1806 2nd Ordinance Selling Land Lots in Athens

On the 2nd of April, 1806, Rufus Putnam and Dudley Woodbridge were appointed a committee to conduct a second sale of town lots, which took place November 25, 1806. Some of the lots previously sold were sold again, payments having not been made. The following is the report of the second sale

No. of
lot.        Purchaser.        Price.

1        Joel Abbott,        $72 00
2        Joel Abbott,         40 50
3        Ebenezer Currier,    36 50
4        William Skinner,     15 00
5        Silvanus Ames,       15 00
6        Leonard Jewett,      15 00
8        Leonard Jewett,      15 00
9        Leonard Jewett,      13 00
10       John Walker,         12 50
11       William Skinner,      7 50
12       John Walker,         26 00
14       Silvanus Ames,       35 00
t5       William Dorr,        18 00
16       Silvanus Ames,       15 00
17       Ebenezer Currier,    52 00
19       Moses Hewitt,        35 00
20       Moses Hewitt,        40 00
21       Silas Bingham,       15 00
22       Silas Bingham,       22 00
23       Rufus Putnam,        10 00
24       Moses Hewitt,        11 00
25       Rufus Putnam,        16 00
27       Samuel Luckey,       14 00
29       William Skinner,     16 00
30       Joseph Buell,        15 00
31       B. Seamans,          20 00
32       Joseph Buell,        11 00
33       William Skinner,     35 00
34       Rufus Putnam,        26 00
36       Moses Hewitt,        18 00
38       David Boyles,        17 00
39       Timothy Wilkins,     14 00
40       Dudley Woodbridge,   11 00
41       Timothy Wilkins,     17 00
42       Dudley Woodbridge,   10 00
43       Benajah Seamans,     12 00
44       Jehiel Gregory,       6 00
45       Henry Bartlett,       6 00
47       Jehiel Gregory,       6 00
48       Moses Hewitt,         6 00


AccessGenealogy.com Athens County Ohio Genealogy.

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