Bodyfelt, Edith – Obituary

La Grande and Union 1913-2004 Edith M. Bodyfelt, 91, of La Grande and formerly of Union, died May 22 at a local care center. A graveside service will begin at 1 p.m. June 5 at the Tillamook Odd Fellows’ Cemetery with the Rev. Ron Carter of the Nestucca Valley Presbyterian Church officiating. Mrs. Bodyfelt was born March 30, 1913, to Homer and Nora Marian Cheney in New Plymouth, Idaho. She graduated from Union High School in 1931, and married Guy E. Watts in September of that year in Union. In 1959 the couple moved to Pacific City where they had … Read more

Griggs, Larry Malcolm – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Aug. 30 — Larry Griggs, funeral service, 1 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, La Grande The Observer – August 25, 2008 ________________________ Larry Malcolm Griggs , 81, of La Grande, died peacefully Aug. 22 at his home. Services will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday at the LDS Stake Center on Gekeler Lane. Loveland Funeral Chapel and Crematory is in charge of arrangements. Larry was born July 5, 1927, to Edward Rex and Ruth Rawlins Griggs in Union. Larry was a veteran of the Navy and subsequently trained to become a certified aircraft mechanic and … Read more

Swiger, Polly Mrs. – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Polly Swiger, aged 81 years and 26 days, died at the Swiger residence near Union, Oregon, Sunday, October 9, 1910, and was buried from the Presbyterian church Wednesday, October 12, at 11 a. m. Polly Wilkinson was born in Jackson county, Ohio, September 29, 1829, and her early life was passed in the vicinity of Peoria, Ill. She was married to N. Swiger in 1851, and in 1858 moved from Illinois to Nebraska. In May, 1864, Mr. and Mrs. Swiger moved to Oregon, arriving in the Grande Ronde Valley, October 9, of that year. From … Read more

Pfel, LuluMae – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon LuluMae Pfel, 85, of North Powder died Sept. 24 at a care center. Viewing will be from 2 to 6 p.m. today at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave., Baker City. A graveside service will begin at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the North Powder Cemetery. Mrs. Pfel was born April 29, 1921, to Frank and Lola VanOrder Wiglesworth. The family lived in Ramo Flat. She graduated from Union High School, and on Aug. 26, 1938, she married Louis W. Pfel in La Grande. She lived in North Powder from 1946 to 2005, when she … Read more

Spray, Gordon – Obituary

Local Hunter Shot To Death Gordon Spray, 54, La Grande, became the first recorded fatality of the 1973 Oregon deer season during the weekend. At least one other hunter was shot to death and two died of apparent heart attacks. Police say Spray was hunting with Lynn Miller, 22, Baker, when he was accidentally shot to death Saturday near Goose Creek about 50 miles southwest of Baker. The Observer Monday, October 8, 1973 Front Page Gordon Spray of Century Estates died Saturday, Oct. 6 in a hunting accident 10 miles south of Unity in the Grouse Creek area. He was … Read more

Baremore, Jack Lee – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Jack Lee Baremore, 67, died on April 18, 2005, in Reno, Nev., due to unexpected natural causes. A celebration of life will be held at 10a.m. on April 22 at The Valley Fellowship, 507 Palmer in La Grande. A graveside service will follow at the Wallowa Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. Viewing will be held on April 21 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Loveland’s Funeral Chapel, 1508 4th Street, La Grande. A complete obituary will be published on a later date. The Chieftain, Obituaries, Thursday, April 21, 2005 Jack Lee Baremore, 67, of Union died suddenly April 18 … Read more

McGrath, Patrick – Obituary

Patrick McGrath, an old and respected resident of Union, died suddenly of heart failure Tuesday morning of this week at his home in North Union. He was 75 years old, and leaves to mourn his loss, a wife and six children, the children being all grown. For some years past Mr. McGrath has had severe trouble with his eyes, being at times almost blind, and while his health has not been the best, his death was quite unexpected, and came as a great shock to his family. No services where held in Union Thursday, the remains being taken to La … Read more

Tuttle, J. E. – Obituary

Death of J. E. Tuttle J. E. Tuttle, of Union, was found unconscious at this home Thursday, Oct 12, at about 11 o’clock, after a few moment’s abasence of members of the family. Dr. Cromwell, the family physician, was called and found Mr. Tuttle suffering from paralysis, and he grew worse until about 1:30, when he died. Mr. Tuttle leaves a wife and four children-Floyd, Walter, Winifred and Ola Tuttle-two of whom (Walter and Winifred) were absent at the time of Mr. Tuttle’s death. J. E. Tuttle was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 28, 1845, and came to Oregon with … Read more

Mitchell, Rosemary Jones Mrs. – Obituary

Rosemary Mitchell, 90, of La Grande, a former Baker City resident, died Aug. 17, 2002, at a La Grande adult foster home. Her funeral was today at the First Church of the Nazarene in Baker City. Art Evans of the New Life Center at La Grande officiated. Interment was in Mount Hope Cemetery. There was a reception afterward at the Nazarene Church Fellowship Hall. Mrs. Mitchell was born on Oct. 3, 1911, at Union to Robert and Mary Gilkison Jones. She married John R. Mitchell in Baker City on May 24, 1931. Their first years were spent at Sparta in … Read more

