True Relations – Adventure of the Country

Last Updated on January 8, 2015 by Dennis

Here the river became narrower at eight, nine or ten feet at a high water, and six or seven at a low. The stream exceeding swift and the bottom hard channel. The ground on the most part was a low plain with sandy soil, this occasioned me to think it might come from some lake or some broad ford, for it could be far to the head. But rather then endanger the barge, yet to have been able to resolve this doubt and to discharge of the imputation of malicious tongues, that I half suspected I was not in so long delaying, and some of the company as serious as my self, we resolved to hire a canoe now, and return with the barge secured and put our selves upon the adventure of the Country. It being a vast and wild wilderness, and but only at that town within three or four miles where we hired a canoe and two Indians to row us the next day a fowling. Having made such provision for the barge as was needed, I left her there to ride, with express charge not any to go ashore until my return. Though some wise men may condemn this bold attempt of too much indiscretion. Yet if they well consider the friend ship of the Indians in conducting me, the dissoluteness of the Country and the probability of some lack and the malicious indigos of my action at home as also to have some matters of worst to encourage our adventures in England.

It might well have caused any honest man to have done the like, as well for his own discharge for the public in general. Having two Indians for my guide and two of our own company, I set forward, leaving seven in the barge. Having to discovered twenty miles further in this trip, the river still kept its depth and width, but much more covered with trees.

Here we went ashore being some twelve miles higher then the barge had been to refresh our selves during the boiling of our vitals. One of the Indians I took with me to see the nature of the soil and to cross the broad of the river. The other Indian I left with D. Robinson and Thomas Emery, with their matches light ( match lock rifles ) and in order to discharge a piece ( rifle ), and for my retreat at the first sight of any Indian. But within a quarter of an hour I heard a loud cry and a howling of Indians, but no warning piece ( rifle ), supporting them, surprised that the Indians had betrayed us, presently I ceased him and bound his arms fast to my hand in a quarter, with my pistol ready bent to revenge on him. He advised me, and seemed ignorant of what was done, but as we went discoursing, I was struck with an arrow on the right thigh, but without harm. Upon this occasion I saw two Indians arming their bows, at which I presented in discharging a French pistol. And by that I had charged again. Three or four more did the like, to my back I made my barricade who offered not to string, twenty or thirty arrows were shot at me, but landed short, three or four times I had to discharged my pistol.

Here the king of Pamauck called Opeckakenough with two hundred men to encircled us, each of them drawing their bows, and at which when done, they laid them upon the ground, yet without shot my men stood between them and me of conditions of peace. He recognized me to be the Captain, my request was to retire to the boat, they then demanded my arms, the rest of the men were to be slain, only me they would reserve. The Indian order me not to shoot. In retiring in the mist of a low quagmire, and minding them more then my steps, I crept passed into the quagmire, and also an Indian drawing me forth. Thus surprised I resolved to try their mercies. My arms I cast from me, until which they burst to approach me. Being ceased on me, they drew me out and led me to the king. I presented him with a compassion by all, and in describing by my best means the Des thereof. Where at this he so amazingly admired, as he offered me to proceed in a discourse of the roundness of the earth, the course of the same, night, stars and planets. With kind speeches he then requited me. Conducting me to where the canoe lay and John Robinson was slain with twenty or thirty arrows in him. Emery I saw not, I perceived by the abundance of fires all over the woods, at each place I suspected when they would execute me, yet they fed me with what kindness they could.

Emery, Robinson,


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