1759, March 26, Fort Loudoun

Sir I Send the Bearer of this James Holme’s as an Exprefs to Acquaint Your Excellency that a few days ago, the chief Warriour of the Oakjoyes (called the Mortar) came into Tellico with a Gang of Twenty three Men & Women and two day’s after Came to Chotta & were verry Kindly received by all the Warriours there, (About four Months ago Mr. Atkins wrote a letter to Old Hopp Acquainting him that this verry man wou’d be here in the Spring & desired him to beware of his bad Talk’s the Reason that he Gives for his Coming … Read more

1759, December 3, Fort Loudoun

Sir The Adjoyning was intended to have been Conveyed to your Excelency by some pack horsemen. Who sell out for the Settlements. The 22d Ultimate, but upon some Repost they heard at Heywafsee they thought proper to Return. It will now be delivered by Mr. Ellitot with whom the Little Carpenter Setts out with this day The Jealousy which has Long Subsisted between Old Hop and the Carpenter is come to am open quarell, the former having at a Meeting in Chote Town house, Lately, Accused the Carpenter of being Enemy to his Country, and a Servil dependent upon the … Read more

1759, August 1, An Indian Woman Called the buffolow

Skin/ who formerly gave Capt. Raymond Demere an Account o the Agreement between the Tellico people & the French at new Orlean’s, Wnet from this about two Months ago, in Company with Some Other’s on a Journey to the Creek Nation, & in there way Called at this new Settled place Ettuea, where they were Joind by the Mortar & his Gang & proceeded to that Nation & from thence to the French Fort, & being return’d gives the Following Account That when she was within two day’s Journey of the Elliqu_’s or the Hillobu’s a Creek town, in Company … Read more

1759, April 10, Fort Loudoun

Most Honr. Sir, I Trouble you with ___ in Hopes you wd. Be so Indulgins as to Remember You kind Promise I have been here hear Two years but shod. The Service not Such wth. You to releave me wd. Very Readily Compound with your Excellency to Continue for any Time you shod. Think Proper not Excuding Two__if yor. Goodnefs wod. Excuse me hear to be sent ___for the Further I Understand ther’s a a likelihood of Severall Premotions in the In_ipend Company’s, I Hope you will be so kind as to see I ____ Have Justice done me being … Read more

1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 1

Sir On the 20th Inftant M. Elliot came into the fort, and it seems that matters goes on very bad by the Oppinion the Indians have Consived of us so Suddenly, on Account of Jellousy for he want of the Ammunition, on Such a criticall Juncture of time, not only war, but they cant go out and kill a bit of meat for their family’s, that in Short they imagine we want oly a Large quantity of Privifsions and Ammunition in the fort, and then a body of men will come up and od what we pleafe with them, as … Read more

1759, August 28, Fort Loudoun

Sir Your Dispatches of the 31st of July, I recd. By James Holmes: I acquainted your Excellency by Charles McCuningham of the Little Carpenter being gone to Warr, with thirty Young fellows and Willi_awaw, with him. He was no sooner gone but I found great attentions in the Disposition and Mind of the Indians; for he kept them very quiet. Tho’ I thank God I live here very easy, in the Upper Towns, and I hear no bad Talks, tho I do not know how long it will continue. I have Recd. Intelligence from the Lower Towns, that it is … Read more

1757, June 1, The Creek Nation

Dearest Friend, I hope your goodnefs will excuse the freedome of my Exprofsing my Self as it flows from a Sole truly sencible of the many remarcable Instances of friendship I havereed from you, A Detail of my trouble & misfortunes, can not be new to you as they must have reach’d your ears, before this time, The flights of ungovernd youth aded to my trouble of Leaveing Fort Loudoun Exageratied by the force of Excefsive Drinking at Theowee deprived me of my reason & has occasioned a misquidence in my Conduct which has thrown me into the utmost Trouble … Read more

1759, September 12, Letters to Indian Affairs

Dear Coytmore, A few days afte Gallaher left this, the Setiquo People broke out in a very odd manner, sent four to way-lay the Fort, & kill’d Samuel Simmons within tow hundred Yards of the Corn Field (sho had just gone out to gather a few Grapes). The next Day thee was a Great Meeting at the fort, where all the Towns were present, & the Ammuntion that was stopt was strongly insisted for, as the means of making everything up; & that there was two Warriors to sett off for Kewohee for it, but wou’d not carry any Letter’s. … Read more