Minnick, John W. – Obituary

The funeral of John W. Minnick took place Sunday afternoon, August 21, from the M. E. Church, sermon by Rev. L. A. Cook. Services at the grave by the Knight of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. John Wesley Minnick was born near Leesburg, Ohio, Sept. 15th, 1849. At the age of six years he moved with his parents to Monroe, Iowa, where he spent his early boyhood. Following many of his friends, the call of the west was strong, and he started West, going as far as Evanston and Hilliard, Wyoming, where during the winter of 1865 and the spring … Read more

Wasson, Thomas H. – Obituary

Thomas H. Wasson was born near St. Louis, Missouri, June 8, 1854, and died at his home in Union September 17, 1923, age 69 years, 3 months and 9 days. Coming west in 1885, he settled in Warner, Idaho, where he worked in the mine for ten years. He was twice married. To the first union five children were born On January 4, 1904, he was again married to Miss Ermina B. Coffinberry, of Union. He is survived by his widow and the five children already mentioned. The family moved to Union County in 1914, which has been his home … Read more

Miller, Howard – Obituary

Howard Nicholas Miller, 86, of Union, died Tuesday, May 4, 1993, at Mountain Vista Care Center. At his request, there will be no funeral service. Mr. Miller was born on Nov. 25, 1906, at Alicel, to W. D. and Alice Mires Miller. On July 14, 1934, he married Fredrica Spain at Union. He was a logging foreman for Marbaitz Logging in Birney, Calif. The family moved to Union in 1974. Survivors include this wife Fredrica of Union; daughters Niki Schubert and Gwen Prince of Union; brothers Art Miller of Anaconda, Mont., and Glenn Miller of Baker City; sister Alice South … Read more

David Phillip Scott – Obituary

David Phillip Scott, 67, of Ontario, and a former Haines resident, died July 23, 2002, at Holy Rosary Medical Center. His memorial service will be Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Haines. Pastors Sally Wiens and Mike Allen will officiate. David was born March 3, 1935, at Haines to Raymond Earl and Georgia (Jaroman) Scott. He found his house 17 years ago with Louise Pierce and they have been devoted to each ever since. David worked the past 14 years at Bellows Construction in Ontario as a truck driver. He loved collecting collector cars and trucks, … Read more

Odell, James – Obituary

James Odell, for a number of years a resident of Union, died in Portland, Oregon, Sunday November 14, 1909, age 74 years, 10 months and 22 days. Interment in Portland. Deceased leaves a wife, Mrs. Minnie Odell; a daughter, Mrs. Walter Swackhamer; and a son, James Odell, of his immediate family, to mourn his loss. James Odell had been a sufferer for a number of years and his death was not unexpected. He was a man of considerable means, having been successful in stock-raising in the Rye Valley country. The sympathy of many friends is extended to the family in … Read more

Knapp, Anna Miss – Obituary

Near Union, Monday, March 4, 1889 Miss Anna Knapp, aged 22 years. Eastern Oregon Republican, Thursday March 7, 1889

Blacker, Henry James – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon (Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Son and Brother Henry James Blacker) Born at Scott Bar, Siskiyou County, California March 18th, 1858: Died at Union, Union Co. Oregon, January 5th, 1879: I “He is not dead-he sleeps and he shall wake- Wake to new joy, new triumph, and new power: Wake to receive his birthright and his dower. Soon will the everlasting morning break- Soon will the mists and clouds his soul forsake And There, mid leafy glad and sunny bower, Shall live each tree and bloom each sweet, bright flower. He lived on earth, … Read more

Levy, Edna – Obituary

Edna Levy Dies: Long-time Resident Miss Edna R. Levy, 82, of Union died in a local hospital yesterday following a long illness. Funeral services will be held at Colonial Mortuary, Portland, Friday afternoon at 2:30 with Rabbi Julius Nodel officiating, burial in Beth Israel cemetery. Remains may be viewed at the Snodgrass Funeral home this Thursday. Born in Union Oct. 22, 1883, she had lived in Union all her life and was a 50-year member of Grande Ronde Valley Chapter No. 49. Order of Eastern Star. Survivors include a sister, Estelle Levy of Union; a brother Gus Levy of Baker, … Read more

Ames, Maggie P. Mrs. – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Died, in Oakland, California, January 7, 1925, Mrs. Maggie P. Ames, age 89 years. Maggie Pelham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrenus Peham, was born at Malone, Clinton county, Iowa. In 1861 she was married to George W. Ames and started as a bride across the plains in a prairie schooner. They landed in the Grande Ronde Valley in 1862. It is said they were the first white folks to cross the river to where Cove now stands. They purchased a tract of land that suited them, and today Union is built on a considerable portion … Read more

Cates, Willie Little – Obituary

At Union, Oregon, June 9, 1878, Little Willie, youngest son of W.A. and Carrie Cates, aged 9 months and 10 days. Mountain Sentinel, Saturday June 22, 1878

Godfrey, Mrs. E.H. – Obituary

Death Takes Woman Nearly 106 Years Old After nearly 106 years of life on this earth, Mrs. E.H. Godfrey, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Ricker, in South Union, January 3, at the extreme age of 105 years, 8 months and 16 days. She would have been 106 years of age had her life been spared until April 18th, says the Observer. Mrs. Godfrey is a pioneer of the California country and it is believed she is the oldest white woman in this part of the state, possibly in Oregon. Elizabeth Martin was born at Waldo, … Read more