Biographical Sketch of Worthington, R. H.

R. H. Worthington is an old Texan, and one of the good and worthy citizens of Fort Bend County. He was born in Pitt County, North Carolina, on June the 6th, 1826, but came from Alabama to Fort Bend County in 1849. During the great yellow fever epidemic of 1853 he nursed patients almost incessantly, being a member of the Howard Association, organized at that time for the purpose of taking care of the sick. He escaped all of the dangers to life and health while engaged in this laudable work, and still resides at Richmond. His wife, Mrs. Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert W. Thurston

ROBERT W. THURSTON. One of Madison County’s youngest stockmen, Robert W. Thurston has grown up in this County, and from his boyhood days was familiar with the town and the stock industry, He believes in farming as one of the greatest industries to which man can apply his energies, and his success is almost a matter of course, since he was trained to the business in the same way that other young men are trained to enter professions or commercial lines, Mr. Thurston has the management of his father’s large farm of three hundred and sixty seven acres in Monroe … Read more

Biography of William Fountain

William Fountain

WILLIAM FOUNTAIN. In a history of the prominent and influential citizens of Madison County, William Fountain is eminently deserving of extended mention, for his well spent life, his agricultural ability, his loyalty to public duty and his fidelity in private life have all gained him a place among the leading residents of the community, Although he has passed the seventy-fifth milestone in life’s journey, an age when most men would consider it their privilege to retire from activities, he still continues to discharge the daily routine of duties and to show a commendable interest in all that affects his Township … Read more

Biography of Edgar W. Farmer

EDGAR W. FARMER, a railway postal clerk on the New York Central Lines between Cleveland, Ohio, and St, Louis, Missouri, lives on Indiana Avenue, North Anderson, He was born here February 23, 1868. The Farmer family is better known, probably, than any other family in Anderson Township outside of the city of Anderson and ranks among the older ones in the County, Charles M. Farmer (April 16, 1846-June 27, 1910) and Mary L. Cummins Farmer (Nov. 27, 1848- Nov, 16, 1900), the parents of Edgar, moved from Henry County, Indiana, immediately after their marriage and bought two acres of land … Read more

Biography of John C. Johnson

JOHN C. JOHNSON. Honesty and stability of character are the foundation stone of a young man’s life, and in the formative period, when fitting himself for the battle of life, with those attributes of character, together with a fair measure of ambition, one is sure to arrive at the goal of his desires. Mr. Johnson is a native son of Madison County, Indiana, and has here resided all his life, His days here have been as an open volume to the citizens of Van Buren Township and the contiguous territory, and the people of his Township have conferred upon him … Read more

Biography of George W. Judd

GEORGE W. JUDD. Left an orphan at the age of fourteen years, the boyhood and youth of George W. Judd, now a substantial farmer of Monroe Township and the owner of 160 acres of land on the Elwood. and Alexandria road, about three miles west of Alexandria, were anything but periods of inactivity. From the beginning of his career he has known the necessity of hard, industrious toil, and although he is now in comfortable circumstances because of this persevering toil, he continues to be one of the active and energetic men of his locality, alert not only in his … Read more

Other members of Company H, from Fort Bend County

Captain John T. Holt, resigned in December, 1861. First Lieutenant Thomas S. Weston, promoted to Captain in, December, 1862. W. D. Adams, Third Lieutenant, resigned in. August, 1864, and died in April, 1865, while on his way home. G. Thompson, discharged in July, 1862. E. A. Bolmes, discharged in, February, 1862. J. H. Edmonson, Fifth Sergeant, promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, transferred to Texas and promoted to Assistant Quartermaster, and died in Galveston, in 1868. He was a Brazoria County man, but enlisted in Fort Bend. Dave S. Terry, son of Colonel Terry, and first corporal, promoted to Captain on General … Read more

Biography of Austin, Stephen F.

It seems that on account of the long distance and slow transmission of mails in those days, that Stephen F. Austin, busy at New Orleans doing the work his father had entrusted to him, was not aware of the fatal illness and death of his father until some time after that sad event. Where the father, however, laid down the work the son took it up. The application of Moses Austin was approved by General Arredonda at Monterey on the 17th of January, 1821, a few days after the departure of Austin from San Antonio. This action of the Commanding … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. M. Newell

Fort Bend County, County Clerk Mr. Newell is a young man and is now serving his first term of office. He has proved himself to be very efficient in the management of his work. His is one of the historic names of Fort Bend County, his people coming here in 1830, performed their part during the trying times of frontier days and Mexican invasion, held offices of trust and were classed among the staunch, upright citizens of Fort Bend County.

Biography of George B. McDermit

GEORGE B. MCDERMIT. One of the independent and progressive farmers of Boone Township is George B. McDermit, who has in his home place, located on the rural free delivery route No. 28 out of Elwood, one hundred and twenty acres of fine and well improved land, his mother’s place, and he also owns and operates other land in the same Township aggregating more than two hundred acres, He conducts his fanning on businesslike principles and after looking over his farm and understanding somewhat of the man it is not difficult to understand his reasons for success. George B. McDermit was … Read more

Biography of Richard H. Brunt

RICHARD H. BRUNT. A life long resident of Madison County, Richard H. Brunt has in later years somewhat retired from the strenuous activities which brought him a large degree of material prosperity, but still lives upon and enjoys his fine country estate in Boone Township. This farm consists of two hundred and forty acres of fine land, which is situated about five and a half miles from Summitville, on what is known as the Brunt gravel road, along the rural free delivery route No, 24 out of Summitville. Richard H. Brunt was born in Boone Township of Madison County about … Read more

Land Titles Issued In Fort Bend County From 1824 To 1832.

