Lee, Thomas Greene Col. – Obituary

The Republican, January 15, 1874: On Friday, the 9th of January at 10 o’clock a.m., Colonel T. G. Lee died at his residence [January 9, 1874] in Flatrock Township, aged 74 years. His funeral was preached at the church in Clifford, Ind., by the Rev. Jacob M. Norton. The funeral was largely attended. The Colonel was among the first settlers of Bartholomew County, and helped, to a great extent, to develop the agricultural resources of the same. He figured conspicuously in the Democratic Party, having been at one time a member of the State Senate. Whatever may be said of … Read more

The Ancestry of Sarah Stone

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine

The ancestry of Sarah Stone, wife of James Patten of Arundel (Kennebunkport) Maine
Contains also the Dixey, Hart, Norman, Neale, Lawes, Curtis, Kilbourne, Bracy, Bisby, Pearce, Marston, Estow and Brown families.

Lee, Joseph Roscoe – Obituary

Joseph Roscoe Lee, resident of Baker county 1904 to 1956, died November 14, at the family home in Forest Grove. He was born March 22, 1880 in Dallas, Oregon, where his father J.D. Lee was born in 1849. J. Roscoe attended Portland schools except enrollment in Independent Academy, The Dalles, 1888-1892, and attended Willamette U. and Capitol Business College, Salem. He was married to Myrtle Guttersen in 1914 at St. Paul, Minn. In Baker county he had a dry good store, farmed in Eagle Valley and in later years ran an insurance agency. His wife was a teacher and co-school … Read more

Treaty of August 24, 1835

Treaty with the Comanche and Witchetaw Indians and their associated Bands. For the purpose of establishing and perpetuating peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Comanche and Witchetaw nations, and their associated bands or tribes of Indians, and between these nations or tribes, and the Cherokee, Muscogee, Choctaw, Osage, Seneca and Quapaw nations or tribes of Indians, the President of the United States has, to accomplish this desirable object, and to aid therein, appointed Governor M. Stokes, M. Arbuckle Brigdi.-Genl. United States army, and F. W. Armstrong, Actg. Supdt. Western Territory, commissioners on the part of … Read more

Horton Genealogy of Rehoboth and Attleboro Massachusetts

James Horton

This branch of the Horton family has furnished to Attleboro, Mass., three generations of business men. Gideon Martin Horton, who was a well known merchant there a half century ago, and his four sons, Everett Southworth, Edwin Jackson, Gideon Martin and James Jackson Horton, all became successful jewelry manufacturers and prominent citizens. The eldest and last surviving brother, the late Maj. Everett S. Horton and his nephew, Raymond Martin Horton, were the only male representatives of the name residing there at the time of the Major’s death.

Biography of Hon. Joseph D. Lee

HON. JOSEPH D. LEE. – It is natural for the observing student of mankind to speculate upon the effect which radical changes and new environments have upon a coming generation; and consequently the inquiry has arisen in thinking minds as to what type of manhood and womanhood will spring from the hardy and bold pioneers who peopled these shores in the forties and early fifties. Surely with such heroic and sturdy parentage, growing up under the influence of our grand and magnificent scenery, and breathing in youth the pure air from the balsamic pines, we might expect a fine mental … Read more

History of Clinch County, Georgia

History of Clinch County, Georgia

History of Clinch County, Georgia, revised to date, giving the early history of the county down to the present time (1916): also complete lists of county officers, together with minor officers and also sketches of county officers’ lives; with chapters on the histories of old families of Clinch County; also other information as is historical in its nature, comp. and ed. by Folks Huxford

Biography of George W. Lee, M. D.

George W. Lee, M. D. For fully twenty years Doctor Lee had practiced his profession as a physician and surgeon in Woodson County. The greater part of this time he spent at Toronto, but is now looking after his widely extended patronage from home at Yates Center. He is a highly qualified professional man and of equally high standing in social and civic affairs in Yates Center. Dr. Lee was born at Markham in Morgan County, Illinois, December 4, 1867. His paternal grandfather, George Lee, was born in 1814 in Yorkshire, England, and on coming to America settled near Jacksonville, … Read more

Brown Genealogy

Brown Genealogy

In 1895, Cyrus Henry Brown began collecting family records of the Brown family, initially with the intention of only going back to his great-grandfathers. As others became interested in the project, they decided to trace the family lineage back to Thomas Brown and his wife Mary Newhall, both born in the early 1600s in Lynn, Massachusetts. Thomas, John, and Eleazer, three of their sons, later moved to Stonington, Connecticut around 1688. When North Stonington was established in 1807, the three brothers were living in the southern part of the town. Wheeler’s “History of Stonington” contains 400 records of early descendants of the Brown family, taken from the town records of Stonington. However, many others remain unidentified, as they are not recorded in the Stonington town records. For around a century, the descendants of the three brothers lived in Stonington before eventually migrating to other towns in Connecticut and New York State, which was then mostly undeveloped. He would eventually write this second volume of his Brown Genealogy adding to and correcting the previous edition. This book is free to search, read, and/or download.

