Letter from Thomas Love to his Nephew, James Robert Love

Letter from Thomas Love to his Nephew, James Robert Love,

of Haywood County, North Carolina.

Henry County, Paris, Tennessee.

My Dear Nephew: 10 March 1843

I received your kind letter of the 23rd, Jan. 1843, which gave me much satisfaction to learn that my old and much beloved brother was still in the land of the living, and all friends in that County generally enjoying health.

My family at present is in the enjoyment of reasonable health ever since you left me with the exception, of myself and Albert, who has not altogether recovered his health, but so much so that he attends to all his business. As to myself, I have been sorely afflicted with the Rheumatism pains in my neck for the last sixteen months, but for the last two or three weeks, I think, I have mended considerably, and if it should be the will of the Giver of all Good to continue His kind mercies towards me, and should my neck continue to improve, as it has done for the last two or three weeks, my intention is that, I think, sometime by the month of May, I will be able to ride in a carriage. My intention is at that time, or thereabouts, to set out for my old native country to see all my friends and relatives one more time.

My son, Thomas Bell Love, left here, bag and baggage, for Missouri last October was a year, and settled in Wright County, Missouri, if you wish to write to him, address him thus; towit; Greene County, Walnut Forest Post Office, State of Missouri. There is where I address my letters to him. I have received several letters from him and wife since they moved to that country. They are both highly pleased with their move; lands lie well for farming, and scarcely could be surpassed for furtility by any in the world*****Health, equal to old Buncombe. He says he was scarcely seen a Doctor for the last twelve months, and not one cent has he paid to them. Steam boat navigation will be within fifty miles of where he lives. If I could call back twenty years, I certainly would go to that country******** This letter is quite long already, I will write you shortly again. I have never had any account about my Holland suit, only a word or two dropped by you to me last Spring.

I have written lately to my old friend, Wm. Welch, and likewise Mr. Francis to let me know what the result has been.

Tell Andy I want to see him very much, and to do the best he can until I get in, and by all means, not to idle away his time.

As respects the cure of the cancer on Stiles’ wife’s neck, the cure proved effectual, and her nose was very bad. You will take (towit) a smart quantity of the root of Sour Dock, put it into a pot and boil it down until you are sure the whole of the strength is out of it. The root will become quite soft when boiled. Then take them in you hands, mash and squeeze them well, will have the whole of the strength in the water, then throw the roots out, then put the ______ with the water on the fire, and simmer until it becomes about as thick as honey, then agreeable to the quantity of juice, add one third of strong French brandy, mix them well together, then spread it on a rag as a plaster, and put as plaster to the place effected, night and morning, etc.

Please give my best respects in particular to my old brother, likewise to all friends, whilst you will please to accept the same yourself.

Yours farewell,

Thomas Love (Copy)


Genealogy, Letter,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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