Biography of Sigmund Sichel

SIGMUND SICHEL. – America is made up of the most intelligent and energetic people from all parts of the world. It is those who are alert and keen in the pursuit of information who learn of the advantages to be found in this country. And it is those who feel the impulse to stretch their limbs and operate upon a larger scale of life than the opportunities the old world afford who undergo the labors and take the risks involved in a removal across the Atlantic. This rule, which is not without its exception, is exemplified in the career of the man whose name appears at the head of this sketch. He is at present one of the active business men of Portland, Oregon, and while at Goldendale, Washington Territory, enjoyed the reputation of being the youngest man ever elected to the office of mayor in any city in the Northwest.

He was born in Bavaria in 1857, and prior to his fifteenth birthday was at school in a commercial college acquiring the information and training which have made him so efficient in his line in our state. He came to America at that age, and the second day after his arrival engaged as a salesman in a New York store; but, learning of Oregon and the opportunities here for independence and competence, he determined to seek his fortune on the Pacific coast. He made the trip with his uncle, Solomon Hirsch, of the firm of Fleischner, Meyer & Co., and spent the three following years at Portland. Looking northward he spent six months at Nanaimo, but, returning to Oregon, found employment eighteen months in our metropolis.

In 1880 he went to Goldendale and engaged in the mercantile business in the firm of Lowengart & Sichel, doing a very thriving business. In 1887 he became sole proprietor; and his operations were quite extensive, his annual sales amounting to one hundred thousand dollars.

On May 13, 1888, Goldendale was destroyed by fire, Mr. Sichel being a heavy loser. Still he at once started again in business, but sold out his interest there and removed to Portland, and is the senior partner of Sichel and Mayer, who are engaged in the wholesale and retail tobacco and cigar trade. This last venture reaps a golden harvest; and such is due to the patronage of the numerous friends Mr. Sichel has made through courtesy and fair dealing.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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