Athens County, Ohio Sheriffs 1805-1868

County Sheriff’s. Robert Linzee, appointed April, 1805; Silvanus Ames, appointed November, 1807; Robert Linzee, appointed November, 1809; Thomas Armstrong, elected October, 1813; Isaac Barker, elected October, 1817; Jacob Lentner, elected October, 1821; Calvary Morris, elected October, 1823; Robert Linzee, elected October, 1827; John McGill, elected October, 1829; Amos Miller, elected October, 1831; Joseph Hewitt, elected October, 1835; Joseph H. Moore, elected October, 1839; William Golden, elected October, 1843; J. L. Currier, elected October, 1847; Joseph L. Kessinger, elected October, 1851; Leonard Brown, elected October, 1855; H. C. Knowles, elected October, 1857; Frederic S. Stedman, elected October, 1861; John M. Johnson, … Read more

Athens County, Ohio County Recorders 1805-1868

County Recorders. office. Recorded what volumes. Dr. Eliphaz Perkins, From 1806 to Jul. 1819, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 Chauncey F. Perkins, From July 1819 to May 1826, Nos. 4, 5. A. G. Brown, From May 1826 to Aug. 1833, Nos. 5, 6. Robert E. Constable, From Aug. 1833 to Nov. 1835, Nos. 6, 7. A. G. Brown, From Nov. 1835 to Oct. 1841, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10. Enos Stimson, From Oct. 1841 to Oct. 1844, Nos. 10, 11, 12. John Boswell, From Oct. 1844 to Oct. 1847, Nos. 12, 13, 14 A. J. Van Vorhes, From Oct. 1847 … Read more

Athens County, Ohio Auditors 1805-1868

The first constitution of Ohio provided for the election by the people of only two county officers, viz.: sheriff and coroner; other county officers were, during the first eighteen years of the state’s history, appointed by the county commissioners or by the associate judges of the respective counties. The office of county auditor was created by act of the legislature, at the session of 182o-21. Before that time the principal duties of the auditor were performed by the county clerk, who was appointed by the commissioners. Henry Bartlett, so long known in the county as “Esquire Bartlett,” was clerk, and … Read more

Athens Ohio 1820 Census Index

Athens Ohio 1820 Census Index Abbot, Joel, Jr. 103 Abbot, John 103 Back, William 103 Bailey, Fromes 103 Baker, Isaiah 109 Baker, Nicholas 109 Ballard, Joseph 103 Barker, Isaac, Jr. 104 Barker, Joseph 103 Barker, Michael 104 Barker, Timothy 104 Barker, William 104 Bartlett, Henry 104 Beard, Colesmby 104 Beeris, William 104 Bending, Nathen 104 Benley, William 104 Bingham, Silas 109 Bone, Barent 104 Brigham, Alvin 104 Brigham, Alvin, Jr. 104 Browing, K. Thomas 104 Brown, John II 104 Calvin, Barzabel 104 Carpenter, Cipkes 104 Carpenter, Joseph 104 Carter, Ried 108 Chadwick, Thomas 104 Coats, Arthur 104 Coe, John 104 … Read more

Athens County, Ohio County Court Officers 1805-1868

County Court. The first court of common pleas, July 8, 1805, consisted of Robert F. Slaughter, president judge, and Silvanus Ames and Elijah Hatch, associate judges. Henry Bartlett was appointed clerk. Since that time the following judges have acted: 1806-Levin Belt, president judge, and Silvanus Ames, Alexander Stedman, and Abel Miller, associate judges. In 1807, judge Ames became sheriff, and Elijah Hatch became judge. 1807 to 1812-William Wilson, president judge, and Alexanander Stedman, Abel Miller, and Elijah Hatch, associate judges. 1813-William Wilson, president judge, and Jehiel Gregory, Silvanus Ames, and Elijah Hatch, associate judges. 1814-William Wilson, president judge, and Jehiel … Read more

Hall, Evert – Obituary

Evert Hall, 87, Rt. 5, died Monday May 25, 1981 at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. He was born in Athens, Ohio, on May 24, 1894. He lived in San Diego, where he worked for Lockheed Aircraft during World War II. He and Bertha Annen Zumbrunnen were married in Yuma, Ariz. in 1942. They lived in Ellensburg for a time before moving to Friday Harbor in 1946. He worked in the cranberry fields near Friday Harbor and in the Aberdeen area. They returned to Ellensburg in 1974 from Aberdeen to live near their daughter and son-in-law, Bertha and the late Chet … Read more

