, and the daughter of John and Sarah … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Wallace

Charles H. Wallace. Among the ambitious young men who came to Champaign County some forty years ago with the intention of making it his future home and has proved his foresight and good judgment in making his selection was Charles H. Wallace, who needs little introduction to the people of Homer, which has always been his place of residence. His present position in the financial field places him among the capitalists of the state, his large possessions make him one of the great landowners. Mr. Wallace is a graduate of the agricultural department of the University of Illinois, and his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Ernest Borton

Borton, Thomas Ernest; broker; born, Plymouth, Ind., Dec. 14, 1868; son of Dr. Amos 0. and Mary Cooper Borton; educated, high school; graduated in 1887; went to Wabash College, graduating in 1893; married, Elyria, O., Miss Elizabeth Lewis; issue, three children, Marion Frances, Jean Lewis and Robert Ernest; entered the employ of the American Steel & Wire Co.; worked for Dime Savings and Trust Co.; then became sec’y of the Reserve Trust Co.; then sec’y and treas. of the Prudential Trust Co.; resigned and went to California; after two years there returned to Cleveland as asst. cashier of the Cleveland … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hudson E. Willard

Willard, Hudson E.; coal business; born, Cleveland, Oct. 18, 1860; son of Elliott Sherrill and Ruth Hudson Willard; educated, Cleveland schools, Brooks Military Academy, and Oberlin College; married, New Philadelphia, July 11, 1890, Edith Smith; issue, three children; business career, William Bingham & Co., wholesale hardware, six years; organized The New Philadelphia Pipe Works Co., manufactures cast iron pipe; A. C. Saunders & Co., coal and iron ore; organized with A. R. Rhodes and M. A. Bradley, The United States Coal Co., and kindred organizations and corporations; sec’y, gen. mgr. and director The United States Coal Co.; member Clifton, Tennis, … Read more

Biography of Captain C.C. Miller

Captain C. C. Miller is one of the early settlers of Riverside and has for fifteen years been identified with its growth and improvement. He is a native of Oneida County, New York, dating his birth in 1824. His parents were Chancy and Alice (Reney) Miller, both natives of that county. His grandfather, Grant Miller, was a pioneer of Oneida County, settling there in the days of the colonies, and built the first house erected in his section. Captain Miller was but four years of age when the death of his father occurred. His mother then married Judge Aaron Burley. … Read more

Biography of George C. Pritchard

George C. Pritchard. Farmers and stockmen throughout Shawnee County and over the state at large recognize in the name of George C. Pritchard a man whose services as a doctor of veterinary surgery were extensively employed in the interests of individuals and the entire state for a great many years. Doctor Pritchard is one of the oldest veterinarians of Kansas, has stood at the top of his profession, but is now retired and is devoting himself to the care and management of a fine stock farm near Topeka. Born in Lorain County, Ohio, January 12, 1852, he is a son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Olds

Olds, Charles H.; lawyer; born, Jefferson, O., Nov. 4, 1865; son of Rev. Abner D. and Adeliza Hawley Olds; educated, Oberlin College, Classical Course, 1890, degree of A. B.; married, Elgin, Ill., June 29, 1893, Eugenia Kincaid; one daughter, Florence E. Olds; was first asst. prosecuting atty. of Cuyahoga county from January 1909 to 1913; member Council of Glenville (now a part of Cleveland). 1897-1899; admitted to practice law in 1892; incorporated and represent many large companies; member Masonic, and Knights of Pythias Orders; member Tippecanoe and Western Reserve Clubs; also Colonial Club, being sec’y and director of the latter. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George M. Pinkett

Pinkett, George M.; mgr. Cleveland Branch, Armour & Co.; born, Elyria, O., Sept. 6, 1857; son of Samuel and Maria Pinkett; left school at the age of 14, and went to work; married, Cleveland, Jan. 1, 1883, Miss M. Caloo; issue, two sons, George and Joseph; with Jas. Gibbon & Co., meat and provision dealers, from 1874 until 1891, sec’y and mgr. of the Company; in 1903, Mr. Armour bought their wholesale dept.; became mgr. of Cleveland Branch; also opened branch houses in Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Sandusky, Findlay, and Lorain, 0.; director the Gibbon & Pinkett Co.; member Elks, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander Hadden

Hadden, Alexander; lawyer and jurist; born, Wheeling, W. Va., July 2, 1850; son of Alexander and Mary Welch Hadden; graduate of Oberlin College, A. B., class of ’73; married Frances Mary Hawthorne, July 17, 1883, Coshocton, O.; two children, Alice and John A.; assistant prosecuting attorney, 1882-1885; prosecuting attorney 1885-1901; probate judge since 1905; member of law firm of Goulder & Hadden, 1880-1882; Hadden & Parks, 1891-1902; Hadden, Parks & Griswold, 1902-1903; Wilcox, Collister, Hadden & Parks, 1903-1904; Collister, Hadden & Griswold, 1904-1905; professor of criminal law, Western Reserve University, since 1894; trustee, Cleveland Humane Society; member University Club, Chamber … Read more