Prominent Bakers of American, Past Generations

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

ABIJAH R. BAKER: clergyman; b. Franklin, Mass., 1805. He was pastor of the Congregational Church at Medford, Mass., in 1836, and in 1849 assumed a pastorate in Lynn; was author of many books, including “The School History of the United States”, “The Catechism Tested by the Bible”, and “O Question Book on the Sermon on the Mount”.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: musician; b. Wenham, Mass., 1811; from 1842 to 1848 was supt. of musical instruction in the grammar schools. He introduced music into public schools of Lowell and Lawrence; became editor of Boston Musical Journal; and, from its foundation in 1857, was principal of Boston Music School.

DANIEL: soldier; b. about 1775; brevetted Major for gallantry at the battle of Brownstone. After war of 1812, he was promoted to rank of LieutenantColonel of 6th infantry, and commanded that regiment at the battle of Bad Axe River, in the Black Hawk War, 1832. D. Detroit, Mich., 1836.

DANIEL: clergyman; b. Midway, Liberty Co., Ga., 1791; resigned as pastor Presbyterian church in Harrisburg, Va., 1821, and later went to Washington, D. C., where he lived until 1828; after 1830 traveled in South a s evangelist and settled in Austin, Texas, where he founded and was 1st Pres. of a college; author of several books. D. Austin, Tex., 1857.

DAVID JEWETT: lawyer; b. East Haddam, Conn., 1792; admitted to bar in 1819, he began to practice in Kaskaskia, Ill., and was made probate judge of Randolph Co. He was U. S. Senator, 1830-31, and U. S. District Attorney for Ill., 1833-1841.

EDWARD DICKENSON: soldier; b. London, Eng., 1811; came to U. S. when 5 years old. He began to practice law in Springfield, Ill., but soon entered the political field, and was elected mem. of the Legislature in 1837, of the State Senate in 1840, and of Congress in 1844. He raised and commanded an Illinois regiment in Mexican War, and fought gallantly in many battles. Subsequently he was a M.C. from Galena, Ill., 1849-51; removed to San Francisco in 1851 and was eloquent leader of California bar; removed to Oregon, where he was elected to Senate in 1860; was a passionate defender of the Union during the Civil War, commanded a brigade at Ball’s Bluff, and was k. in action, 1861.

FRANK: jurist; b. Melmore, Ohio, 1840; s. Richard. He was descended from very distinguished New England ancestry,-the first American representative of the family in this country being Thomas Baker, who came from Kent, Eng., 1639, enrolled as a “free planter” at Milford, one of original six towns of New Haven Colony, and figured prominently in the Legislative and judicial affairs of Conn. and N. Y.

JUDGE BAKER: grandf. of Frank (jurist); d. 1842, in eightieth year. His decisions were ever free from any taint of partisanship and most have been
sustained by higher courts. First opinion appears in Vol. 108, Rep. Appel. Ct., First Dist., Ill., and all subsequent volumes until his death, ninety in all.

GEORGE AUGUSTUS: painter; b. New York City, 1821; became portrait painter of rare excellence, favorite subjects being women and children. He was elected a Mem. National Academy of Design, 1851. His s.,

GEORGE AUGUSTUS, was grad. from Columbia College law school, 1870; practised in New York City, and, among other volumes, wrote “Bad Habits of Good Society” (1876).

GEORGE BERNARD: Canadian statesman; b. Dunham, Quebec, 1834; grad., Univ. Bishop’s College, Lennoxville, 1855; admitted to bar, 1860; represented Missisquoi in House of Commons, 1870-74, when he retired; was elected by acclamation to Quebec Legislature, 1875. In 1876 he was appointed a mem. of the Executive Council and Solicitor-General, and in 1878 was elected to the Dominion Parliament.

HENRY BROOKS: surgeon; b. Brattleborough, Vt., 1837. He served through Civil War with 20th Michigan infantry, and from 1864 was its asst. surgeon; grad., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 1866, and practised in Lansing, Mich., where he performed important operations. In 1873 he became secretary of the State Board of Health. He was a mem. of many learned societies, including the Royal Meteorological Society of England, and published various scientific works.

JAMES H.: soldier; b. Monroe, O., 1829. He was Secretary of State for Ohio, 1855, and later the same for Minnesota; served as a colonel in army, 1862-63, and was promoted to rank of brigadier-general. Subsequently he was registrar of public lands at Booneville, Mo., and from 1871 to 1875 was commissioner of pensions.

JOHN SHERMAN: banker; b. Cleveland, O., 1861; s. Asabel Morse. In 1889, with others, he organized the Fidelity Trust Co., Washington, of which he became president; was elected to State Senate at Tacoma, Wash.; was the largest individual taxpayer in the state.

LAFAYETTE C.: chief of U. S. secret service; b. Stafford, N. Y., 1826; grandson of one of Ethan Allen’s captains. In 1839 he removed to Michigan and settled where Lansing, the capitol, now stands, but in 1848 returned to N. Y. and Phila., and in 1853 went to San Francisco. In New York on business in 1861, he offered his services to the Union, and after demonstrating his abilities for tracing conspiracy and frustrating designs of confederate spies and agents was placed at head of the Bureau of Secret Service, and later commissioned brigadier-general. He was the author of “History of the United States Secret Service” (Phila., 1868).

MARCUS: explorer; b. in Ostemo, Mich., 1849. In 1873 he became connected with U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, attaining rank of asst. geographer; traveled with various exploring parties, and contributed mathematical papers to many scientific journals.

NATHANIEL BRADLEY: governor; b. Hillsborough (now Henniker), N. H., 1818. He was a presidential elector, 1852; Gov. of N. H., 1854-55; mem. of Iowa Legislature, 1859; and Adjutant-General of Iowa, 1861, until his death in 1876.

OSMON CLEANDER: clergyman; b. Marlow, N. H., 1812; after three years pastorial work in Rochester and Manchester, N. H., he was appointed presiding elder in 1847. During that same year he was chosen professor in the General Biblical Institute in Concord, N. H., and later served as its president; was elected bishop by quadriennial general conference of M. E. church in 1852; author of “Guide-Book in the Administration of Discipline of M. E. Church” (N. Y., 1855).

REMEMBER: pioneer; b. Woodbury, Conn., about 1740; was outlawed by Gov. Tryon of N. Y., a price being set upon his head, and on one occasion was captured but rescued same day after he had been cruelly maimed; was with Ethan Allen at capture of Ticonderoga, 1775, and with Seth Warner at Crown Point two days afterward; met death, 1775, at hands of In ‘fans when scouting on Richelieu river, the outlet of Lake Champlain.

WILLIAM BLISS: artist; b. New York City, 1859; studied at the National Academy of Design, 1876-80, and exhibited there in 1879; took first prize in
antique school of Academy in 1879, and was awarded third Hallgarten prize of $100 in 1884 for his “Woodland Brook”. Among his paintings exhibited at National Academy is “Pleasant Day at Lake George” (1883).

WILLIAM H.: artist; b. 1825; removed to New York in 1865, where he painted portraits and ideal subjects; exhibited at National Academy, among other pictures, “Cupid Reprimanded” (1871); was a successful teacher of art.

WILLIAM MUMFORD: author; b. Washington, D. C., 1825; after fifteen years’ service as a minister in Galveston and Austin, Tex., accepted charge at Zanesville, 0., whence he was transferred to Newburyport, Mass., and in 1874 became pastor of the Presbyterian Church in S. Boston. He was the author of “Inside: A Chronicle of Secession”. “A Year Worth Living”, and many other works of fiction and fact.




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