Will of Thomas Foster – 1663

Last Updated on September 1, 2012 by Dennis

THOMAS FOSTER, Rustdorp, L. I., “being on bed of sickness.” My will is that my son Thomas shall have that mare that is at Nissaquage, and if the child, my wife now goes withal, shall live, that child shall have a share in it.” “My children are to be taught to read English well, and my son to write, when they doe come of age.” “And if my wife should marry or remaine as she is, and not teach ye children as aforesayd, then my will is that two cows more be layed out for yt end, to give ye children learning.” Mentions “my brother” (not named), “my cousin, Henry Foster,” wife (not named), my friends, Thomas Benedict, Wm. Foster, and Daniel Denton, to dispose of estate.”

Dated May 22, 1663. Witnesses, Wm. Hallett, John Boylee. Approved by the authority of Rustdorp [Jamaica], on Long Island, and recorded by their order June 10, 1663. Anthony Waters, Clerk.

LIBER 1-2, page 78

“Whereas THOMAS FOSTER, heretofore of Rustdorp, alias Jamaica, upon Long Island, did in his will appoint his widow executrix, and she having married Joseph Thurston,” they are confirmed as executors, Angust 5, 1671. Widow’s name not given.

LIBER 1-2, page 96



Abstracts Of Wills On File In The Surrogate’s Office City Of New York

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