Curry, Cleo J. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Cleo J. Curry, 77 of La Grande, died May 25 at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane. A memorial service will begin at 11 a.m. Monday, June 5 at the First Christian Church, 901 Penn Ave. The family requests that dress be casual for the service. Daniels Chapel of the Valley is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Curry was born June 10, 1928, to Clifford and Hazel Iona Robertson Wade in Goldendale, Wash. She graduated from Goldendale High School in 1946, and worked in accounting in Portland. In 1967 she became payroll supervisor at Eastern Oregon College … Read more

Basse, Wilhelmina Isaacson Jacobson – Obituary

Funeral rites for Mrs. Wilhelmina Basi [Basse] were held last Saturday, November 30, in the Finnish Lutheran Church at Centerville, conducted by Rev. C. J. Sacarisen, of Portland. The organist was Charles Isakson, and singers were Mrs. Kenneth Nelson and Miss Louise Hoikka. Pall bearers were Frank Sarsfield, Jack Mulligan, Ernest Mattson, Hilmer Erickson, Otis Anderson, and Walter Lande. Interment was in the Centerville Grange Cemetery. Mrs. Basi, wife of Wilhelm Basi, passed away Thanksgiving morning in the Goldendale General Hospital, at the age of 74 years and ten months. She was born in Kuttanen, Sweden and came to America … Read more

Smathers, Martha Etlidge – Obituary

Mrs. Martha [Etlidge] Smathers, 85, a resident of Ellensburg for the past 50 years, died in Yakima Friday evening [June 20, 1947]. It was learned here today. A native of Nashville, NC, Mrs. Smathers came here from Goldendale before the turn of the century. She is survived by three sons, Ed and Lee Smathers, both of Omak and John Smathers, Ellensburg A granddaughter, Mrs. George Minton of Ellensburg, and six great grandchildren also survive her. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Honeycutt-Evenson chapel followed by interment at the IOOF cemetery. The Rev. Paul Deane … Read more

Williams, Ellen Planer Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Ellen Williams, 80, a longtime Baker City resident, died May 27, 2002, at Meadowbrook Place in the presence of her family. There will be a celebration of Ellen’s life beginning at 2 p.m. Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Pastor John Goodyear of the Baker Valley Church of Christ will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at the Elkhorn Athletic Club, 1243 Second St. Ellen was born on March 21, 1922, at Minot, N.D., to Millie Gaslin and Orville Planer. Ellen grew up at The Dalles. She graduated from The Dalles … Read more

Hooker, William Guy “Bill” – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon William Guy “Bill” Hooker, 92, of Union, died Dec. 24, 2002, at his home. His graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Union Cemetery. The Rev. Jerry Peters of the Union United Methodist Church will officiate. Mr. Hooker was born Jan. 15, 1910, at Cleveland, Wash., to Joseph J. Hooker and Emma Selinda Fletcher Hooker. At the age of 2 he moved to Asotin, Wash., where he grew up and attended public school. Bill married Frances Harriet Wilsey on March 23, 1932, at Goldendale, Wash. Bill and his wife lived at Lewiston, Idaho, … Read more

Biography of William H. Chapman

WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN. – Upon entering this city and examining the business houses, one will not only note the handsome buildings devoted to the drug business of Allen & Chapman, but be deeply impressed with, and almost astonished at, the indications of the immense business of this firm, which speaks eloquently of the large and growing community with whom they do business, and proves the frequent assertions which one hears that they conduct the largest trade in heir line in Yakima county. We give a view of the interior of their store; and, to those who may think that North … Read more

Biography of Hon. James B. Reavis

Much interest attaches to the life and work of an attorney such as Mr. Reavis, whose chief endeavor both privately and professionally has been to realize a high degree of public justice. He is a man whom the people feel safe in having by; for they can trust his sagacity and integrity, knowing that he is thoroughly incorruptible by any influence, corporate or otherwise. He is one of the men of whom both unscrupulous politicians and monopolies have a wholesome fear. Glancing at his ancestry, we observe that he came honestly by these rugged qualities, being in lineal descent from … Read more

Biography of Sigmund Sichel

SIGMUND SICHEL. – America is made up of the most intelligent and energetic people from all parts of the world. It is those who are alert and keen in the pursuit of information who learn of the advantages to be found in this country. And it is those who feel the impulse to stretch their limbs and operate upon a larger scale of life than the opportunities the old world afford who undergo the labors and take the risks involved in a removal across the Atlantic. This rule, which is not without its exception, is exemplified in the career of … Read more

