A List of Certificates Ifsued by me from Fort Loudoun 1757
June 1. | To Joseph Galloway for Horse hire Imployed on the works | £ 21.— |
£20& £40 | To William Gibbes for ditto in 2 Certificates | 60.— |
To Cornelius Doharty for the freight of Soldiers Cloatking from Augusta | 49.7.6 | |
7 | To John Stevens for 3 months pay as Head Carpenter due this day | 60.– |
13 | To John Elliot for freight of flower & Bacon | 295.15.— |
23 | To Walter Bateman for malting a drain thro the Fort and breaking Stones for Chimneys | 100.— |
27 | To John Hatton for Supplying Denis Haigen with Horses | 20.— |
To Cornelius Cockley for freight of _____ and _____ | 255.1.6 | |
To Thomas Hawkins for Ditto | 300.10.— | |
To Patrick Campbell for Horse hire Imployed on the works | 46.— | |
To James Moon for horse hire Imployed about the Catle | 24.— | |
To Thomas Mills for freight of 150 flower | 10.10 | |
To Capt. Stuart for freight due to his Company for provision on the Road from Keowee to this place | 50,— | |
July 1 | To Henry Gallman for Bacon & freight | 458.9 |
To Samuel Benn for freight | 221.18 | |
To Jacob Glaughenburg for 5 months additionall pay for making Fachines | 40.— | |
To Adam Keyler for ditto | 40.— | |
To Corneluis Cockley for the-hire of a Horse he Supply’d Denis Haigen | 12.— | |
To Tho. Keyler for ditto | 40.— | |
£ 2104.11.– |
John Chevillette