Biography of Robert H. Barton

One of the well known citizens of Moscow is Robert H. Barton, who is now capably serving as postmaster. He is true and faithful to this public trust and at all times has discharged his duties of citizenship with the same promptness and fidelity which marked his course when on the battlefields of the south he followed the starry banner to victory and thus aided in the preservation of the Union. He came to Moscow in 1877. His birth occurred in Perry County, Ohio, February 1, 1842, and he is of Scotch-Irish lineage. His grandfather, Robert Barton, emigrated from the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Elijah Burton

Burton, Theodore Elijah; U. S. senator to March 3, 1915; born, Jefferson, O., Dee. 20, 1851; son of Rev. William and Elizabeth ‘(Grant) Burton; A. B., Oberlin College, 1872, A. M. 1875; (LL. D., Oberlin, 1900, Dartmouth, 1907, Ohio University, 1907); unmarried; admitted to bar, 1875, and since in practice at Cleveland; member 51st (1889-1891), and 54th to 61st (1895-1911) congresses; 21st Ohio Dist.; resigned from 61st Congress, March 4, 1909; U. S. senator, 1909-1915; chairman Inland Waterways Commission, 1906-1908; chairman National Waterways Commission; member National Monetary Commission; Republican nominee for mayor, Cleveland, 1907; delegate Republican National convention, 1904, 1908 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Nicholas Hailmann

Hailmann, William Nicholas; educator; born, Glaris, Switzerland, Oct. 20, 1836; son of William Alexander and Babette Hailmann; educated, Gymnasium, Zurich, and with tutor; studied in Medical College, Louisville, Ky., 1855-1856; (hon. A. M. University of Louisville, 1864; Ph. D., Ohio University, 1885); married Eudora Lucas, of Louisville, Dec. 24, 1857 (died 1904); 2d Helena Kuhn, of Detroit, Dec. 25, 1907; teacher of natural sciences, Louisville High Schools, 1856-1865; director German and English Academy, Louisville, 1865-1973; director German and English Academy, Milwaukee, 1873-1878; director German-American Seminary, Detroit, 1878-1883; supt. public schools, La Porte, Ind., 1883-1894; nat. supt. of Indian schools, 1894-8; … Read more

Officers of the Town of Athens

The town records from 1811, the date of incorporation, to 1825, are lost. In 1825, James Gillmore was president of the town council, and Joseph B. Miles recorder. At an election held in the town of Athens, March 6, 1826, the number of votes cast was forty-three, and the following persons were elected members of the town council, viz.: Thomas Brice, by thirty-four votes; Columbus Bierce, by thirty-four votes; Ebenezer Currier, by thirty-one votes; John Brown 2d, by forty-three votes; and Joseph B. Miles, by twentythree votes. The following town officers were elected: Samuel Knowles, marshal; Eben Foster, supervisor; A. … Read more

Biography of Edwin Cameron Motter

Edwin Cameron Motter, an attorney of Muskogee who has resided here during the past fifteen years and has been connected with much important litigation, was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, on the 16th of June, 1884, a son of Dr. James R. and Ida (Faust) Motter. His parents and a sister, Mouser M., still reside at the old home in the Buckeye state. He began his education in the public schools near the place of his nativity and when thirteen years of age entered the preparatory college to Ohio University at Athens, which is the oldest university west of the Alleghany … Read more

Athens County, Ohio Commissioners 1805-1868

County Commissioners from the Organization of the County. 1805 Silas Dean, William Howlett, John Curry-(At special election.) 1805 William Barrows, William Howlett, Samuel Moore-(At regular election.) 1806 Alvan Bingham, Bingham, Samuel Moore-(At regular election.) 1807 Alvan Bingham, Caleb Merritt, Samuel Moore-(At regular election. 1808 Alvan Bingham, Caleb Merritt, Ebenezer Currier. 1809 Asahel Cooley, Caleb Merritt, Ebenezer Currier. 1810 Asahel Cooley, Zebulon Griffin, Ebenezer Currier. 1811 Asahel Cooley, Zebulon Griffin, Seth Fuller. 1812 Ebenezer Currier, Zebulon Griffin, Seth Fuller. 1813 Ebenezer Currier, Caleb Merritt, Seth Fuller. 1814 Ebenezer Currier, Caleb Merritt, Robert Linzee. 1815 Daniel Stewart, Levi Stedman, Robert Linzee. 1816 … Read more

