Surnames Edwards to Frenchman

This document contains genealogical statements regarding various individuals and families of Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw descent who sought recognition and enrollment in tribal rolls. The records, primarily from 1909 reports, detail claimants’ ancestry, enrollment issues, and tribal affiliations. Many individuals were denied enrollment due to factional disputes, legal technicalities, or failure to apply within deadlines. The document includes references to official reports and affidavits, offering insights into the complexities of Native American citizenship and land rights during the early 20th century.


Edwards, James.
Choctaw by blood. Files: Memorandum made at office district Indian agent, Antlers. Okla., November 13, 1908, Part I, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909. Mr. H. B. Kinsell, Antlers, Okla., says that James Edwards is a Choctaw Indian, entitled to enrollment as a newborn Choctaw; that the failure to enroll him was due to the fact that his parents were ignorant and did not understand how to secure his enrollment; that proof was made, but too late to be considered. The child’s father is Ben Edwards. The family probably resides at or near Hamdon, Okla.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 1.


Ezell, Sarah Jane.
Choctaw by blood. Files: Part II, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909. This woman claims she is one-fourth or more Choctaw by blood. She says that she was born in Hancock County, Miss., but that she has lived in the Indian Territory near Davis nearly 20 years. She also claims that she was adopted by white people named Colboune and brought up by them. Her statements are corroborated by the affidavit of Dr. Colboune, of Fox, Okla. Probably she was denied enrollment because of the jurisdictional clause in the act of May 31, 1900, or because of inability to furnish technical proof of descent from a beneficiary under article 14, treaty, 1830.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.


Fagin, Jane, et al. (Including children and grandchildren.)
Chickasaw by blood. Files: Part III, report March 3,1909. The principal applicant in this ease claims that father was a Chickasaw Indian named Kello Brown. He was the son of an Indian woman and a Negro man. She also claims that her mother, Lena Brown, was a slave. In view of the fact that Jane Fagin was 42 years old in 1908, she must have been born sometime during the year 1866. and hence either before or after the emancipation of the Choctaw-Chickasaw slaves. She also claims that she was enrolled with her mother 20 years ago as a Chickasaw by blood, and that she has drawn money with the Chickasaws. Also that she was born in the Chickasaw Nation and has always lived therein. Her name now appears on the Chickasaw freedman roll.
Number of claimants is this memorandum, approximately, 7.


Farnes, Billy. (Fifteen-sixteenths blood Choctaw.)
Reed, Victoria. (Fifteen-sixteenths blood Choctaw.)
Baptist, Frizene. (Fifteen-sixteenths blood Choctaw.)
Baptist, Joseph. (Full-blood Choctaw.)
Farnes, Medline. (Wife of Billy Fames.)
Baptist, ______ (Child of Frizene, born 1905.)
Gardner, Rena. (Fifteen thirty-seconds Choctaw; child of Victoria Reed, born February, 1007.)
Burkhardt, Lizzie. (One-half Choctaw; died In 1905, former wife of R. E. Gardner.)
Farnes, Thomas. (Brother of Billy Fames, fifteen-sixteenths Choctaw, and child born in 1905.)
Jackson, ______ (Child of a full-blood Choctaw named Marie Cylen Jackson.)
Farve, Seymour. (Uncle of Billy Fames, and 6 minor children.)
Farve, Earnest. (Nephew of Billy.)
Mississippi Choctaws and Choctaws by blood. Files: Records of Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes; also statement of Billy Fames, made November 11, 1908, Hugo, Okla., Part I, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909. These claimants are undoubtedly Choctaws by blood. They have the appearance of Indians and speak the Choctaw language. All seem to have been Identified as Mississippi Choctaws. Some have received their land. Others returned to Mississippi before the approval of their enrollment, claiming they were compelled to do so in order to make a living. Some seem to be the offspring of enrolled Mississippi Choctaws, but have been omitted from enrollment They were doubtless unfortunate and ignorant and for those causes failed to take all necessary steps to secure final enrollment. Should not the United States Government do something for these people if they have no claim against the Choctaw Nation.
Number of claimants referred to in this memorandum, 12.


Farve, Charles. (Seven-eighths blood.
Farve, Mazene. (Seven-eighths blood.)
Bonds, Richard. (Seven-sixteenths Choctaw.) (Son of Mazene by white father.)
Mississippi Choctaws. Files: Part I, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909. This family undoubtedly consists of Choctaw Indiana They live in Oklahoma and have resided there since 1903. They seem to have failed to secure enrollment because not able to show themselves either full-blood Indians or descendents of persons entitled to identification under article 14, treaty of September 27, 1830. It appears that they are members of a band of Indians known as the Bay St. Louis Indians, the original members of which were entitled to the benefits of said article 14. Number of claimants in this memorandum, 3.