Slave Narrative of Samuel Simeon Andrews

Interviewer: Rachel A. Austin Person Interviewed: Samuel Simeon Andrews Location: Jacksonville, Florida Age: 86 For almost 30 years Edward Waters College, an African Methodist Episcopal School, located on the north side of Kings Road in the western section of Jacksonville, has employed as watchman, Samuel Simeon Andrews (affectionately called “Parson”), a former slave of A.J. Lane of Georgia, Lewis Ripley of Beaufort, South Carolina, Ed Tillman of Dallas, Texas, and John Troy of Union Springs, Alabama. “Parson” was born November 18, 1850 in Macon, Georgia, at a place called Tatum Square, where slaves were held, housed and sold. “Speculators” (persons … Read more

Logan County, Kentucky Wills – Book A, with index

Will book A, Logan County, Kentucky

The wills in this book come from Book A of the Wills found at the Logan County Court house in Russellville, Kentucky. The information was extracted in 1957 by Mrs. Vick on behalf of the DAR located in Russellville. The text in this book was done with an old manual typewriter and has the usual faint and filled-in type often found with such papers. On top of the difficulty in interpreting the print from the typewriter, the scanning process was also deficient, and led to the creation of a faint digital copy exacerbating the difficult to read text.

Lee, Marshall Dorr – Obituary

After a long and painful illness, interspersed with periods of convalescence, M. D. Lee died at his home [November 22, 1899] in this city last Wednesday morning. Mr. Lee was born in the State of Indiana, on January 6, 1844, and married to Miss Arda Fisher on December 31, 1874. In 1888 he came to Harper County where he resided continuously up to the time of his death. Mr. Lee was one of our prominent citizens and business men. He was a member of the M. E. Church and of the Knights and Ladies of Security. While engaged in the … Read more

Lee, Letha L. – Obituary

Letha L., the infant daughter of L. H. Lee and wife, of 811 Railroad Street, died early this morning [January 15, 1903] of scarlet fever, aged 2 years, 8 months and 17 days. The funeral will be held at the grave in Olney Cemetery, conducted by Rev. Rigby. The body will be taken from the house at 2:30, the funeral being held immediately upon reaching the cemetery. The Lee home is still under quarantine, the 8-year-old son being afflicted with the same disease. Letha was the daughter of Leonidas Lee and Effie Franklin. Her brother William survived the illness. Contributed … Read more

Progressive Men of Western Colorado

Early Life in Colorado

This manuscript, in its essence, is a collection of 948 biographies of prominent men and women, all leading citizens of Western Colorado. In this context, Western Colorado encompasses the counties of Archuleta, Chaffee, Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Lake, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, and San Miguel.

Lee, Adelaide Marie Murray Howard – Obituary

Funeral services over the body of Mrs. Oscar Grant Lee who died Saturday afternoon [September 2, 1911] at 3 o’clock in St. Paul’s Cathedral. The body of the deceased arrived in Oklahoma City Monday morning [died in Cook Co., IL] and will remain at the residence of Harley E. Lee, 212 West Thirteenth Street, until the time of the funeral. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Lee, Maria Essex – Obituary

Mrs. J. M. Lee of this city expired at the family residence on the 4th of consumption, after an illness of several months. The deceased leaves to mourn her death a husband and five children two daughters, and three sons, namely, Mrs. G. W. Majors, Geary; Mrs. A. E. Bracken of this city and Oscar, Harley and Bernice Lee. The funeral services were held at the First M. E. church, Rev. S. M. Nickols preaching the funeral sermon. The sons of the deceased acted as pallbearers. [It appears that 15 years later, Maria’s body was moved from Kingfisher to Fairlawn … Read more

Biography of Frank Lee

From the year which brought statehood to Oklahoma, Frank Lee has been a member of the Muskogee bar and is regarded as one of the strong and eminent representatives of the profession in this part of the state. He has engaged in the practice of law altogether for thirty-five years and his professional career has been marked by continuous progress and constantly developing power. Born in Stockwell, Indiana, December 9, 1864, he is a son of Captain Smith Lee, who served with the Boys in Blue in the Civil war, becoming a member of Company I, Eleventh Indiana Cavalry. After … Read more

Sons of Quebec 1778-1843

Fils de Quebec cover

The Sons of Quebec (Fils de Québec) were written by Pierre-Georges Roy and published in 1933 in a four volume set. They provide a series of short biographies of one to three pages of Quebec men from 1778-1843. Warning… this manuscript is in French!

Lee, Bertha Pearl Armfield – Obituary

Mrs. Bertha Pearl Lee, 58, wife of Harvey Lee, for more than 50 years a resident of the Diamond and Colfax communities, died at 12:45 a.m. Thursday [October 26, 1939] at her home, N210 Mill Street, following an illness of 19 months. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Baptist Church here, the Rev. Mrs. E. M. Leisher and the Rev. E. C. Newham officiating. Members of the Pythias Sisters Lodge will attend in a body. Burial will be in Colfax Cemetery. Mrs. Lee was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Armfield at Winston, N.C., … Read more