Grossman, Child – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon The oldest boy of Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons died today of diphtheria. Some of the other children are dangerously sick. Enterprise Record Chieftain, Wallowa County, Oregon, August 24, 1911 Contributed by Charlotte Carper

Beaudoin, William Peter – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon William Peter Beaudoin Jr. died Sept. 8, 2005, at VA Cancer Center in Seattle, Washington. He was 79 years old. Beaudoin was born August 27, 1926 in Enterprise to William Peter Sr. and Alma Hattie Beaudoin. He graduated from Enterprise High School in 1944. Following school he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corp and fought in World War II. He married Elizabeth Anna Burns on June 3, 1950. For 30 years he worked in construction and tended to the Beaudoin Ranch. During his retired life he became active in the VFW becomming the District Commander and All-American … Read more

Hess, Gertrude Jean – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Gertrude Jean Hess, 59, of 123 Union St., Walla Walla, died June 21, 1981 at Portland’s St. Vincent Hospital. Mrs. Hess was born July 19, 1921, in Criterion, Oregon to Peter and Birtha Herling Kirsch. She attended Criterion and Maupin schools and graduated from Oregon State University in Corvallis. She married W. John Hess June 9, 1946. She was a teacher in Enterprise and a homemaker. She was a member of Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, Christian Womens Club and Engineers Wives. Mrs. Hess is survived by her husband, at home; three sons, Dan and Mark … Read more

Culley, Donna “Fern” Pearson Mrs. – Obituary

Donna “Fern” Culley, 90, of La Grande, a former longtime Baker City resident, died April 1, 2006, at the Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande. There will be a celebration of her life at 11 a.m. Friday at the New Life Center in La Grande. Committal and interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker City at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, April 14, 2006. Fern was born on Sept. 15, 1915, at Enterprise to Arthur and Zella (Millard) Pearson. She was the great-granddaughter of David Kooch, an early pioneer to Wallowa County. She was a 1934 Enterprise High School … Read more

Brooks, Ellen C. – Obituary

Ellen Carolyn Brooks, 86, lifelong resident of La Grande, died Oct. 23 at her home. A celebration of life will begin at 2 p.m. Thursday at Daniels-Knopp Funeral, Cremation & Life Celebration Center, 1502 Seventh St. in La Grande. Burial will be at the Island City Cemetery. A gathering at the La Grande Country Club will follow. A viewing will be run from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday at Daniels-Knopp. Ellen was born Dec. 16, 1922, to James A. and Rhoda (Price) Garity in La Grande. She was a direct descendant of Ben Brown, one of the first settlers in … Read more

Beecher, Lawson Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Lawson Beecher died early Saturday morning in the Enterprise hospital where she had been a patient several weeks. She had been ill for six months and went to the hospital for treatment after her condition had become serious. For four days before the end came she had resigned herself to it and said she was ready to go. Many of her friends called to see her and she discussed her condition with them very calmly, retaining her self possession better than any of her visitors. In fact she never broke down until, shortly before he … Read more

Samples, Irene Joan – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Irene Samples Dies At Hillsboro Irene Joan Samples, 43, of 224 A St., Vernonia, Oregon, passed away at Tuality Community Hospital in Hillsboro Friday, August 29, from a heart attack. Funeral services were held September 1 at the Evangelical Church in Vernonia with interment in the Vernonia Memorial Cemetery. Irene Joan Samples was born in Enterprise, Oregon on March 5, 1932 to Frank L. Otto and Mildred Zollman Otto. She was reared in Joseph, Oregon and attended both grade and high school there. She lived in Joseph until 1970 when she moved to Vernonia. While living … Read more

Bonner, Lois (Reece) – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Lois Bonner, 91 years old, of Weiser, Idaho, died Feb. 14, 1984 at Weiser, Idaho at the Weiser Care Center. Services were Feb. 17, 1984 at the Thomason Funeral Chapel in Weiser. Burial was at the Hillscrest cemetery. She was born Sept. 26, 1892 at Atlanta, Ill., the daughter of William J. & Margaret Reece. She was married to Earl Bonner on Dec. 14, 1917 in Enterprise. Wallowa County Chieftain, Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1984 Contributed by Michelle Drayton-Fisher

Beach, Dennis Alan – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Dennis Alan Beach, a long-time Wallowa County rancher died tragically Jan. 18, 2007, in the Paradise area. He was 55. Mr. Beach was born May 9, 1951, in Enterprise to Norman Dale and Dolores Alice Perren Beach. He was raised on the William J. Beach Century Farm in northeast Oregon. After graduating from Enterprise High School in 1970 he attended Lane Community College in Eugene. He received an Air Frame and Power Plant Associate Degree in 1973. After returning from school, he bought an airplane and acquired his pilot’s license. This provided him many hours of enjoyment while … Read more

Barber, Mary Anna McFetridge Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mary Anna Barber was killed in a two-car accident north of Montreal, Canada on snow-covered roads Saturday, May 26. She was born at Enterprise on October 1, 1940, daughter of Wayne and Irene McFetridge. Mary Anna graduated from Enterprise High School and was married to David Barber, also an Enterprise resident, in 1958. She is survived by her husband, Dave Barber, who is in serious condition in a hospital in Canada; her parents, of Enterprise; one son, Kent Barber, of Auburn, Washington; three daughters, Keri Aspelund of Seattle, Kelly Larsen of Seattle, and Kay Barber who … Read more

