Biography of Elias W. Pike

Elias W. Pike, of Goshen, an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in this town, October 12, 1838, son of Wilson S. and Julia G. (Martin) Pike. His grandfather, Jarvis Pike, who resided in Newport, N.H., was a prosperous farmer.

Wilson S. Pike, who was reared to farm life in Newport, removed when about twenty-one years old to Goshen, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for the greater part of his active period, and died in September, 1866. The maiden name of his first wife was Harriett Currier. Her five children by him were: Mary, now the widow of Ezekiel Bates, late of Cohasset, Mass.; Mahala, the widow of James Homer, who was formerly in the livery business in Boston; Lodema, the wife of William Morgan, a retired jeweller of Providence, R.I.; Julia, who died in 1849; and Cyrus F., born in 1833, who died at the age of twenty-two years. Wilson S. Pike’s second marriage was contracted with Julia G. Martin, of Alexandria, N.H., who became the mother of eight children. These were: Elias W., the subject of this sketch; William Henry; Martha, Ezra G., Harriet, and James Homer, who are deceased; Ruth G., the wife of Eben A. Purington, a prosperous farmer and a Selectman of Goshen; and Ezra G. (second), who married Emma L. Purington, and is engaged in agricultural pursuits in this town. Mrs. Wilson S. Pike is still living, and resides in Goshen.

Elias W. Pike was educated in the district schools and at the New London Academy. He was engaged in farming until October 15, 1862, when he joined Company F, Sixteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, under Colonel James Pike and Captain James Woods. He served in the Department of the Gulf upon the lower Mississippi during the late war, and contracted a severe illness that necessitated his discharge on August 20, 1863. After his return home he settled upon a farm located in the western part of this town, and was there engaged in agriculture until November 20, 1894, 1880 and 1890. As a member of the House of Representatives in 1887 and 1888 he made himself conspicuous by his able committee work and the zeal with which he labored for the best interests of the State.

On July 3, 1859, Mr. Pike wedded Mary F. Purington. She was born in Goshen, February 6, 1843, daughter of Imri and Mary (Lear) Purington, natives respectively of Henniker, N.H., and Goshen. Imri Purington settled upon a farm in Goshen, where he resided until his death, which occurred about the year 1891. Mrs. Pike’s mother died within the same year. They were the parents of four children, namely: Mary F., now Mrs. Pike; B. Jennie, the wife of E. H. Carr, a livery man of Newport, N.H.; Eugene I., who married Luella J. Greggs, and resides in this town; and Emma L., Eugene’s twin sister, who married Ezra G. Pike, of Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. Pike have had eight children-Dora M., Etta F., Fred W., Sherman L., Jennie L., Hatch C., Harry E., and Josephine B. Dora M. is the wife of W. O. Sides, 2d, a letter-carrier in Portsmouth, N.H.; Etta F. married Frank W. Baker, of Goshen, and died April 15, 1881, leaving one son-Fred W.; Fred W. Pike, who is a prosperous farmer of this town, wedded Mary J. Oakes, of Vermont, and has one son-Howard E., born July 31, 1893. Sherman L., who is operating a grist-mill in Newport, N.H., married Bertha J. Russell, of Goshen, and has two children-Bernard T. and Gladys E. Jennie L. is the wife of Ernest H. Hurd, of Lynn, Mass., and has one son, Harry E. Harry E. Pike and Hatch were twins. The former is a shoemaker in Portsmouth, N.H. Hatch C. and Josephine B. are residing at home. Mr. Pike, Sr., is Master of Pomona Grange, of Sullivan County, and is connected with Sunapee Mountain Grange, No. 144, of Mill Village. He takes a loyal interest in the general welfare of the community. Both he and Mrs. Pike are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.


Biography, Civil War,

Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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