Biography of Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D.

Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D. A useful life crowded with activity and crowned with achievement both as a physician and as a citizen, Dr. Thaddeus C. Frazier, of Coffeyville, may still further be considered because he is the pioneer medical man of this city. For forty-two years he has been a physician and surgeon here and additionally has been a leader in all forward movements, accepting public positions as a helpful means of progress for the city, encouraging educational movements and through his stability of character conferring honor upon this whole section. Doctor Frazier was born in Henry County, Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of Basil Tonion Barber

Basil Tonion Barber. The ever-changing conditions of present-day competition in business life offer splendid opportunities for men of foresight and sagacity in any growing locality, whether it be developing from wilderness to settlement or from hamlet to metropolis. The ability to recognize in advance the strategic commercial situation is an asset the value of which may not be overestimated, and the man who possesses this quality is bound to find himself, sooner or later, in a position of importance in the business world. It was through the ability to predict where business would develop and to know in advance what … Read more

Biography of Judge Matthew Chapman

JUDGE MATTHEW CHAPMAN. A man’s life-work is the measure of his success, and he is truly the most successful man who, turning his powers into the channel of an honorable purpose, accomplishes the object of his endeavor. He who weds himself to a great principle lays the foundation of a successful life. In the study of every man’s life we find some mainspring of action-something that he lives for. In Judge Matthew Chapman it seems to have been an ambition to make the best use of his native and acquired powers, and to develop in himself a true manhood. In … Read more

Slave Narrative of Alex & Elizabeth Smith

Interviewer: Henrietta Karwowski Person Interviewed: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith Location: South Bend, Indiana Age: 83 Place of Residence: 127 North Lake Street, South Bend, Indiana Henrietta Karwowski, Field Worker Federal Writers’ Project St. Joseph County-District #1 South Bend, Indiana EX-SLAVES MR. AND MRS. ALEX SMITH 127 North Lake Street South Bend, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith, an eighty-three year old negro couple were slaves in Kentucky near Paris, Tennessee, as children. They now reside at 127 North Lake Street, on the western limits of South Bend. This couple lives in a little shack patched up with tar paper, … Read more

Letter from Thomas Love to his Nephew, James Robert Love

Letter from Thomas Love to his Nephew, James Robert Love, of Haywood County, North Carolina. Henry County, Paris, Tennessee. My Dear Nephew: 10 March 1843 I received your kind letter of the 23rd, Jan. 1843, which gave me much satisfaction to learn that my old and much beloved brother was still in the land of the living, and all friends in that County generally enjoying health. My family at present is in the enjoyment of reasonable health ever since you left me with the exception, of myself and Albert, who has not altogether recovered his health, but so much so … Read more

Biography of N. A. Eberman

N.A. EBERMAN. – This still vigorous and erect gentleman of sixty-eight years is a perfect representative of the daring, athletic and pioneer Western men who crossed the plains nearly half a century ago. He was born in Henry county, Tennessee, in 1821, and at the age of ten went with his parents to settle in Madison county, Illinois. In Warren county of the same state he saw something of the Black Hawk war. In 1840 he left home for Missouri, stopping in that then unsettled region until, in 1843, the eloquence of Burnett and the exertions of others resulted in … Read more

Finley, Lula Ann – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Lula Ann Finley Services Held Memorial services were conducted by the Bollman Funeral Home Monday at 1 p.m. at the Wallowa Christian Church for Mrs. Lula Ann Finley who passed away Saturday, May 7, 1966 at Wallowa Memorial hospital. The Rev. Orville Mick officiated and Mrs. Nyoda Scott was organist and soloist, singing “Beyond The Sunset” and “Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere”. Honorary pallbearers were Hilbert Murrill, W. A. Richman, J. W. Rounsavell, Marion McCrae, Wm. Collins, Russell Temple, Bernard Livingood, Frank Renfrow. Casket bearers were Joe Wise, Melvin and Don Scott, Jay Rugg, Fred J. Zielke, … Read more

Henry County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Henry County, Tennessee Tombstone Transcription Project) Alexander Cemetery Allen Cemetery (#1) Allen Cemetery (#2) Allen Cemetery (#3) aka Kendall/Wynns Cemetery Allen Cemetery (#4) aka Kendall Cemetery Allman/Almond Cemetery Antioch Cemetery (#1) Antioch Cemetery (#2) Atkins Cemetery Baker Cemetery Barbee Cemetery Bass Cemetery Beaver Dam Cemetery Beaver Dam Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethesda Cemetery Bethlehem … Read more

Slave Narrative of Adeline R. Lennox

Interviewer: Albert Strope Person Interviewed: Adeline Rose Lennox Location: Elkhart, Indiana Place of Birth: Middle / Paris, Tennessee Date of Birth: October 25, 1849 Place of Residence: 1400 South Sixth Street, Elkhart, Indiana Albert Strope, Field Worker Federal Writers’ Project St. Joseph County-District #1 Mishawaka, Indiana ADELINE ROSE LENNOX-EX-SLAVE 1400 South Sixth Street, Elkhart, Indiana Adeline Rose Lennox was born of slave parents at Middle-sometimes known as Paris-Tennessee, October 25, 1849. She lived with her parents in slave quarters on the plantation of a Mr. Rose for whom her parents worked. These quarters were log houses, a distance from the … Read more