Will of John Hadden – 1671

JOHN HADDEN, Jamaica, leaves to Captain Matthias Nicoll “my horse in the hands of Mrs. Marshall.” To Peter Smith, of Jamaica, a horse. To John, son of William and Margary Meritt, £10, “to be paid to his parents against he arrive to years of understanding.” Legacies to Henry Newton, John Thompson,” belonging to ye Garrison of New York,” Mr. Edward Smith, of New York, John Clarke, Richard Charlton, and Richard Dow, “to Margaret Welham, servant of Wm. Merritt., for care and trouble in taking care of me in my sickness, 80 shillings,” to loving friend, Benjamin Coe, £5. Makes Elias … Read more

Will of Richard Everett – 1668

RICHARD EVERETT, of Jamaica, died intestate. Abraham Smith appointed administrator, September 4, 1668. Children mentioned but not named.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Carpenter

(XIV) Jacob, son of Increase Carpenter, was born in Jamaica, in 1745, and married Widow Jane Smith, before her first marriage, Jane Baylis. She died May 6, 1813. He was a farmer by occupation and died in 1819 or 1820. Children, born in Jamaica: Increase, mentioned elsewhere: Jacob; Nathaniel; Daniel, married Hepsabeth Higbee; Benjamin, died about 1837; Deborah, married William Lewis; Catharine, married Alexander Jones.

Will of John Stricklin – 1672

JOHN STICKLIN, of Jamaica, “Being my greate paine.” Leaves to daughter Loanus £10. “To my danghter Mathew’s youngest child” 40 shillings. To Jonathan Mills, one cow. To eldest daughter of John Loanus, one cow. Rest of estate to his daughter’s children (not named). Makes “my son John Smith, my son Saml Matthews,” John Foster and Benjamin Coe, executors. “It is to be understood that the 2 cows mentioned to John Loanus’ daughter and to Jonathan Mills were my wife’s, and she gave them as she saw good, I having promised to perform her will.” Dated September 5, 1672. Witnesses, John … Read more

Will of Anthony Waters – 1675

“Whereas ANTHONY WATERS, late of Jamaica, upon Long Island, died intestate.” His widow Rachel Waters, is appointed administratrix. April 15, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 112

Will of Jonathan Davis – 1674

JONATHAN DAVIS, Jamaica. “Wee underwritten coming to ye house which was Jonathan Davis deceased, to make inquiry according to Law, whether he had made any will or no. Answer was made that he had made no written will, only in the hearing of Zacharias Mills and Abigail Darling bee did desire that what estate he left behinde should bee for his wife Sarah. And also in regard of his wife’s inability to manage her business herself, he desired that his brother Samuel Davis and Nehemiah Smith should be assistants to her and be her Overseers. The which two men in … Read more

Will of Thomas Foster – 1663

THOMAS FOSTER, Rustdorp, L. I., “being on bed of sickness.” My will is that my son Thomas shall have that mare that is at Nissaquage, and if the child, my wife now goes withal, shall live, that child shall have a share in it.” “My children are to be taught to read English well, and my son to write, when they doe come of age.” “And if my wife should marry or remaine as she is, and not teach ye children as aforesayd, then my will is that two cows more be layed out for yt end, to give ye … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Increase Carpenter

(XIII) Increase, son of John (6) Carpenter, was born in Jamaica, about 1688. He bought land in Jamaica in 1709. He died about 1776. He married Bergin. Children, born at Jamaica: William, 1740; Increase, April, 1743; Jacob, 1745, mentioned elsewhere: John, 1747; David, married Mary Carpenter; Luke; Elizabeth, married Benjamin Wiggins.

Will of Nicholas Tanner – 1666

DANIEL DENTON, of Rustdorpe, alias Jamaica, Long Island, and Henry Pearsall, of Hempstead, were appointed executors of the will of Nicholas Tanner, dated September 2, 1658. Having faithfully performed their duties, a Quietus was granted by Gov. Richard Nicoll, June 23, 1666. LIBER 1-2, page 6

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XI) John (5), son of William (4) Carpenter, was born in England about 1628, died May 23, 1695. He came from England with his father, and when about seventeen went to Connecticut. For several years he lived in different towns in the latter state, and worked at his trade as carpenter. He was in Stratford, Connecticut, in 1646, and in 1660 bought land in Hempstead, Long Island. He was chosen townsman of Hempstead in 1663, and was made freeman of the state of Connecticut, May, 1664. He bought land in Jamaica, Long Island, in 1665. In 1673 he was made … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XII) John (6), son of John (5) Carpenter, was born in Connecticut, in 1658. His will was proved July 30, 1732. He lived in Jamaica, and took the oath as captain of troops there, November 22, 1703. He married Mary – . Children; born at Jamaica: Nehemiah, about 1685; John, about 1685; Solomon, about 1685; Joseph, about 1687; Increase, about 1688, mentioned elsewhere; Mary; Hannah; Susanna; Phebe.

Will of Thomas Stevenson – 1668

Robert Coe and Daniel Denton, of Jamaica, Long Island, are appointed Administrators of the estate of THOMAS STEVENSON, and guardians of his children. July 9, 1668. Ri. Nicolls. LIBER 1-2, page 25 Robert Coe resigns his appointment as Administrator of estate of THOMAS STEVENSON July 9, 1668, and Anthony Waters, of Jamaica, is appointed in his place. August 15, 1668. LIBER 1-2, page 26