1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 4

Sir When I began the Last Leter which I had the honour of writing to your excellency, I though nothing could be more certainly depended on than that all French Talks were forgotten and all their Machination Frustrated in this nation but before I had finished the mefsenger Sent by these people to the Creek nation returned, we found out that they had been with the Savannahs and at the Albama Fort, and we had reason to believe from the behaviour and Character of the persons who had been Employed on that Embafsie, that the mefsages they Carried and brought … Read more

Third Regiment Indian Home Guards

A Company, 3rd Regiment, Indian Home Guards Names in Ledger of Alex Clapperton, Ft. Gibson, seized by the US Department of the Interior, Most are dated between 1868 and 1869. Each have a Receipt Number. Deceased are listed as dead. Long Aaron Little Aaron Rider Swimmer James Glass Frog, Nash Arch Silk. dead Thomas Stand, Dead James Swimmer Beaver Silk, Dead Scatter Edward Starr Shawnee James Creek Alexander Vann Grape Stand Jackie Juniper Getting Inn Stool Mathew John Peter Barrow Hood Poor Wolf Mixed Water Wolf Mink Downing Peter Corning Deer Little Deer Johnson Young Bird, Dead Richard Benge Obediah Benge … Read more

Second Regiment Indian Home Guards

A Company, 2nd Regiment, Indian Home Guards Names in Ledger of Alex Clapperton, Ft. Gibson, seized by the US Department of the Interior, Most are dated between 1868 and 1869. Each have a Receipt Number. Deceased are listed as dead. Robin Matoy, no bounty Rooky Mountain Stop-scondy Robin Dirt-Pot Thompson, Jesse Jack Thompson, dead James Mills Path Killer Mills Jumper Glass Charley James Tallow Levi Standing Deer Oganiah Wileny Stagger Peck, James John Wa-ta-sa-ta, dead Te-su-ya-gah Young Pig Kah-se-he-le Kah-shee-no-he McNair Lewis Wm. Mills David McKinsey Peter Oganiah Trotting Wolf

First Regiment Indian Home Guards

Company A, 1st Regiment, Indian Home Guards Names in Ledger of Alex Clapperton, Ft. Gibson, seized by the US Department of the Interior, Most are dated between 1868 and 1869. Each have a Receipt Number. Deceased are listed as dead. Cho-no-ha-goh Ge-ke-peh Ho-tul-ke-ya-ho-lah Kap-pe-go-geh Ka-he-ya-ho-lah La-the-fa-ha-goh Tot-kes-ha-got. 2nd Ta-me-ga-chi Gok-got-ho-goh Pa-llat-keh Ko-ne-pe-a-ho-la Go-he-ma-rah Kag-ga-fix-e-koh Gon-we-pax-ha-keh Albert Grayson Tus-ke-ha-go No-kor-ho-pep-sch Armstrong Affa-llo-keh Ge-lo-ke-ya-ho-lah Fi-he-mat-hat Me-ke-ha-go Me-ha-keh Ok-gon-ho-pa-ke-geh Ya-hie-ma-ran Sek-ka-neh Wat-ke-kah, paid Kag-ger-me-koh Kag-ga-he-mot-tip A-tas-ha-goh No-ko-se-ho-lah Con-sot-ha-joh Fas-hash-e-ma-la Ok-ga-ne-ya-hi-lah Ho-nep-ha-got Arche-a-holo Meit-sah Jo-fix-e-ko Kot-so-ma-la Dickey Tai-mo-giv-ha-goh A-ha-llk-if-fore-ka Ak-ha-loc-if-fore-ka Ce-say-gil Co-ac-co-che Cho-chi-ma-ta Cho-e-la Fas-la-goh Fah-yak-ne-ho-lab Hor-ne-ho-yeh Hen-ne-hi-ma-rah Ho-tul-ke-mal-lak Ho-tnl-ke-fix-o-koh Ko-me-ha-goh Lister Mah-lles-sseh No-pai-pai-geh … Read more

