Wright, Ernest T.; milk bottle exchange; born, England, April 11, 1872; son of James and Mary Rebbeck Wright; educated, Shaftesbury grammar school; married, New York, Sept. 23, 1900, Lilly M. S. Collard; issue, three children; five years was a milk dealer on the west side under name of Wright Bros.; in 1905 the Health Board of the City ordered every milk dealer to retail his milk in glass bottles, to advertise their business, every dealer had his name on his bottles; in the course of the business one dealers bottles would get into the hands of another dealer; at that time there were over 500 dealers in the City, so some system of exchange was a necessity; in 1908, he organized the Milk Dealers Exchange, putting out wagons to call on the dealers and collect bottles not belonging to them; these were all taken to sorting works and then delivered to the right owners; the business has been successful; he now employs nine men and runs six wagons; several other large cities now have exchanges run on his system; charter member West Side Milk Dealers Fraternal Union; pres. for two years; member Order Sons of St. George; pres. Middle West Cricket League; Britiania Cricket Club, and Gilberth Equality Bowling League, 1912 to 1914.