Biography of Orley Hull

ORLEY HULL – The experiences of the early pioneers were severe almost beyond belief; and, were it not for the fact that their hardships were intermitted by times of peace and plenty, it would have been scarcely possible for them to have gotten through. Mr. Hull is a pioneer of 1850, and in crossing the plains, and in the early days of Southern Oregon and Northern California, saw times and circumstances as hard as were to be found. He was born in New York in 1821, and when a young man went to Missouri, but was deterred from making a … Read more

Shoemaker, Mark D. “Monk” – Obituary

Haines, Oregon Mark D. “Monk” Shoemaker, 65, a longtime St. Helens resident, died Dec. 21, 2003, of natural causes. At the family’s request, disposition was by cremation. No service is planned. Mark was born on March 27, 1938, at Toppenish, Wash., to Marcus T. and Lorraine V. Embrey Shoemaker. He attended grade schools at Hermiston, where he lived a large part of his life. He was a 1957 Hermiston High School graduate and later moved to Coquille and then to the Myrtle Point area where he went to work for Roseburg Lumber Co. for several years. In the mid-1960s, Mark … Read more

Ihrig, John Keith “Jack” – Obituary

Granite, Grant County, Oregon John Keith “Jack” Ihrig, 75, died of acute leukemia on March 27, 2006, at Coquille at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Sandra and James Young. His funeral was at 10 a.m. today at the McEwen Bible Fellowship in Sumpter. Interment was at the Granite Cemetery in Granite. Pastor Mark Norenberg officiated. Jack was born on Aug. 20, 1930, at Mitchell. He married Margaret Winslow on Feb. 6, 1956. They had four children: Vickie Jo of Nampa, Idaho, Craig Lee, deceased, Sandra Jean of Coquille and Bryan Keith of Wilsonville. Jack enlisted in the U.S. … Read more

Hall, Fred Carper – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Services Held For Fred Hall Fred Carper Hall, a veteran of World War I and a retired stock ranch manager, passed away March 13, 1972 at Wallowa Memorial Hospital where he had been a patient for six days. He was born April 23, 1898 at Johnson Mill (Coquille), son of Charles and Isabelle Hall. On May 20, 1920 he was married at LaHabra, Calif., to Ruby Noble who preceded him in death at Enterprise on June 28, 1971. He was a lifelong member of Vista Elks Lodge 1968 of California and belonged to Veasey Lodge 82 … Read more

Lund, Lucy Ione Bonebrake Churchill – Obituary

Funeral services for Lucy Ione Lund, 82, a resident of Coquille, will be held Monday, Oct. 24 at 11 a.m. at the North Bend Chapel of Campbell-Watkins Funeral Homes with the Rev. Donald Forbes of the First United Methodist Church officiating. Interment will follow at Sunset Memorial Park. Mrs. Lund was born Jan. 14, 1895 in Marshfield and died Oct. 20 in Coos Bay. Her husband Edwin K. Lund, preceded her in death June 22, 1955. Survivors include her sons, Charles Churchill of Coquille, Thomas Churchill of Sauvies Island; two step-daughters, Catherine Garcia of Coos Bay, Emily Batten; and six … Read more

Burgess, Eliza Ann Horn – Obituary

Services for Mrs. Eliza A. Burgess, 66, Vale resident for the past 35 years who died in her home Sunday [January 7, 1968], was at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Chapel of the Roses at Payette, with Elder Harry Sunday Fry of Payette Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints officiating. Mrs. Burgess was born in Ellensburg, Wash., Oct. 16, 1901. In 1915 she moved with her family to Oregon, settling in Curry County. She was married to Fred Burgess, December 19, 1922 in Coquille, Ore. They lived in Curry County 11 years and came to Vale in 1933. They … Read more