Union, Union County, Oregon
Former Union Boy Falls Under Wagon Wheels and Is Killed
Leland Clark, better known as Boots Clark, a former resident of Union, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Clark, age 26 years, was killed at Halfway Friday of last week, by falling from a load of hay and under the wheels of the wagon. His head was crushed and death was probably instantaneous.
Clark was hauling a load of hay, and the team being somewhat fractious, became frightened at some boys passing on horseback. In attempting to stop the team, Clark lost one of the reins and fell from the wagon in an attempt to regain it.
Leland Clark leaves a wife, formerly Miss Gaylord, of North Powder.
The funeral took place at Union Tuesday afternoon, from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Clark in south Union.
Newspaper item, Oct 28, 1915
Contributed by: Larry Rader