Dearest Friend,
I hope your goodnefs will excuse the freedome of my Exprofsing my Self as it flows from a Sole truly sencible of the many remarcable Instances of friendship I havereed from you, A Detail of my trouble & misfortunes, can not be new to you as they must have reach’d your ears, before this time, The flights of ungovernd youth aded to my trouble of Leaveing Fort Loudoun Exageratied by the force of Excefsive Drinking at Theowee deprived me of my reason & has occasioned a misquidence in my Conduct which has thrown me into the utmost Trouble and Misery, its riported that I intended to go to the french but I most Solomosly Declare no such Design ever entered into my Immajination for I was on my way to Charlestown when Capt. Pepper sent after me and has ordered me Down undor a Guard having first taken from me my __ath’s, Sword & Pistols, & my Sirits are so Deprefs’d and weigh’d down with Care & _______that my Senses have allmost left me. Oh Wretched Man that I am Loaded with Care and covered with misfortunes for God sake my Dear Capt. Demere __frend me in this my verry great Trouble, I am sencible what influence your Letters have, Oh for God sake afsist me & Mke me your Vafe all that I may repay your goodnefs Oh my first friend If I have ever rendered my Service to you or the Publick place it first in yourvien God knows what they will do with me in Charles Town but I do most humble pray you write in my fav’r. Oh let me intreat you to do it the remains of my Life shall _____imploy’d in Acknowledging your great goodnefs & Making amons for the folly I have commited, Jno. Brown took several _____with him & a Horse branded IE I am a Strang’r to the property he had, all that I have A__d a_ifsin is in Coming here in my way to Ch. Town & having so infamous a fellow with me I am overcome with Greaf & Trouble and Conclude My Dearest Friend Your poor unfortunate and Disconsolate Servant
Robert Wall
Oh for God sake my Dear Capt. Demere have compafsion on me Pardon my offonces and be my Friend this I most humble pray of you