Over the Misty Blue Hills: The Story of Cocke County, Tennessee

1836 Map of Cocke County, Tennessee

“Over the Misty Blue Hills: The Story of Cocke County, Tennessee,” written by Ruth Webb O’Dell and published in 1951, provides a historical account of Cocke County. The book covers various aspects of Cocke County’s history, including its political, social, religious, and industrial developments. The contents are divided into several detailed sections: the political history of Cocke County, the significance of local names, the natural resources and setting, early settlers, religious history, industrial development, and notable figures from the county. Additionally, it delves into specific family histories, offering insights into the lives of many influential families such as the Allens, Burnetts, Huff, McMahan, and many others.

McMahan, Gertrude Fay Hancock – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Gertrude Fay (Hancock) McMahan, 95, of La Grande, died Feb. 27 at a local care home. Viewing will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Daniels Chapel of the Valley. A celebration of life is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday at the Faith Center, 10300 South D St., in Island City. A private burial service will take place at a later date at the Oddfellows Cemetery in Council, Idaho. Gertrude was born Sept. 5, 1911, to James and Ora Hancock on a homestead in Indian Valley, Idaho. She went to high school in Council, where she … Read more

Biography of Elijah Posey McMahan

ELIJAH POSEY McMAHAN. Monroe Township in Madison County is noted for its finely improved and productive homesteads, and one of these is occupied by Elijah Posey McMahan, who has lived in this County all his life, and has acquired exceptional energy and good business ability through his farming operations, and is one of the most prosperous country residents of the County, He owns in his home place one hundred and sixty acres and has eighty acres in Boone Township. Mr. McMahan has served as County commissioner of Madison County, and has for many years been an influential factor in his … Read more