Elijah Alleorn, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Thomas Allsbury, two leagues, patented July 8th, 1824. William Andrews, one league, patented July 15th, 1824. William Andrews, one labor, patented July 15th, 1824. Wm. T. Austin, one league, patented April 25th, 1831. Charles Baird, one league, patented October 17th, 1832 Thomas Barnett, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Wm. Barnett and Abner Harris, one league, patented June 4th, 1827. Miles M. Battle, one league, patented May 31st, 1827. James Beard, one league, patented August 10th, 1824. Charles A. Bettner, one-fourth league, patented November 20th, 1832. Gail Borden, Jr., one league, patented … Read more

Biography of Homer E. Howard

HOMER E. HOWARD. A substantial and prosperous citizen of Madison County, Homer E. Howard, now engaged in farming in Van Buren Township, was for many years identified with the mercantile interests of this part of the County, having been one of the leading druggists of Summitville, He was born September 16, 1872, in Ross County, Ohio, which was likewise the birthplace of his father, Robert C. Howard. At the age of twenty-five years Robert C. Howard migrated from his Ohio home to Indiana, locating first in Delaware County, where for five years he was engaged in business as a general … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Davis, William Kinchen

Mier Prisoner One of the early pioneers of Fort Bend County, was born in the State of Alabama on the 11th day of November 1822, and came to Texas in the month of February 1830. Six years passed away, and when but fourteen years of age he helped to build a fort at the mouth of the Brazos, and in 1839 served in a campaign against the Indians around the head of the Brazos. In 1842 Captain Davis went out with the Somerville expedition, and when the command dissolved on the Rio Grande and a portion of the Texans went … Read more

Biography of John H. Koons

JOHN H. KOONS, The eminence of Anderson among the industrial centers of Indiana has been due to the presence here of a group of men possessed of special genius as inventors and manufacturers and of fine capabilities as organizers and business builders. Capital has been less conspicuous in the net results than personal ability, and it is with pride that the city regards its lists of industrial executives, One of these is Mr. Koons, the inventor. and consulting engineer of the Koons Oil Furnace Company, designers and manufacturers of the Koons Hot Blast low pressure oil burning system, for all … Read more

Biography of Joseph Chambers

JOSEPH CHAMBERS, The oldest living representative of one of the pioneer families of Madison County, Joseph Chambers, who lives retired at his home in Lafayette Township, has had many varied and interesting experiences during nearly seventy years of residence in this vicinity. His home is a fine farm of two hundred acres, about five miles northwest of the city of Anderson, Concerning the Chambers family and his early reminiscences in this County, Mr. Chambers has furnished some valuable data which in succeeding paragraphs will be incorporated for preservation in this work, A brief outline of facts concerning his life and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hibbered, Loron

An old settler of Fort Bend County came to Texas with his parents in February of 1837, being then ten years of age. He was born in, New York in 1827. His father, Elmer Hibbered, started to Texas in 1836 with his family, but stopped in New Orleans on account of the invasion of Texas by Santa Anna, and came on after the war was over, landing at the mouth of the Brazos River. He had two brothers, Lovell and Lucius, who came to Texas with General Sam Houston and was in the Texas army of 1836. One was a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ransom, Henry L.

Fort Bend County, Deputy Sheriff Henry Lee Ransom, the present efficient deputy under Sheriff Peareson, was born in Brenham, Texas, on the 29th of December 1870. His father was a soldier under General Lee, his grandfather having ten sons in the Confederate army. Henry came to Fort Bend County in October 1889, and was living in the county when the war broke out with Spain, and has the distinction of being the only Fort Bend County boy who served in the Philippines. He enlisted August 15th, 1899, in the company of Captain John A. Hulein, Company D, 33rd Infantry Regiment, … Read more

Biography of Frank Knight

FRANK KNIGHT, The possibilities of any business are almost unlimited when there is a foundation of thorough and reliable workmanship, square dealing in every relation between the business and its patrons, and a thorough regard for the wholesome business principles and practices, Mr. Frank Knight of Anderson has for many years been identified with the painting and decorative trade, and has built up as a contractor a business such as the proprietors of many more ostentatious industries might well envy. He is deemed one of the responsible and public spirited citizens of Anderson, and has been a resident of this … Read more

Biography of Smith Deaf Smith

Erastus Smith, better known as “Deaf Smith,” was the son of Chiliab and Mary Smith, and was born in New York on the 19th of April 1787. At the age of eleven years he emigrated with his parents to the Mississippi Territory, and settled near Natchez. His parents were strict members of the Baptist Church, and gave him such moral and intellectual training, as the circumstances around them would permit. He first came to Texas in 1817 likely with some of the patriot forces that were constantly arriving at that time in the Province. He soon, however, returned home; but … Read more