Farve, Clemogene.
Farve, Elizabeth
Mississippi Choctaws. Files: Report of November 15, 1907, from Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes. On February 27, 1907 (I. T. D. 4712, 4764, 4770, 5186, 5238, 5432-1907. 1806-1906. 4224-1907), the department reversed the decisions of the commission and the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, dated March 30, 1904, and December 31, 1906, respectively, rejecting the applications of Clemogene and Elizabeth Farve, among others, for identification as Mississippi Choctaws, and ordered said applicants identified as such. In accordance with said decision the commissioner, on March 2, 1907. rendered his decision identifying these applicants as full-blood Mississippi Choctaws. Said applicants were notified on March 2, 1907, of their identification as Mississippi Choctaws and advised of what action was necessary on their part to protect their rights. It is apparent that said applicants did not have time to remove to and make settlement in the Choctaw-Chickasaw country and to make proof of such settlement within time to have their enrollment approved by March 4, 1907.
Approximate number, 2.

Farve, James. (Adult.)
Mississippi Choctaw. Files: Part I, Exhibit F. report March 3, 1909. This man is wholly, if not quite, a full-blood Choctaw. He was evidently refused identification as a Mississippi Choctaw because he was not a full blood. His quantum of Indian blood was then supposed to be seven-eighths Choctaw. He claims now that he was mistaken when he gave his original testimony, and that he should have reported both parents as full bloods. Being a descendant of Yearboy family of Bay St. Louis, Kans., it is probable that he was entitled to identification as a Mississippi Choctaw, as descendant of one entitled to the benefits of article 14, treaty of September 27, 1830.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Farve, James. (Minor.)
Mississippi Choctaw. Files: Part I, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1900. By statement of Amelia Farve, who says that her own name is on the rolls, this boy is the son of her sister and “is almost a full-blood” Choctaw. Like other persons of the family, he is a resident of the Choctaw- Chickasaw country.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Farve or Favre, Louisia.
Mississippi Choctaw. Files: Part IV, Exhibit F, report. March 3, 1909. This woman is a full-blood Choctaw, having been identified as such by the Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes. She failed to secure enrollment because she did not furnish proof of settlement in the Choctaw-Chickasaw country in the time prescribed by law.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 1.


Favre (nee Bazetta), Stella. (One-half blood Choctaw.)
Favre, Seymour. (One-half blood Choctaw.)
Favre, Terrse. (One-half blood Choctaw.) (Daughter of Stella.)
Favre, Marselene. (Full-blood Choctaw.)
Mississippi Choctaws. Files: Department, Part I, Exhibit F, report. March 3, 1909. This family lives near Ardmore. Apparently some of the members have been identified as Mississippi Choctaws but not enrolled as such. They seem never to have been Identified even. The family removed to the Indian Territory about 1902. If they are not entitled to share In the property of the Choctaws and Chickasaws, should not the tinted States purchase a small tract for each?
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 4.


Fish, Eli. (Wetumka, Okla.)
Creek by blood. Files: Letter, January 22, 1910, Acting Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes to Hon. J. George Wright. The name of this claimant was on list mentioned in the above letter from Mr. Ryan, who stated that the persons referred to therein were Indians who are probably entitled to enrollment and who were not enrolled by reason of failure to make application. With his letter he enclosed testimony taken In the field through an interpreter, relating to each case. This boy was born in 1902 or 1903. He is a full-blood Creek. His father is Weilumka, enrolled opposite No. 93S2 on final approved roll. His mother Is a Creek woman named Sylla, whose name appears on the final approved rolls opposite No. 9383. Both parents are enrolled as full-blood Creeks.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.


Foley, Salina. (Minor.)
Creek by blood. Files: Letter of December 18, 1908, from Fred S. Cook, district agent, Checotah. Okla. (See Exhibit F, Part IV, report March 3. 1909.) Mr. Cook reports that this child Is a full-blood Indian, who through ignorance or mistake has been left off the approved rolls, and that the parents belong to the Snake faction of Indian, and that every consideration should be given this case, for the reason that this affiliation of the parents prevented the enrollment of the child and the allotment of land to her. This child, 10 years old, Is the daughter of John Foley. whose post office address is Hanna, Okla.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.


Folsom, David H. (See Op. A. A. G. Feb. 9, 1907, 25 A. A. G., 105.)

Note. This may be the David H. Folsome referred to In letter of February 17, 1909, from Guy P. Cobb, of Ardmore, Okla. (See Part IV, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909.) Mr. Cobb says that the reason for the action of the department in refusing to enroll Folsom was that his name did not appear on the tribal rolls. He states, however, that Folsom is identified by an act of the legislature of the Chickasaw Nation and by the affidavits of at least two ex-governors of the Chickasaw Nation. He says also that Hon. Charles D. Carter is well and personally acquainted with David H. Folsom.

