Biographical Sketch of Dyer, J. E.

Son of Judge C. C. Dyer, was born at “Stafford’s Point,” Fort Bend County, July 11th, 1832, and was reared and educated in the town of Richmond, to which place his parents moved when he was but seven years of age. When he arrived at the age of manhood he engaged in stock-raising and merchandising, and in the banking business in Richmond, and in all branches of trade was a successful business man.

He served as county treasurer of Fort Bend County from 1852 two 1859, a period of seven years, and at various times filled positions of honor and trust. During the war between the States he served the Confederacy in Brown’s battalion, “Wall’s Legion,” and was stationed for a time at Matagorda.

He was married to Miss Isabella Heard at Woodville, Texas, January 4th, 1859. Eight children were born to them namely: J. T. and H. L., Roy, Milton, Reginald, Maud, Julia and J. E. Dyer, Jr. Maud married H. M. White, and Julia A. B. Heard, of Richmond.

J. E. Dyer, Sr., died at” Boerne, Kendall County, October 31, 1891, whither he had gone into that mountainous country in the hope that his failing health would be restored. His body was conveyed back and buried in the cemetery at Richmond. His loss was deeply felt and mourned, not only by his immediate family relations, but also by many friends throughout the county and elsewhere.

Mrs. Dyer’s parents, George L. and Mrs. K. (Wright) Heard were Georgians by birth, and came to Texas at am early day. Her mother’s father was Dr. Isaac Wright of Tennessee Mrs. Dyer had four brothers, who served in the Confederate army, and of these G. W. Heard died ten days after the battle of Corinth, from wounds received at Oxford, Miss. W. F. Heard was a banker at Cleburne, Texas, and died at that place. J. F. Heard lived at Woodville, and another brother died soon after the war. The mother and father of Mrs. Dyer died at Woodville, and are buried there J. E. Dyer, Jr., died July 25th, 1895, at the age of twenty-one years?

J. T. Dyer is a resident of Richmond, and has been in business there for twenty-two years.



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