Athens County, Ohio County Treasurers 1805-1868

County Treasurers. Alvan Bingham, appointed April, 1805; William Harper, appointed June, 1806; Ebenezer Currier, appointed June, 1807; Eliphaz Perkins, appointed March, 1808; William Harper, appointed June, 1809; Eliphaz Perkins,* appointed June, 1811; Amos Crippen, appointed June, 1815; Isaac Barker, appointed June, 1825, elected October, 1825; Amos Crippen, elected October, 1829; Isaac Barker, elected October, 1831; Isaac N. Norton, elected October, 1835, died in December, 1836. Abram Van Vorhes acted first year, and Isaac Barker, second year, by appointment. Isaac Barker, elected October, 1837; Amos Crippen, elected October, 1839; Robert McCabe, elected October, 1841; William Golden, elected October, 1847; Samuel Pickering, … Read more

Athens Grand Juries from, 1805 to 1815

The first grand jury that ever sat in the county, was drawn in November, 1805, and was composed as follows: John Dixon, John Hewitt, Samuel Moore, John Corey, Peter Boyles, Jeremiah Riggs, Canaday Lowry, William Howlett, Robert Fulton, Alvan Bingham, Josiah Coe, Philip M. Starr. March Term, 1806.-Alvan Bingham, Hopson Beebe, John Thompson, Silas Dean, John Lowry, Josiah Coe, Daniel Stewart, Robert Fulton, Baruch Dorr, Edmund Dorr, Peter Boyles, John Corey, Benaziah Simmons. July Term, 1806.-Alvan Bingham, John Havner, David Pratt, Reuben Hurlbut, Jacob Boyles, Moses Bean, Canaday Lowry, Alexander Fulton, George Wolf, Joseph Brooks, Abraham Shidler, John Corey, Peter … Read more

Biography of Hon. Theodore L. Stiles

HON. THEODORE L. STILES. – Honorable Theodore L. Stiles was born at Medway, Clarke county, Ohio, July 12, 1848, and was the only child of Daniel J. and Marie S. Stiles. His mother’s maiden name was Lamme; and she, too, was a native of the same county as her son. Mr. Stiles’ father was born of German and English parents, in Danplin county, Pennsylvania. His mother’s family were emigrants from Virginia in 1809. Until the age of sixteen, he remained at his birthplace, which was a small interior farming village. But, his mother having died in 1863, his father removed … Read more

1806 2nd Ordinance Selling Land Lots in Athens

On the 2nd of April, 1806, Rufus Putnam and Dudley Woodbridge were appointed a committee to conduct a second sale of town lots, which took place November 25, 1806. Some of the lots previously sold were sold again, payments having not been made. The following is the report of the second sale No. of lot. Purchaser. Price. 1 Joel Abbott, $72 00 2 Joel Abbott, 40 50 3 Ebenezer Currier, 36 50 4 William Skinner, 15 00 5 Silvanus Ames, 15 00 6 Leonard Jewett, 15 00 8 Leonard Jewett, 15 00 9 Leonard Jewett, 13 00 10 John Walker, … Read more

1804 Ordinance Selling Land Lots in Athens

Sec. 1 appointed Rufus Putnam and Samuel Carpenter to survey and lay off the town of Athens agreeably with the rule of the resolution of the legislature of December 18th, 1799. Sec. 2 directed the treasurer of the university to have the town plat recorded. Sec. 3 directed Putnam and Carpenter, after due notice, to sell on the first Monday of November, 1804, at public auction, twenty-seven house-lots and an equal number of out-lots at their discretion, excepting and reserving house-lots number 57 and 58. The remaining sections related to the form of certificate and lease to be given. The … Read more

Biography of George W. Gabriel, M. D.

George W. Gabriel, M. D., of Parsons had his first medical experience as a hospital steward and soldier during the Civil war. He is now the oldest active medical man in the state, having practiced continuously for over forty-five years. Doctor Gabriel is one of the pioneer physicians of Parsons, and has identified himself with that community not only in a professional capacity but also as a public spirited man of affairs. He is a former state senator. He was born in that old center of education and culture of the Ohio Valley, Athens, Ohio, on November 17, 1841. The … Read more