Hall, Fred Carper – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon

Services Held For Fred Hall

Fred Carper Hall, a veteran of World War I and a retired stock ranch manager, passed away March 13, 1972 at Wallowa Memorial Hospital where he had been a patient for six days.

He was born April 23, 1898 at Johnson Mill (Coquille), son of Charles and Isabelle Hall. On May 20, 1920 he was married at LaHabra, Calif., to Ruby Noble who preceded him in death at Enterprise on June 28, 1971. He was a lifelong member of Vista Elks Lodge 1968 of California and belonged to Veasey Lodge 82 AF&AM of Enterprise. He was a past commander of American Legion Post 51. He had lived in Enterprise for the past four years.

His survivors include a brother, Charles Asa Hall, of Whittier, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Bertha Eva Cochran of San Bernardino, Calif.; and nieces and nephews.

Memorial services were held in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California.

Source: Wallowa County Chieftain, March 23, 1972, Page 2
Contributed by Sue Wells


Freemasonry, Obituary,

White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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