Biographical Sketch of Miranda Haven

MIRANDA HAVEN, youngest child of Rev. Jacob and Asenath Havea, was born March 8, 1799, married William Armes, Esq., of Stanstead, Canada East. They afterwards removed to Sherbrook, C. E., where he died and where his widow still remains. They had six children. ADELINE ASENATH married Samuel Tusk, of Sherbrook. MIRANDA married Thomas Goldsmith, a successful goldsmith at Troy, N. Y. ADELIA married John McNeil, and CALISTA Lemuel Farewell, both residing at Sherbrook. WILLIAM, the son, went to California.

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Ryder

DANIEL RYDER, son of Jotham Ryder, was born Dec. 29, 1803. He married Sarah George, and remains under the paternal roof, at Ryder Corner. He has long been noted for the excellence of his stock and produce. He is one of the most prosperous and worthy farmers in town, and is esteemed a man of superior judgment. He was one of the Committee of Arrangements, and is the father of WILLIAM W. and DAVID E. RYDER.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Marsh Jr.

SAMUEL MARSH, Jr., was father of ELOM, one of the Vice-Presidents at the Celebration, a successful farmer at Westmoreland, N. H.,-of JOHN L. who moved to Jefferson County, N. Y., where he has been elected a Representative and exerted much influence, and ORREN who was educated at Norwich University and went to Oregon.

Biographical Sketch of Lydia Sanger

ISAAC, JOHN, PHINEAS, LYDIA, ELIZABETH and PHEBE SANGER came to Croydon in 1770, and were regarded as an important accession to the town. The brothers had families, the sisters were unmarried. Their descendants are characterized by a great fondness for books and the remarkable facility with which they acquire literary and scientific knowledge. Very many of the distinguished sons of Croydon are proud to trace their lineage from the Sangers. John and Phineas left town. Isaac died of the heart disease, while crossing Croydon Mountain in 1780, leaving three daughters-one of whom married Barnabas Cooper, and another william Gibson. Lydia … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alanson Cooper

ALANSON COOPER, son of Silas and great-grandson of Dea. John Cooper, a Methodist clergyman of much talent and influence, is a Presiding Elder in the Montpelier District, Vt., and is one of the Commissioners to locate the Methodist school.

Biographical Sketch of Paul Jacobs

PAUL JACOBS, son of Whitman Jacobs, was born in 1783. He married Prudence, daughter of Jonah Stow. He was a man of great energy of character, and was eminently practical in his views. He was one of the largest and best farmers in town, often kept a dairy of thirty cows, and other stock in proportion. He brought to town several choice breeds of cattle and sheep. He was the main instrument in getting the river-road through from . the Flat to the East Village-a deed that entitles his memory to the respect of all after-generations of his townsmen. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram Smart

HIRAM SMART, son of the preceding, has been a Representative from Plaistow in the Legislature, a School Commissioner, and Register of Deeds for Rockingham County, and is now in the Boston Custom House.

Biographical Sketch of Lyman Hall

ALBINA HALL and LYMAN HALL, Sons of James Hall, after spending most of their minority in town, turned their attention to medicine. The former married Livia Powers, and after practicing awhile in Maine and New York has returned to Croydon. The latter followed his profession at Cornish Flat until his death, which occurred but a few years since.

Biographical Sketch of Prosper L. Eastman

PROSPER L. EASTMAN, son of Joseph Eastman, Esq., was born March 1, 1825. Jan. 4, 1846, married Eleanor H. Haven, daughter of Moses, and granddaughter of Rev. Jacob Haven. In 1855 he went West, and engaged as a drover in Ohio and Wisconsin for four years, at the expiration of which time he returned to New York City, and became connected in business with his brother as a cattle broker. He is now located at Albany-the great cattle rendezvous from the West-where he is operating in connection with his brother at New York, Like his brother, in him are combined … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ezekiel Powers

EZEKIEL POWERS, son of Lemuel and Thankful Leland Powers-a lady of uncommon intellect-was born in Grafton, Mass., March 27,1745; was one of the party who came to Croydon in the spring of 1766, for the purpose of surveying land and making other preparations for a settlement, and settled here the following year. He was conspicuous principally on account of his great physical strength and his inventive genius. Among his many other inventions, he first introduced the practice of “ridging” green-sward for the purpose of raising Indian corn,-and the “looped” sled so generally used since by the lumbermen of Croydon, and … Read more

