The 21st of the Instant arrived here and Exprefs from M. Atkins the Agent at Winchester in Virginia, with a Letter for me and another for old Hop and the warrious, I shall not Mention any thing of that Letter, as I doubt not but Your Excellency has Received a Coppy of the Same beore now from Fort Prince George. As the Exprefs told me that he had wrote it himself and gave it to Ensign Bogges that it might be sent to you. The next day I sent for old Hop and the _____of the Warriours, and beig Assembled read to them M. Atkins Letter they said but Little on that Subject, they set down to their Dinner and an hour sent for the Exprefs, the desired him to write a letter them to the Governour of Virginia, and Inclosed I send you a Coppy of it. On the 24th Instant Coldifson arrived here with Letters from Your Excellency, I immediately sent word to Old Hopp and the other head men that an Exprfs was come from Charlestown and desired them to be at the fort the next day, They came Except old Hopp, ( the reason of his not Coming was that on of Grand children was Sick) The Carpenter, the Great Warriour and Other head said that they where Enough and that I might read to them Your Letter and said they would tell old Hopp word for word the Contents of it. Then I gave them a Talk and began to read them your letter, I had Scarce read half of it , and finding that Traders were not coming among them they Stop’d me and Said that hey had a Great Many Young Men in their Town’s, and that they had Guns but wanted verry much Powder and Bulletts that the later Govenour Promised them two Years ago, that he would send Traders Among and that they shou’d be Supply’d be Supply’d with every thing, that they had many Letters to that Purpose, but that they where nothing but Lyes and Expected when You came that they Should be provided Better, & that you had Promised them when they were in town, that you would Send them Trader’s that they had waitted a long while and have never Seen one Yett, that you told them Lye’s as well as the others. I hope Your Excellency will Excuse me, for I think myself oblidged to relate you word for word their Talk, They Said further that they thought King George chose for Governour’s those men That could tell Lyes the best. I told them they did you wrong, that you not of that Number, that you did everyting in Your Pwer To make them live happy and did your best Edeavour’s To Send Trader’s Aong them, but not be perswaded so Easilly and that Elliot who was then present had told your had forgiven him at there Request, that he did not care to bring Goods to the Nation, and that yu had ordered Amunition to be sent to the fort that it was on the road, and Expected it every day, Then before them I told M. Elliott to Gett his horses ready to go to Theowee to bring it over, on which they wsaid they should believe it when they should see it.
The Lettle Carpenter said the Cherokees where our friends that hey would do anything to serve us, that the Young People Complained verry much for want of Powder and Bullets, that he knew very well the Savannah’s were conjuring every day, that he had heard of there Talks, and had declared at their Town house , that next Moon when the Corn Should be Stong that then the Said Savannah’s with Other Indians Called the Stinking Lingos would come in Great Body’s to Attack us that at first they would appear in Little Body’s in order that we should sally out, & then they would Appear full upon us and Kill us, that they had no Occafsion to fear Striving, for there was Corn & Cattle Enough round the Fort, Then he said I wish we had powder & bullets and we would Defend You, I told them that they Should not Want Powder and Bullets, and might be Shure I should Always have Ammunition Enough on Such Occafsion,s, but that we were not Afraid of there threatnings, and if they should come three times that Number we should not care for them, but would Send them back Again verry Quiet, I am to Acquaint Your Milik Cow’s have dyed of it, but for these two day’s past don’t here of any More Sick, I would have klled a few Stears if I had Salt Enuogh, but as I have but twenty one Baggs I don’t care to begin till I have fresh Supply. I have Enquired of M. Elliott if he knew wheteher there was Salt coming from Charles town as Cot. Chivellette had told me he had ent horses down for Salt, he told me that he knew that some horse’s had been Sent for Salt, but that M. Pickney would not Send any, That he had About 30 Bucshells at Keowee and if I wanted it he would not Charge but the prime cost & Carriage, I told him to Go there and bring what was Sent from Town for this Fort, and if the Salt was not ocme to bring his and I would take it at all Hazards.
On the 25th the Little Carpenter came and Asked me when I intended to send the Exprefs, I told him the next day, he desired me not to do It for he wanted to Give me a talk first and would see me the next day, Accordingly he came, he then said he was very Sorry to find that his Young People beaved as they did, Expecialy in Killing the Chickesaw that he nor any of the head men ever knew anything of it. That they went away without Acquainting them with it, That he Remembered very well when he was in town what talk he Gave You, and what Talk you gave him, That hepromised to love the White people and eery body belonging to them That he was Afraid you would think it was not wso now as Some of his Young people have Given prooffs of the Contrary the other dya, he desired me to Acquaint you that it was not his fault, and would Always remember his Promifses and perform them, He then began to Tlak about Traders and wished there were some Among them to Make there Young People Easy, as we were alone, I told him that it was there fault that John Elliott had been Many Year’s Among them, that he had brought Goods in there towns, that he trusted them with the said Goods that now they were in his debt they did not Care for him, I told him I was there if he would Speak to him and Promise to See him pay’d he would trade Again Among them, he said it was true, that he would go to him the next day and Make it up & desired that Ensign Coytmore might be there.
When he was Going Away he desired me to Acquaint You that he wished you would send him from Town a Hatchett with a brafs pipe at the topp of it. I told him I would. The next day Ensign Coytmore went to Chotta to meet the Little Carpenter, but could not see him till Late because there was a Great Councill at the town house when he Came out he said he could not do anything then with Elliott, but desired him to be at the Fort the next day and Sent me word to have a Dinner for the head men. Accordingly Yesterday old Hopp with about 25 warriours came produced the pipe of Freindship & Made us all Smoke out of it, he then took out a belt of Wampun and Said that when the Late Governour was at Saluday he had presented him with such a belt & that if you was here he would do the same, and as I was Your Representative he was Going to Give it me as a token of Freindship and desired to Acquaint you with it he then gott up, Came to me & tyed the belt round my neck and Made a long Speech upon it, I suppose I then was Made a Great Man. He then began to Give his Talk & the Carpenter Gave his Afterwards I send your Excellency a coppy of them. It seems to me that they are Sorry of there Conduct and Seem Afraid of the Consequence As I’m informed by the Gunner there is no trading ball here begg Your Excellency will order a supply by the first Opportunity I am with Great Respect.
Your Exellency’s
Most Obedient &
Most Humble Servant
Paul Demere
Fort Loudoun 31 August 1757