1759, 15 May, Fort Loudoun

Last Updated on March 21, 2013 by Dennis


The Bearer of this is one Maximilliam More whom I acquainted you Excellency I had sent to Highwafsie for on purpose to send him out Accompany’d by one of my Soldiers to recon___trie the place where is was Reported the French were fortifying themselves, before he sett of I was informed that it was not Coosawatchee, but about Seventy mile farther where that River & Coosa River makes a Fork. He Accordingly sett off & carried his Son, Who no Accompany’s him, a young Lad very verry much Attach’d to our Interest and another Young Lad along with him, as they could do nothing of themselves for fear of being discovered, when they were arrived within Eight Mile, of the place, the Son desired his Father & the white men to hide themselves in a Cane Swamp Untill he & his Mate should return, which would be in two nights when he Came to the place where the Two River’s makes a Fork, he Discovered the Mortar’s Camp, & on the other side three Large Houses which they had built (but would no Suffer him to go over to see them, Suspecting as a Spy) He Say’s they talk’d much in praise of the French & Said they Soon Expected a great many of them to come there & settle the young lad had discovered Sails oars belonging to the boats that had come there & that there was a great many verry Large boats Soon Expected with Arms, Ammmition & a good deal of Rum for further Protection I refer Your Excellency to the Bearer’s who will Inform You of the Indians Intentions & that the Indians from Highwafsie & the other Towns are Constantly Looking to their Camp. Moytoy the head man of Highwafsie is gone with a Gang to Moville, & that a great many of middle Settlement Indians are gone to war Against Virginia As the Presents are not Arrived I have given them nothing but thought it best to forward them to Your Excellency as they can give you a more Particular Account of the Situation of the place & what Discoveries they made then I can in writing.

Yesterday I received a letter from Lieut. Coytmore wherein he Mentioned the Arrival of the Little Carpenter & that he thought he was in a wavering condition & verry disatisfy’d he Immediately Sent three Runner’s ahead to old Hopp & the warriours here, that no body Sall Stir from home till he Arrives. What the purpose of there Mefsage is I cant yet learn The Same day a Runner Arrived from the thicklegg warriours going to Acquaint me that he wou’d be here in four or five day’s that they had been at the French fort, but had no Succefs & William Harris whom I had Sent Accompany’d by two white Men wrote me the Inclosed which I have Sent you.

Another Gang that went to war Returned the same day without Succefs meeting with the Savannah’s who were too Strong for them.

I hope we Soon will have a Supply of l_____ for provifsions runs verry Short.

I am


Your Excellencys
Most Obedient
& most humble Servant

Paul Demere

Letter from Capt. Paul Demere to His Excellency dated at Fort Loudon 15th May 1759

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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