Biographical Sketch of Moses Whipple

Last Updated on August 26, 2012 by

MOSES WHIPPLE, son of Jacob Whipple, was born at Grafton, Mass., in 1733, and came to Croydon in 1766, bringing three sons, Thomas, Aaron and Moses, and one daughter, Jerusha. His was one of the first three families that cane to town. Having a complete mastery of his passions, well educated, intelligent, distinguished for energy and decision of character, warm-hearted, hospitable and generous to all, lie was well calculated to be-what he indeed was-a father to the town. It is said of him that, so great was the respect entertained for him by his townsmen, his word was law in all local matters. He was elected to more offices than any other man who has ever belonged to Croydon. He was a Captain of the militia, and chairman of the ” Committee of Safety” Through the Revolutionary struggle. It was often remarked of him by his contemporaries, that he was a Washington in the sphere in which he moved. He was a deacon for thirty years. In 1809 he removed to Charlestown, N. H., where he spent, with his eldest son, the remainder of his life. He died in 1814, aged 83 years. (See also speech of Thomas Whipple, Esq.) From him and SAMUEL WHIPPLE have descended the Whipples.

BENJAMIN, eleventh child of Moses Whipple, now living at Berlin, Vt., is nearly ninety years of age.



Partridge, Dennis N. Croydon New Hampshire Genealogy.

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