Sturm, Arlando Jackson – Obituary

A.J. Sturm Passes At Home Near Town Enterprise, Oregon Arlando Jackson Sturm passed away Thursday, March 6, 1941, at his home south of town. Funeral services were held Sunday in the Booth chapel, with E.E. Callahan of the Christian church officiating, and burial was in Enterprise cemetery. Pall bearers were Ed E. Rodgers, Milt Sasser, Robert Sasser and John Garrett. Mr. Sturm was born in Barber county, Virginia, now a part of West Virginia, Oct. 6, 1861, a son of James and Susan Sturm. He remained in his native state until 1909, when he came west to join his parents … Read more

Heskett, William Franklin – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Former Wallowa County resident, William Franklin Heskett, died Jan. 4, 1988 at Portland. He was 76. He was born March 13, 1911 at Wallowa, the son of Willard and Lucy Grace (Feagins) Heskett. He grew up in Wallowa County and attended school there. He married Dorothy McCormack, April 2, 1934. The couple lived near Enterprise and Lostine until 1965 when they moved to Portland where he worked at the Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children until his retirement. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy; four daughters, Twyla Harmon, Oregon City, Melva Wheeler, Moses Lake, Wash., Tammy Heskett, Iowa … Read more

Waelty, Christina Ida – Obituary

Christina I. Waelty passed away at the Wallowa County Nursing Home in Enterprise on Saturday, April 23, 1983. She was born on November 3, 1889, the 5th of 10 children born to Peter and Gertrude (Huber) Goebel, and she was their first child born in Wallowa County. She married Murland Edwin Waelty on July 5, 1909 in Enterprise and became the housewife of a rancher for 49 years. Christina was well-known for her needlecraft, flowers, culinary skills and attention to the whole family. She lived in various homes in and near Wallowa until 1973. She spent her final years in … Read more

Ward, Lois Eileen – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Lois Eileen (Ward) Anderson Funeral Services were conducted Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Richard Anderson (Lois Ward), 28, of Oregon City. Rev. Earl Rogers officiated. Music was provided by Mrs. Ralp Kay and Mrs. Garnet Best who sang “Beyond the Sunset”. Pallbearers were Keith Searles, Harold Lay, Bob Hamilton, Jack Christy, Bob Freels and Clyde Fleenor. Interment was in the Enterprise cemetery. Her first funeral was held at 10:30 Saturday at the chapel of Atkinson Memorial Congregational church in Oregon City. Lois Eileen Ward was born January 6, 1923 in Portland, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Landy Ward. … Read more

Conrad, Eda Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Eda Frances Conrad, of Joseph, passed away Monday, May 9, 1966 at the Wallowa Memorial hospital. She had been a hospital patient for the past three months and had been in failing health for two years. She was born in Germany on June 13, 1876, daughter of Rudolph and Bertha Bork, and came to Wallowa County 75 years ago. On May 18, 1894, she was married at Flora to William Robert Conrad who passed away May 27, 1930. She was a member of the Methodist Church and of Silver Lake Rebekah Lodge 121. Survivors include … Read more

Emmons, Elmer G. – Obituary

La Grande, April 30–Elmer G. Emmons, 39 president of La Grande aerie No. 259, Fraternal Order of Eagles, died unexpectedly in a local hospital Wednesday night. Funeral services are announced for Saturday morning, conducted by the lodge, with interment at Baker. Emmons was born at Enterprise and had lived here for 15 years. Survivors include the wife, Esther M. Emmons, and three sons, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Emmons, and a sister, Mrs. Erma Morrison, all of Baker.

Frost, Theodore – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Frost is Fifth victim Of Fire Evans Tragedy Also Fatal to Mrs. Shelts Brother Theodore S. Frost died Sunday, March 15, at the hospital at La Grande, the fifth victim of the fire at Evans which cost the lives of his sister, Mrs. J. W. Shelts, and her three children. He was 21 years old. Mr. Shelts, who also was painfully burned about his hands and lower arms, is recovering. It will be remembered that Frost had gone out of the house when the early morning explosion of a heating stove set fire to the frail … Read more

Browning, Marie – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Marie Browning was born at Chester, Illinois on December 22nd, 1895 and died at Enterprise on August 23rd, 1919, aged 23 yrs., 8 mos. and one day. Her death came as a distinct shock to the community as very few people knew of her illness, although it was known that her health had been ailing for about a year. Marie had grown from childhood into lovely young womanhood here in Enterprise, to which place she had come with her parents, fourteen years ago, from Danville, Ill. With the exception of two years in school, one year … Read more

Jewett, Joe – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Joe Jewett, 93, of La Grande, died Feb. 19, 2005. He was born May 13, 1911 in Helena, Montana to George and Alice Geary Jewett. His memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the First Christian Church in La Grande. Visitations will be until 4 p.m. today at Loveland Funeral Chapel. Joe was raised at Winston, Mont. He went to electrical school in Chicago, and graduated after one year. He returned to Aberdeen, Wash., to finish his high school education as an adult. He worked about 1 year before deciding to go to … Read more

McAnulty, Iva Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Accident Is Fatal To Young Mother Mrs. Iva McAnulty Killed by Leap of Horse from Snake River Corral A singular mishap caused the death last Wednesday, April 17, of Mrs. Iva McAnulty, wife of Charles R. McAnulty and daughter of Joshua J. Weaver of Enterprise. McAnulty and his wife were at the old ranger station above Dodson on Snake River where the husband had engaged to do some plowing for Dodson. With his wife, McAnulty went out to catch and harness the horses for the day’s work. The animals were driven into the corral and the … Read more