Red Eagle and the Wars with the Creek Indians

Last Updated on September 25, 2013 by Dennis

A work of this kind necessarily makes no pretension to originality in its materials; but while all that is here related is to be found in books, there is no one book devoted exclusively to the history of the Creek war or to the life of William Weatherford, the Red Eagle. The materials here used have been gathered from many sources, some of them from books which only incidentally mention the matters here treated, touching them as a part of larger subjects, and many of them from books which have been long out of print, and are therefore inaccessible to readers generally.

  • Red Eagle happened to be a Man of Consequence in History
  • Red Eagle’s People
  • Red Eagle’s Birth and Boyhood
  • Public Road cause of Beginnings of Trouble
  • Red Eagle as an Advocate of War
  • The Battle of Burnt Corn
  • Red Eagle’s Attempt to abandon his Party
  • Claiborne and Red Eagle
  • Red Eagle before Fort Mims
  • The Massacre at Fort Mims
  • Romantic Incidents of the Fort Mims Affair
  • Dog Charge at Fort Sinquefield and Affairs on the Peninsula
  • Pushmatahaw and his Warriors
  • Jackson is helped into his Saddle
  • The March into the Enemy’s Country
  • The Battle of Tallushatchee
  • The Battle of Talladega
  • General Cocke’s Conduct and its Consequences
  • The Canoe Fight
  • The Advance of the Georgians-The Battle of Autosse
  • How Claiborne executed his Orders-The Battle of the Holy Ground-Red Eagle’s Famous Leap
  • How Jackson lost his Army
  • A New Plan of the Mutineers
  • Jackson’s Second Battle with his own Men
  • Jackson dismisses his volunteers without a Benediction
  • How Jackson lost the rest of his Army
  • Battles of Emuckfau and Enotachopco, How the Creeks “whipped Captain Jackson”
  • How Red Eagle “whipped Captain Floyd” The Battle of Calebee Creek
  • Red Eagle’s Strategy
  • Jackson with an Army at last
  • The Great Battle of the War
  • Red Eagle’s Surrender
  • Red Eagle after the War

The author has made frequent acknowledgments, in his text, of his obligations to the writers from whose works he has drawn information upon various subjects. By way of further acknowledgment, and for the information of readers who may be tempted to enlarge their reading in the interesting history of the South-west, he appends the following list of the principal books that have been consulted in the preparation of this volume:

  1. Parton’s “Life of Andrew Jackson.”
  2. Eaton’s “Life of Andrew Jackson.”
  3. Pickett’s “History of Alabama.”
  4. Drake’s “Book of the Indians.”
  5. McAfee’s “History of the Late War in the Western Country.”
  6. Claiborne’s “Notes on the War in the South.”
  7. Meek’s “Romantic Passages in South-western History.”
  8. “Indian Affairs, American State Papers.”
  9. Kendall’s “Life of Jackson.”
  10. Waldo’s “Life of Jackson.”
  11. Russell’s “History of the Late War.”
  12. Brackenridge’s “History of the Late War.”


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