Treaty of June 22, 1825

Last Updated on June 3, 2013 by Dennis

Treaty with the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands of the Sioux tribe of Indians.

For the purposes of perpetuating the friendship which has heretofore existed, as also to remove all future cause of discussion or dissension, as it respects trade and friendship between the United States and their citizens, and the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands of the Sioux tribe of Indians, the President of the United States of America, by Brigadier-General Henry Atkinson, of the United States’ army, and Major Benjamin O’Fallon, Indian Agent, with full powers and authority, specially appointed and commissioned for that purpose of the one part, and the undersigned Chiefs, head men and Warriors of the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands of the Sioux tribe of Indians, on behalf of said bands or tribe of the other part, have made and entered into the following Articles and Conditions; which, when ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; shall be binding on both parties—to wit:

Article I. It is admitted by the Teton, Yancton and Yanctonies bands of Sioux Indians, that they reside within the territorial limits of the United States, acknowledge their supremacy, and claim their protection. The said bands also admit the right of the United States to regulate all trade and intercourse with them.

Article II. The United States agree to receive the said Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies band of Sioux Indians into their friendship, and under their protection, and to extend to them, from time to time, such benefits and acts of kindness as may be convenient, and seem just and proper to the President of the United States.

Article III. All trade and intercourse with the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands shall be transacted at such place or places as may be designated and pointed out by the President of the United States, through his agents; and none but American citizens, duly authorized by the United States, shall be admitted to trade or hold intercourse with said bands of Indians.

Article IV. That the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands may be accommodated with such articles of merchandise, &c. as their necessities may demand, the United States agree to admit and license traders to hold intercourse with said tribes or bands, under mild and equitable regulations: in consideration of which, the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands bind themselves to extend protection to the persons and the property of the traders, and the persons legally employed under them, whilst they remain within the limits of their particular district of country. And the said Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands further agree, that if any foreigner or other person, not legally authorized by the United States, shall come into their district of country, for the purposes of trade or other views, they will apprehend such person or persons, and deliver him or them to some United States’ superintendent, or agent of Indian Affairs, or to the nearest military post, to be dealt with according to law. — And they further agree to give safe conduct to all persons who may be legally authorized by the United States to pass through their country: and to protect, in their persons and property, all agents or other persons sent by the United States to reside temporarily among them.

Article V. That the friendship which is now established between the United States and the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands should not be interrupted by the misconduct of individuals, it is hereby agreed, that for injuries done by individuals, no private revenge or retaliation shall take place, but instead thereof, complaints shall be made, by the party injured, to the superintendent or agent of Indian affairs, or other person appointed by the President; and it shall be the duty of the said Chiefs, upon complaint being made as aforesaid, to deliver up the person or persons against whom the complaint is made, to the end that he or they may be punished agreeably to the laws of the United States. And, in like manner, if any robbery, violence, or murder, shall be committed on any Indian or Indians belonging to said bands, the person or persons so offending shall be tried, and if found guilty, shall be punished in like manner as if the injury had been done to a white man. And it is agreed, that the chiefs of the said Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands shall, to the utmost of their power, exert themselves to recover horses or other property, which may be stolen or taken from any citizen or citizens of the United States by any individual or individuals of said bands; and the property so recovered shall be forthwith delivered to the agents, or other person authorized to receive it, that it may be restored to the proper owner. And the United States hereby guaranty to any Indian or Indians of said bands, a full indemnification for any horses or other property which may be stolen from them by any of their citizens:      Provided, That the property so stolen cannot be recovered, and that sufficient proof is produced that it was actually stolen by a citizen of the United States. And the said Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands engage, on the requisition or demand of the President of the United States, or of the agents, to deliver up any white man resident among them.

Article VI. And the Chiefs and Warriors, as aforesaid, promise and engage, their band or tribe will never, by sale, exchange, or as presents, supply any nation or tribe of Indians, not in amity with the United States, with guns, ammunition, or other implements of war. Done at fort Look-out, near the three rivers of the Sioux pass, this 22d day of June, A. D. 1825, and of the independence of the United States the forty-ninth. In testimony whereof the said commissioners, Henry Atkinson and Benjamin O’Fallon, and the chiefs, head men, and warriors, of the Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies bands, of Sioux tribe, have hereunto set their hands, and affixed their seals.

H. Atkinson, Brigadier General U. S. Army
Benj. O’Fallon, United States Agent Indian Affairs

Maw-too-sa-be-kia, the black bear, his x mark
Wacan-o-hi-gnan, the flying medicine, his x mark
Wah-ha-ginga, the little dish, his x mark
Cha-pon-ka, the musqueto, his x mark
Eta-ke-nus-ke-an, the mad face, his x mark
To-ka-oo, the one that kills, his x mark
O-ga-tee, the fork, his x mark
You-ia-san, the warrior, his x mark
Wah-ta-ken-do, the one who comes from war, his x mark
To-qui-in-too, the little soldier, his x mark
Ha-sas-hah, the Ioway, his x mark

Ta-tan-ka-guenish-qui-gnan, the mad buffalo, his x mark
Mah-to-ken-do-ha-cha, the hollow bear, his x mark
E-gue-mon-wa-con-ta, the one that shoots at the tiger, his x mark
Jai-kan-kan-e, the child chief, his x mark]
Shawa-non, or O-e-te-kah, the brave, his x mark
Man-to-dan-za, the running bear, his x mark
Wa-can-guela-sassa, the black lightning, his x mark
Wa-be-la-wa-con, the medicine war eagle, his x mark
Cam-pes-cah-o-ran-co, the swift shell, his x mark
Eh-ra-ka-che-ka-la, the little elk, his x mark
Na-pe-a-mus-ka, the mad hand, his x mark
J-a-pee, the soldier, his x mark
Hoo-wa-gah-hak, the broken leg, his x mark
Ce-cha-he, or the burnt thigh, his x mark
O-caw-see-non-gea, or the spy, his x mark
Ta-tun-ca-see-ha-hue-ka, the buffalo with the long foot, his x mark
Ah-kee-che-ha-che-ga-la, the little soldier, his x mark

In presence of:
A. L. Langham, Secretary to the Commission
H. Leavenworth, Colonel, U. S. Army
S. W. Kearney, Brevet Major, First Infantry
G. H. Kennerly, U. S. S. Indian Agent
P. Wilson, U. S. S. Indian Agent
Wm. Armstrong, Captain, Sixth Regiment Infantry
R. B. Mason, Captain, First Infantry
J. Gantt, Captain, Sixth Infantry
S. Mac Ree, Lieutenant and Aid de Camp
Wm. S. Harney, Lieutenant, First Infantry
Thomas Noel, Lieutenant, Sixth Infantry
B. Riley, Captain, Sixth Infantry
James W. Kingsbury, Lieutenant, First Regiment
S. Wragg, Adjutant, First Regiment
G. C. Spencer, Captain, First Regiment
A. S. Miller, Lieutenant, First Infantry
H. Swearingen, Lieutenant, First Infantry
Thos. P. Gwynn, Lieutenant, First Infantry
M. W. Batman, Lieutenant, Sixth Infantry
George C. Hutter, Lieutenant, Sixth Infantry
J. Rogers, Lieutenant, Sixth Infantry
Wm. Day, Lieutenant, First Infantry
John Gale, Surgeon, U. S. Army
D. Ketchum, Major, U. S. Army
R. H. Stuart, Lieutenant, First Infantry
Wm. Gordon
Jean Baptiste Dorion

Fort Look-out,

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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