Prominent American Bakers of Today

ALFRED BRITTIN BAKER: Clergyman; b. Matawan, N. J.; 1836; s. Elishu 0., Dean of the Cathedral of the Diocese, 1919; Trustee Burlington Coll., and St. Mary’s Hall. Add.: Princeton, N. J.

ALFRED LANDON: broker; b. N. S. Can., 1859; s. Addison; pres. Chicago Stock Exchange. Add.: Chicago.

ALFRED ZANTZINGER: illustrator; writer.



ARTHUR LATHAM:mathematician; b, Cincinnati, 1853; s. John G.; head of dept. of mathematics, Manual Training High School, Brooklyn; 1901-17. Add.: Rye, NY.

ARTHUR MULFORD: clergyman, editor; b. Wapakoneta, 0.; 1880; s. John Mulford; Chaplain 120th Inf., U.S.A. with A.E.F., 1918-19; capt. Co. K. 151st Ind. N.G.; 1923-24. Add.: Phila., Pa.

ASHER CARTER: captain U.S.N.; retired.

BENTON: lawyer; b. Bismarck, N.D., 1889; s. Isaac P.; desc. of John B. of Pa., Revolutionary soldier; Dir. U. S. Fuel Administration 1917-19. Add.: Bismarck, N.D.
BERTHA KUNZ: lecturer, dramatic reader.

PERCY BRYANT: sculptor; b. London, Eng.; 1881; s. John; executed bust and heroic statue of King Edward, VII; made busts from life of President Wilson. Add.: New York City.

SAMUEL BURTIS: artist; b. Boston, Mass., 1882; s. Samuel Burtis; now istr. Corcoran Sch. of Art, Washington, D. C., and asst. prof. of coil. of fine arts, George Washington Univ. Add.: Washington.


CHARLES HINCKLEY: civil engr., b. 1864; now deceased.

CHARLES SAMUEL: lawyer; b. nr. Azalia, Ind.; 1855;  Thomas N.; mem numerous learned and social organizations, incl. Am. Bar Masons, Ind. Add.: Columbus IN
CHARLES WHITING: civil engineer.

CHAUNCEY BROOKE: army officer; b. Lancaster, O.; 1860; s. Emanuel Ruffner; capt. U.S.A., 1899; author of numerous articles, incl. “Transportation of Troops and Material”. Add.: Bexley, O.

CORNELIA: author; b. Jackson Co., O., 1855; d. William, author of numerous books, incl. “The Queen’s Page”. Add.: Chicago, Ill.

MRS. S. D.: portrait painter.

DARIUS: Judge; b. Yarmouth, Mass., 1845; s. Braddock; served in Civil War, 1862-63; pres. Charity Organization Soc., 1894. Add.: Newport, R I.

EDNA DEAN: teacher; b. Normal, Ill., 1883; d. Joshua Edmund; mem. of many societies, incl. N.E.A. Internat. Kindergarten Union; author of numerous books, incl. “Kindergarten Method in The Church School”. Add.: Evanston, Illinois.


EDWIN LANTHROP: coil. prof., b. Jamestown, N. Y., 1882; s. Mark Compton; eleven trips to Europe for travel and study; around the world, 1907-08. Add.: New York City.

ELIZABETH GOWDY:portrait painter, b. Xenia, O., d. George W.; mem. of numerous societies, incl. Nat. Assn. Women Painters and Sculptors. Add.: New York,NY

EMILIE ADDOMS: author; b. Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. Henry Kip; author of many books, incl. “Stories of Old Greece and Rome”, “Stories of Northern Myths”. Add.: Yonkers, N. Y.

ETTA IVA ANTHONY: author; b. Cincinnati; d. Thomas Rhodes; author of numerous books, incl. “Fairmount Girls In School And Camp”; “Miss Mystery” etc. Add.: New Brighton, N. Y.

ERZA FLAVIUS: clergyman.

ERZA HENRY: b. Boston, Mass., 1859; s. Erza H., dir. Bunker Hill Monument Assn., formerly chairman Licensing Bd., City of Boston. Add.: Boston.

FRANK COLLINS: zoologist; b. Warren, R. I., 1867; s. Francis Edwin; on Mexican exploring expdn. sent out by Acad. Natural Sciences, 1890. Add.: Urbana, Ill.

FRANK E.: normal sch. pres.; b. Clymer, N. Y., 1877; s. Horace; mem. of various learned societies, incl. Nat. Econ. League. Add.: Milwaukee, Wis.

FRANK KLINE: clergyman.

FRANK S.: editor and pub.; b. Cleveland, O., 1879; s. Elbert Hall; purchased Tacoma Tribune, consolidated News and Tribune as News-Tribune, and continues Ledger as Morning and Sunday Ledger. Add.: Tacoma, Wash.