Van Gaasbeck, Florence Gladys Thompson Mrs. – Obituary

Florence Gladys Van Gaasbeck 81, a longtime Arlington resident, died Jan. 17, 2002, at a foster care home in Baker City. Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Monte Loyd of the Baker Valley Christian Assembly will officiate. Interment will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Arlington Cemetery. Visitations will be until 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mrs. Van Gaasbeck was born on June 28, 1920, at Rufus to Glen and Jean Mathieson Thompson. She received her education at the Rufus Public School. She married Clark Van Gaasbeck … Read more

Biography of William Rice Dunbar

W.R. DUNBAR. – The mold in which a place is first cast is a great determining force in its future development. A quarter of a city which begins with mean buildings invites a class of neglectful or impecunious residents, and seldom outgrows its tendency towards squalor. The new settlers which come into a thriftless community sink more easily to the habits of their neighbors before them than they succeed in inciting those lax individuals to more industrious methods. On the other hand, also, thrift, vigor, a high level of public spirit and morality, leave a stamp which sets the tone … Read more

Creighton, Michael Henry – Obituary

Michael Henry Creighton, 66, a former Baker City resident, died Jan. 12, 2008, at his home at Goldendale, Wash., with his family members by his side. His memorial service was Jan. 18 at the Goldendale American Legion Club. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, his memory be honored with a hug for a friend. Columbia Hills Memorial Chapel was in charge of arrangements. Mr. Creighton graduated from The Dalles High School and continued his education by graduating from Perry Tech at Yakima, Wash., and Bates Tech at Tacoma, Wash. He raised his family at Baker City and later … Read more

Biography of Hon. R. O. Dunbar

HON. R.O. DUNBAR. – It is not always an enviable distinction to be made eminent for political preferments. The exceptions are in the cities where office is held as the currency of political services, and as the opportunity for public plunder. In the smaller communities, however, where personal acquaintance extends to all citizens, and an honest public spirit precludes fraud, one may well feel pride in that confidence of his friends in his ability and probity which selects him as a public servant. Preferment at the suffrage of the citizens of a place like Goldendale, noted for its correct sentiment … Read more

Biography of Thomas Johnson

THOMAS JOHNSON. – The gentleman whose name appears above belongs to three towns on the east slope of the Cascades, – Goldendale, Ellensburgh and Cle-Elum; and it may almost be said that in the course of their development these three towns belong to him. At least, he has been a leading and constructive spirit in them. He is a native of Canada, where he was born in 1839, and came to this coast in search of the golden fleece at Caribou in 1862. The Province, however, detained him but a year; and he came down to Rockland opposite The Dalles, … Read more

Barton, Arnold – Obituary

Promise, Oregon Arnold Barton Arnold E. Barton died Oct. 9, 2005, at his home in Goldendale, Wash., of an apparent heart attack. He was born and raised in the Promise area. Funeral services are pending at this time. A full obituary will appear as details are available. Wallowa County Chieftain, Thursday, 13, 2005 Mr. Barton was born May 18, 1921 in Promise to Silas and LaVida (Lortie) Barton. He attended schools in Promise and in the lower valley. Mr. Barton enlisted in the U.S. Army and served as a M.P. during World War II. He married Myrtle Sullivan in Weiser, … Read more

Wiidanen, Charles – Obituary

Funeral services were conducted at the Phillips Funeral Home Monday afternoon for Charles Wiidanen, pioneer Centerville resident. Interment was made in the Centerville Grange Cemetery with committal services by the Centerville Grange. Rev. J. A. Dunn was officiating minister at the rites. Wiidanen was born April 21, 1877 in Calumet, Michigan and died at the Klickitat Valley Hospital, November 28 at the age of 75. He was the oldest son of Andrew and Amanda Holm Wiidanen and was six months old when he and his parents arrived in the Klickitat Valley. They came by train to California and by boat … Read more

Bloom, Louis R. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Louis R. Bloom Dies On His Way To South Louis R. Bloom, a native son of Wallowa valley, died at Goldendale, Washington, Wednesday, December 22, 1937. He was on his way from Yakima, where he had lived for three years, to souhtern California where Mrs. Bloom had gone a few weeks before. He was stricken with a heart attack and went to a hotel where he passed away. The body was brought to Enterprise by C.L. Booth and funeral services were held at the Booth Chapel Monday morning and burial was in Enterprise cemetery. Rev. Lloyd … Read more