1757, August 4, Letter to Cherokee Nation

Edmon Pittkins Esq. His Britainioh Majesty King George’s Agent for and Superintendent of the Affairs of his faithfull Allies the Severall Nations of Indians fr_habiting the frontiers of his colonife of Original, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and Georgia and their Confererates

To Conicoughly Governour of the whole Nation of Cherokee Indians.


King George the father of all the white people L____ on thir Side the Great Water, hath talen it into Consideration that the Governour’s of his severall Colonies have Enough to do to mind wile the Affairs of the White people; and cannot go to Visit the red people their friends by which means these Affairs have not been so late taken care off they aright to have been, Therefore the King thought it good to Appoint Sir William Johnson to take care of the Afairs his Allies the Six Unitted Nations & there Confederates, And sent me over to take care of and mind Entirely the Affairs of the Severall Nations of Indians his friends, Living Near his People in Virginia, North & South Carolina & Georgia and their Confederates. The King hath Always carried in his Mind and Remember’s well the Treaty of Friendship & Command made with him by his Good Friends and Allies the Cherokee’s in 1730 when maylog sent Deputies over the Great Water to him for that Purpose. We then fastened one End of the Chain of Friendship made between him and them to his own breast, and bid them carry the other end of the chain and fasten it to the breast of Maylog and to the breats’ of his Old wise men, Captains, Warriours, and all his People never to be broken or Made Loose, and he ordered his Children in Carolina to trade with all kinds of goods, and desired they Might Live together like the Children of one Family, whenof he is a kind and Loving Father, And as he would have the Cherokees, and the English in those Parts to look upon each other as Brothers, he said. The Cherokee’s must be Alway’s ready to Fight Against any Nation whether white men or Indians that should Endeavour to hurt them.

The French are always sending ______ and Hatchetts aboutamong the Indian Nations, to make them Quarell with the English and put a Stop to the liade between them, so that King George was obliged Lately for the Mischief they did to declare war against the french King and his Subjects. I landed at New York and went to a Meeting of the Six Nations in the Mohawk Country. They sent Mefsage with a Belt and Strings of Wampom by Me to the Southern Nations, Exhorting Him to be Strong and stand firm together in their behalf of the English and Invitting them to their own Yuilaince. The King’s Cheif Generate Stoped me by the loa_ upon Bufsnifs. Wherefore I sent the Mefsages to Governour Lyllteton of South Carolina to be delivered by hm. I wasGlad to hear Afterward that you put the hatchett into the hands of your warriours, and sent them out to Warr Against the french & their Indians and who have Accordingly struck them, And now that we have both made a Begining let a Heartily Join together like Nice Brethern, with the suit of our Friends, and Attack the French every where and they will be soon taped of Warr and Driven out of the Indian Countrys for Conformation theseg I send you a large belt with a Scalp to be shown to your old win Counsellor’s and all your Warriours.

Whin I come so far as Williamsburgh in Virginia on my way to the Southward, I heard that a great many of the Cherokee warriours who came upon the Governour’s Invitation to the Afsistance of the people of Virginia Against the french and their Indian Allies, particulary the Shawnoes and Delawars’ where very Angry not finding the Goods which had been Promised them. For whith Reason I turned back up to this Place to Enquise into their complaint and Gave them all the Goods that could be got, fit for them in these parts, the Mankiller of Tomalley the bearer of this, is now Going home with that are left of your people, I would not have you send more men untill you Receive a paper from me with any seal Telling the number wanted, the reward they shall each have and that the Goods are lying ready provided for them, in such care you may be Afsured that whatever I promise shal lbe punctually performed. Regard not any other Letters nor talks from any any person whatever about it.

In Testimony of the truth of all I have herein said, I have Given this under my hand & Seal of office at Winchester in Virginia the 4th day of August 1757.

Cam. Atkin


Cherokee, History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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