1759, 12 May, Fort Loudoun

Last Updated on March 21, 2013 by Dennis


As Charles McGunigham was going to town I have detained him two days to Acquaint you Excellency with what has happened here Lately when the Mortar was here, the Little Carpenter sent Fiftoe one of the head men of Theowee over with a Mefsage to be Easy & Quiet until he Came home, & that he had made every thing up in Virginia, the same night one Moytoy & two mor head men of Settico Stay’d all night in the town house with the mortar, & next morning three Gang’s out of that town sett out under pretence of Going a hunting but there Scheme was of Going to war Against the Back Inhabitants of Virginia.

A few day’s ago two gangs Returned with three white men’s Scalp’s, & last Thursday Night Moytoy and his Gang returned & brought in Twelve Scalps, Men, Women, & Children, they same Night the Great Warrior who had gone down the river a little way Returned & Complained very much to him of the behaviour of the Settico people. He declared that the knew nothing of it, & if he had been here nothing of that shou’d have happened. I desired him to tell old Hopp, the Standing Turkey & himself to come & dine this day with me, to consult what was to be done on this Occafsion that I might Acquaint you Excellency with it. Accordingly they came, I put him in mind of the Letter that they wrote you Excellency some time ago with two Strings of Wampum, wherein it was Mentioned that for the future we shou’d Live in peace & Quietnefs & that no blood shou’d be spilt that they were verry Sorry that this thing happened & that they knew Nothing of it. That they pretended to go a hunting, but Instead of that went to Warr against Virginia to their Sorrow. Some of them presume to say that the Virginians were in fault for having killed some of there men & that they wou’d not mind it is some provocation had not Lattly happened I desired them to let me know what I shou’d write you Excellency concerning what has happened & what Satisfaction they Intended to give On which he desired me not to write but refer it till the Carpenter comes that then they should have a Generall Meeting where all the Warriours wou’d be present for Your own part (said he) you may be there to live in peace & Quietnefs

I am


Your Excellency’s

Most Obedient & Most
humble Servant

Paul Demere

Letter from Capt. Paul Demere to His Excellency dated at Fort Loundon 12th May 1759


History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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