1759, October 1, Fort Loudoun

Sir I hope your Excellency has Received the Letter that I sent by Samll. Been, when he was going down to Keowee with the Great Warrior, which Letter I was obliged to put in the lining of his saddle for fear of any accident. The Great Warrior the Day before he went to Keowee, as I had ingaged him to go there for severall reasons, first of all to give a strong Talk to all the Towns, that he went through; to Live in Peace and Friendship with the English and not to mind the falsity that was represented to … Read more

1757, June 27, New Windsor So. Carolina

Sir This Serves to advise you of a piece of very Material intelligence I received from two head men of the Lower Creek Nation Relative to Some Schemes in agitation among the Head Men of the Cherokees, to cut off the Garrifon of Fort Loudoun, and to knock all the white people in the head. They Demanded afsistance from the Creeks, and a place of Safety for their Wives and Children in café of a Repulse, the first the Creeks say they have Denyed the Laft they have granted. Their Scheme they intend to manage in the following manner. They … Read more

1759, November 3, Fort Loudoun

Sir Sixteen Days ago I Reed, a letter from Capt. Stuart, and inclosed a Copy of a letter from your Excellency to him. The 24th of last month arrived Little Carpenter, and Willeleway with their Gang, having two French Prisoners, with them; as he knew very well, that there was at Fort La Afsumption, great many Savana Indians, constantly watching, and on Scouts, he went on Mifsifsipi River, where he knew that there were constantly People pafsing and repafsing, from New Orleans, to New Charlres, and from thence to Fort La Afsumption: he thought to meet some whom he might … Read more

1757, August 31, Fort Loudoun

Sir The 21st of the Instant arrived here and Exprefs from M. Atkins the Agent at Winchester in Virginia, with a Letter for me and another for old Hop and the warrious, I shall not Mention any thing of that Letter, as I doubt not but Your Excellency has Received a Coppy of the Same beore now from Fort Prince George. As the Exprefs told me that he had wrote it himself and gave it to Ensign Bogges that it might be sent to you. The next day I sent for old Hop and the _____of the Warriours, and beig … Read more

2 May 1759, Fort Loudoun

Sir j have recived your Dispatch five Days ago James Holmes and yesterday j recived another from Lieut Coytmore. j am to acquaint you Excellency that the Mortar with his Gang is gone, not to the Place where he intended, (because j did anything in my Power to prevent it) but to Catowa in one of the Forks of Cousa River below Cousavatee about thirty miles. Everything is quiet at present Maximilian More is not come yet but j Expect him Every Day. the 27 of Last month arrived here the great Warrior, with a Scalp of a French Indian … Read more

1757 July, Fort Loudoun

Sir By Dennis Hegan I was honoured with your Excellys Letter of 9th ultimate, I can with pleasure Afsure your Excellency that Since my arriavall here I have not been able to discover anything in the behaviour of the Indians but what denotes good humour & Freindship, and give me Reason to hope that the Machinations of the french & Their Emmifaries are Frustrated. I shall now, Sir, From what Light I have acquired give your Excellency the best Idea I can of the State of the Trade in this Nation, when I said that he traders durst not go … Read more

1759, November 2, From Attah Kallah Kallah

To His Excellency Governour Lyttelton From Attah Kallah Kallah I take this early opportunity of writing to the Governour being now mett with the head men of my Town. I am Returned from war and am come to live with my Brothers who were sent up here at my Desire. When they first came Amongst us. It was agreed that they and my people should be as Brothers and live together in unity and Friendship. They came here to defend us and I promised to defend them and that the fire should forever burn clear between us. It was then … Read more

1756, October 11, Tonefse River

1__Stephenson the carpenter of the Regulars is chosen to be carpenter Mafter & to have 12 carpenters, Three paire of Sayers & two good Squarers under his command to lay out for them all nefesary work to manadge all carpenter bufsinifs concerning the Fortiffication immediately, & to keep and account of all such, & to Deliver every Saturday Directions for this Day are af ufual, except the following Suplement a Lift of his men, There ______, work & working days. 2__one pigneur is all fims enough to mine 50 men, & as there are but 22 men of the Regulars working … Read more