Baker City is steadily growing in importance commercially, and one of the institutions that will largely contribute to this advancement is the subject of our sketch. It is situated on the O. R. & N. Co.’s track, one hundred feet from any other building, and being covered with corrugated iron, is virtually safe against fire. Their business is to both store and forward merchandise for interior merchants, and the handling of wool, grain, flour, sugar, salt. rolled oats and canned goods on commission. The cut we present of the warehouse hardly does justice to it. The owner, F. W. Hendley also owns several warehouses at Pendleton, but has lately sold his grain warehouse there to the Hamilton & Bourke system. He will still operate his wool warehouse, in connection with this one. He does strictly a commission business, and has had fifteen years experience at it. Their forwarding business extends over the counties of Baker, Union and Grant. G. F. Johnson has acted as local manager since the warehouse passed into Mr. Hendley’s hands.