Folsom was finally denied enrollment under the act of May 31, 1900, which limited the jurisdiction of the Dawes Commission to persons having tribal enrollment.


Folsome, Dave.
Choctaw by blood. Files: See statement made to 3. W. Howell In November. 1909. at Tishomingo. Okla.. Exhibit F. Part II. It is claimed that this man is a full-blood Choctaw; that he killed a man years ago and fled the country; that he came back about 1896; that he did not know that he would have to make application to the Dawes Commission for enrollment; and that accordingly he failed to make application to it.

Note. It Is probable that his name, owing to his absence, was not entered on the rolls prepared by the tribal authorities prior to the time when the Government of the United States assumed the work of making the rolls.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.


Foster, Lela.
Choctaw by blood, or Choctaw freedman. Files: Part II, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909. This woman claims to be 38 years old (in 1908) ; that she is the daughter of Joe James, a. full-blood Chickasaw, and Julia Love, an ex-slave: that she (the claimant) has a half sister named Alice James (now married) and a brother, Sam James, and that both are enrolled. It appears that she was born in the Indian Territory; that she was taken to Texas when a small child; that she returned to Indian Territory when 10 years old: that she was left an orphan at the age of 12; and that she was reared at the orphan home at Lebanon. Field notes states that she shows Indian blood very much, but that she also shows Negro blood. Apparently she is the child of an Indian by a free woman of color.
Number of claimants in this memorandum. 1.

Foster, Sallie.
Creek by blood. Files: Report of November 15, 1007, from Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes. Creek N. B. No. 370. June 19, 1906, application was made to the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes for the enrollment of Sallie Foster, born January 17, 1907. as a citizen by blood of the Creek Nation under the act of April 20, 1906. Said Sallie Foster is a child of Noah Foster, whose name was identified upon the approved roll of Creek Indians opposite No. 477, and Jennatta Foster. February 27, l907. the commissioner rendered his decision denying the application for the enrollment of said child for the reason that sufficient information was not secured to determine whether or not said Jennatta Foster was a Creek citizen, or whether or not she and Noah Foster were married. Said decision was on that date, forwarded to the department. March 4, 1907, the parents of this child appeared before the commissioner and gave testimony in the matter of its enrollment, for which it was found that the child’s mother is enrolled upon the approved roll of Creek citizens opposite No. 3907, as Jennette Johnson, and on that date the commissioner wired the department as follows: “Referring to Creek new-born case of Sallie Foster, transmitted on February 27, 1907, together with decision denying for insufficient evidence, the parents of said child have this evening appeared, and from their testimony mother is identified as Jennette Johnson, opposite Creek Indian roll No. 3907. I therefore recommend that name of said Sallie Foster be this day placed upon Creek newborn schedule and approved. Child 1 year old. Sex, female; blood, full; card No. 370.” Fearing that the telegram would reach the department too late, the commissioner wired his employee, then in Washington, calling his attention to the telegram, which was quoted him, in order to secure, if possible, the enrollment of this child. The telegram probably not having reached the department until after March 4, 1907, the department ou that date (I. T. D. 7830-1970). affirmed the commissioner’s decision. Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.


Fox, Sallie.
Flint, Leo W., et al.
Cherokees by blood. Files: Report Acting Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, January 13, 1910, addressed to Hon. J. George Wright. Sallie Fox, deceased. Information as to this case is not sufficient to determine the nature of her right. No application of record. Lee W. Flint et al. This claimant and sister. Mary A. Nichols, and brother (name not given), admitted by commission in 1896. No other application of record. This case very doubtful. Number of claimants In this memorandum, 4.


Frank, Della. (Half-blood Creek.) (Minor.)
Creek by blood. Files: Part III. report March 3, 1909. This child’s case was brought to the attention of the department by the statements of her uncle Noah Frank, who is enrolled as a half-blood Creek. Delia Frank is the daughter of Wilson Frank (or Wilson Baby), a full-blood Creek, and Rose Frank, a white woman. Her parents separated and her mother took charge of her. No application was made by the citizen members of the family because none of them knew where the child was living.
Number of claimants in this memorandum. 1.


Frenchman, Dennis.
Mississippi Choctaw. Files: Records in Indian Office, with Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, and Part I, Exhibit F, report March 3. 1909. Thin man claims to be a full-blood Choctaw and that he removed to the Choctaw-Chickasaw country in 1903. He says that he has full sisters—Mary Thomas and Mary Jane Jefferson—who are on final rolls as full bloods.

Note. These names are found on the Mississippi Choctaw rolls as full-blood Choctaws. Failure to secure enrollment probably due to failure to show that he was a full blood.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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