FRANKLIN JR.: mfr.; b. Phila., Pa., 1872; s. Franklin Sr., Pres. Franklin Baker Co., dir. Colonial Trust Co. Add.: Hoboken, N. J.

FRANKLIN THOMAS: college prof., b. Hagerstown, Md., 1864; s. John Henry; author of many articles, incl. Course Study in English (Teachers’ Coll. Record-1900). Add.: Yonkers, N. Y.


GEORGE BARR: b. Wyandotte, Mich., 1870; s. George Payson; dir. Am. Child Health Assn.; mem. of learned societies, incl. Comm. for Relief in Belgium, 1916. Add.: New York, N. Y.

GEORGE BRAMWELL: banker; b. Warsaw, Ind., 1866; s. Joseph Schoonover; Pres. and mem. bd. overseers, Boys’ Club of Boston. Add.: Chestnut Hill, Mass.

GEORGE FISHER: banker; b. Troy, N. Y., 1840; s. George E.; presented Regault’s famous painting “Salome”, to Met. Mus. Art, 1916. Add.: New York City.

GEORGE FISHER, JR.: banker; b. N. Y. City, 1878; s. George Fisher; Head of Am. Red Cross Commn. to Italy with rank of Lt.-Col., 1917. Add.: New York City.

GEORGE L.: mayor; b. The Dalles, Ore., 1868; s. John; 11 yrs. under councilmanic form of gov’t., commr. 2 yrs. under comm. form of government; mayor, 3 terms, 1917-29. Add.: Portland, Ore.

GEORGE MERRICK: coll. dean; b. Hartford, Conn., 1878; s. George; served as capt., gen. staff, in France, World War. Add.: Sewanee, Tenn.

GEORGE PIERCE: college prof.; b. Providence, R. I., 1866; s. Dr. George Pierce; author of various books, incl. “The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist”. Add.: New Haven, Conn.

HARVEY ALMY: lawyer; b. Warwick, R. I., 1881; s. Benjamin; U. S. dist. atty. of R. I., by appt. of Pres. Wilson, 1914. Add.: Providence, R. I.

HENRY BROOKS: surgeon.

HENRY DUNSTER: consular service; b. Attleboro, Mass., 1873; s. Wm. T.; consul at Nassua, 1912-13; spl. detail to investigate opportunities for extension of commerce of U. S. in India, 1913. Add.: Chicago.

HERBERT MADISON: lawyer; b. Greenley, Colo.; 1879; s. Edwin Eaton; Lecturer and contbr. to mags. on juvenile delinquency problems. Add.: Greenley, Colo.

HORACE: railway official; b. Missouri; s. Isaac Stroud; mem. U. S. Railroad Labor Bd., etc. Add.: St. Joseph, Mich.

HUGH POTTER: forester; b. St. Croix Falls, Wis, 1878; s. Maj. Joseph Stannard; 10 yrs. with the U. S. Forest Service, examining pub., lands for forest reserves in Idaho, Wyo., etc. Add.: Dobb’s Ferry, N. Y.

IRA OSBORN: civil engr., 1853-1925.

ISSAC POST: b. Weston, Mo., 1855; s. John Finley; Mayor of Bismarck, 1890-91; pres. N. Dak. Agrl. Expn., 1915; federal fuel administrator of N. Dak., 1917-19. Add.: Bismarck, N. Dak.

JAMES ADDISON: lawyer; b. Huntsville, Tex., 1857; s. James Addison, sr. member Baker, Potts, Parker & Garwood. Add.: Houston, Tex.

JAMES CHAMBERLAIN: clergyman; b. Sheldon, Ill., 1879; s. James Addison; mem. of numerous learned organizations, incl. Bd. Fgn. Missions, 1916-20; chmn. Advance Program Com., Y.M.C.A. Add.: Urbana, Ill.

JAMES HUTCHINS: university pres., 1848-1925.

JAMES MARION: public official.

JOHN DANIEL: wholesale grocer.

JOHN EARL: adviser on ry. management; b. Eagle, Wis., 1880; s. Francis; as dir. Am. Red Cross China Famine Relief, constructed 850 miles of highway in 4 provinces of China as a means of giving employment to the destitute. Add.: Mill Valley, Calif.

JOSEPH DILL: banker; b. Buckeystown, Md., 1854; s. Daniel; formerly chmn. of Citizens Nat. Bank, now chairman of the board. Add.: Frederick, Md.

JOSEPH RICHARDSON: lawyer; b. New Hartford, N. Y., 1872; s. Alzono E., Mem. U. S.-Panama Commn. to negotiate a treaty, 1924; selected Topics connected with the Laws of Warfare. Prepared: The Laws of Neutrality. Add.: Washington, D. C.

