Biographical Sketch of Clarke Charlesworth Lipe

(See Thornton, Oolootsa and Thompson) Clarke Charlesworth Lipe was born November 15, 1887, married at Tulsa July 19, 1914 Lucy V. daughter of John and Sarah Sellers born Nov. 22, 1888 near Stilwell, Cherokee Nation.

They are the parents of Clarke Charlesworth Lipe born January 4, 1916. Mr. Lipe’s Cherokee name is, Oolasant. Mrs. Lipe is a member of the Baptist church.

John Gunter married Catherine a full-blood Cherokee of the Paint Clan and they settled on the Tennessee River in north Alabama, where he made powder and operated a ferry. Their daughter Catherine married as her second husband Oliver Wack Lipe born January 20, 1814 at Fort Plains, New York. He was a merchant at Fort Gibson and the first mayor of that town. He had five children of whom Clarke Charlesworth was the youngest. One of Clark Charlesworth’s older brothers was John Gunter Lipe, born January 1, 1844. Though ordinarily happy and pleasant he wrote the following lines in the autograph album of Miss Victoria Susan Hicks on February 27, 1861:

“I stand at the portal and knock,
And tearfully, prayerfully wait,
O! who will unfasten the lock,
And open the beautiful gate?

Forever and ever and ever,
Must I linger and suffer alone?
Are there none that are able to sever,
The fetters that keep me from home?

My spirit is lonely and weary,
I long for the beautiful streets.
The world is so chilly and dreary,
And bleeding and torn are my feet.”

John Gunter Lipe.
He was killed in a skirmish on Bayou Monard on July 27, 1862.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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