Everend J. Young Genealogy

Young, Everend J. b. in Croyden, 1850; son of Caleb J. and Eliza (Heath) Young; m (1.) Nora A. Butterfield; m. (2), Nov. 4, 1914, in Keene, by Rev. E. F. Miller, to Mrs. Eunice I. (Rumrill) Howard, b. in Weathersfield, Vt., 1868; dau. of Horace and Lucinda (Randall) Rumrill. Ch.: Harold L.2, b. Washington, N. H.; m. Feb. 28, 1903, in Marlow by Rev. F. O. Tyler of Marlow, to Grace A. Knight, b. in Marlow, Mar., 1883; d. there, Sept. 19, 1914; dau. of Milan A. and Vesta E. (Shelley) Knight. Ch.: Emory E.3, b. June 23, 1903. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Captain Worthen Hall

CAPTAIN WORTHEN HALL was born July 11, 1802. In 1827 he went to sea, and, being well adapted to the business, he followed that vocation for twenty-eight years. In 1855 he retired with a fortune, and settled at the Flat. In 1866-67 he was elected representative, which position he filled with credit to himself and honor to the town.

Biographical Sketch of James Powers

JAMES POWERS, son of Ezekiel Powers, senior, was an extensive dealer in stock and other property; was a sheriff, a ready wit, and a natural poet.

Biographical Sketch of Asa Ryder

ASA RYDER, son of Jotham Ryder, studied medicine with Alexander Boyd, of Newport, graduated at the medical department at Hanover, and settled at Alstead, N. H., where, after two years of practice, he died.

Biographical Sketch of Dennis Powers

DENNIS POWERS, son of David Powers, was born May 24, 1808; graduated from Amherst College, Mass., in 1835, and from Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., in 1838. He was ordained and settled over the Congregational church and society of East Randolph, Mass., December 5, 1838. At his own request he was dismissed from this church and people April 15, 1841. On the 29th of September, 1842, he was installed as pastor of the church and society of South Abington, Mass., and remained there until 1850, when he accepted an appointment to an office under President Fillmore, and removed to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Cyrus Barton

HON. CYRUS BARTON, son of Benjamin Barton, Esq., was born Dec. 25, 1795. He commenced the ” Claremont Spectator,” at Claremont, in 1823, but in 1825 removed to Newport and commenced the ” New Hampshire Spectator,” where he remained until June, 1829, when he removed to Concord and took charge of the N. H. Patriot. He retired for a short time from the editorial chair and was engaged in agriculture at Hopkinton, but in Jan. 1852, returned to Concord and established the ” State Capital Reporter,” a semiweekly paper, which he superintended during the remainder of his life. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Charles Rowell

HON. CHARLES ROWELL was born in 1785. He removed to Allenstown, NH, and served as selectman of his adopted town twenty-four years; representative to the Legislature four years; county treasurer two years; State Senator two years, and a justice of the peace from early manhood until his death, which occurred January 11, 1867.

Biographical Sketch of Edward Brown

EDWARD BROWN, son of Briant Brown, a worthy farmer and a man of good judgment, was born January, 1818. He has for a long time taken a deep interest in the agricultural affairs of the State and County. In 1866 he was one of the Committee on the State Agricultural College, whose duty it was to report to the Legislature a suitable plan, location and other matters relating to the State College.

History of the Churches of Croydon NH

Congregationalists – The first church was organized September 9, 1778, and was of the Presbyterian order. The following are the names of its members: Moses Whipple, Stephen Powers, Isaac Sanger, John Cooper, Joseph Hall, Jacob Leland, John Sanger, Catherine Whipple, Rachel Powers, Mary Cooper, Anna Leland, Lydia Hall, Hannah Giles and Lucy Whipple. The first meeting-house was built in 1794, and in 1828 it was taken down and converted into a town hall. The first minister, Rev. Jacob Haven, was settled June 18, 1787, and he continued pastor until 1834, after which he remained senior pastor until the time of … Read more