JOSEPHINE TURUCK: editor, author; b. Milwaukee, Wis., d. James Byron; Founder 1899, and editor of Correct English Magazine; Pres. and founder of Internat. Soc. for Universal English. Add.: Evanston, Ill.

KARLE WILSON: author; b. Little Rock, Ark., 1878; d. William Thomas; contrb. stories, essays, and poems to mags., including Harper’s, Scribner’s, Atlantic Monthly, Century, Yale Review, etc. Add.: Nacogdoches, Tex.

LEE: Actor; succeeded Lewis Waller as Boris Androvosky in “The Garden of Allah”, played in “Omar, The Tent Maker”, “The Song of Songs”, “The Sign on the Door”. Add.: New York City.

LEONARD THEODORE: educator; b. Charlestown, N. C.; 1868; s. Edward; prof. history and administration of edn. since 1906, dean of Univ. since 1894, U. of S. C. Add.: Columbia, S. C.


Lucius K.: lumberman; b. Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Co., O., 1855; s. Edward P.; mayor of Ludington, Mich., 1892; mem. of Union League, etc. Add.: Winnetka, Ill.

MOSES NELSON: editor; b. Enosburg, Vt., 1864; s. Benjamin N.; author of numerous articles, incl. Sewage Purification in America 1893. Add.: New York City.
NAAMAN RIMMON: educator.

NEWTON DIEHL: ex-secretary of war; b. Martinsburg, W. Va., 1871; s. Newton Diehl; Pvt. sec. to Postmaster-gen. Wilson, 1896-97; apptd. Secretary of War to President Wilson, 1916, and served until 1921. Add.: Cleveland, O.

OLIVER EDWIN: economic geographer; b. Tiffin, Ohio, 1883; s. Edwin; with U. S. dept. Agr. since 1912; mem. of many societies, incl. Nat. Research Council, 1923-26. Add.: Chevy Chase, Md.

PURLEY A.: clergyman.

RAY PALMER: educator; b. Fonthill, Ont., 1883; s. Jacob Johnson; head dept. arts, sciences, and business administration since 1925; mem. of Rensselaer Soc. of Engrs. Add.: Troy, N. Y.

RAY STANNARD: author (also writes under nom de plume,-David Grayson); b. Lansing, Mich., 1870; s. Joseph Stannard; author of numerous articles, incl. Woodrow Wilson and World Settlement; A History of the Peace Conference. Add.: Amherst, Mass.

RAYMOND T.: ex-director of the mint; b. Eureka, Nev., s. George Washington; sec. to Am. ambassador at Petrograd, Russia, 1914-16; dir. of the mint, 1917-22. Add.: Washington, D. C.

ROBERT: ex-congressman.

ROBERT HORACE: astronomer; b. Northampton, Mass., 1883; s. Horace Hall; specialized in investigation of spectrocopic binary stars and in stellar photometry. Add.: Urbana, Ill.

ROLAND MORRIS: postmaster; b. Dedham, Mass., 1865; s. Joseph; pres., treas. Morill Leather Co., 1897-07; postmaster of Boston since 1920. Add.: Boston.

JOSEPHINE: M.D.; b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1873; d. Orlando D.M.; Asst. to commr. of health, New York City, 1908-23; consulting dir. Children’s Bur. U. S. Dept. Labor; organized first bureau of child hygiene under gov’t control, leading to lowest baby death rate in New York City, of any large city in Europe or America. Add.: Stamford, Conn.

SAMUEL A.: governor; b. Patterson, Wayne Co., Mo., 1874; s. Samuel A., state supt. of schools, Mo., 1919-23; Gov. of Mo., term 1925-28 inclusive. Add.: Jefferson City, Mo.

SIMON STROUSSE: educator; b. Washington Co., Pa., 1866; s. David; asso. supt. of Pittsburgh pub. schs. for nearly 25 yrs.; acting pres. Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1921-22. Add.: Washington, Pa.

TARKINGTON: editor, author.


THOMAS STOCKHAM: educator; b. Aberdeen, Hartford Co., Md., 1871; s. John H.; author of numerous articles, incl. Lenau and Young Germany. Add.: Pittsburgh, Pa.

VIRGINIA: writer.

WM. E.: judge; b. Beverly, W. Va., 1873; s. Eli; counsel for late S. B. Elkins, and H. G. Davis, U. S. Senators; Judge U. S. disc. Court Northern Dist. of W. Va. since 1923. Add.: Elkins, W. Va.

WILLIAM L.: banker; b. Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y.; 1860; s. Anson Monroe; sec.-treas. German Am. Loan & Trust Co., Sioux Falls, S. D., 188687. Add.: Sioux Falls, S. D.

WILLIAM PIMM: editor; b. Skaneateles, N. Y., 1870; s. Simeon. Sec. Syracuse Cham. of Commerce; founder Shelfless Library; dir. N. Y. Hist. Assn. Add.: Syracuse, N. Y.





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