1757, June 27, New Windsor So. Carolina


This Serves to advise you of a piece of very Material intelligence I received from two head men of the Lower Creek Nation Relative to Some Schemes in agitation among the Head Men of the Cherokees, to cut off the Garrifon of Fort Loudoun, and to knock all the white people in the head. They Demanded afsistance from the Creeks, and a place of Safety for their Wives and Children in café of a Repulse, the first the Creeks say they have Denyed the Laft they have granted. Their Scheme they intend to manage in the following manner. They have concerted with the Notiwagas, that they shall come in a Hoftile manner against their Nation, upon which they inted to Sham fear Run to the fort for Shelter, & Defire the Commander to allow them to Joyn the Troops against the Enem; that as Soon as they have gott a Sufficient Number of Warriors into the Fort as they imagine will answer, they are to knock the Garrifon in the Head, Sally out and Joun the Nottiwagas burn the Fort, & proceed to Drive all the Reft of the white people entierely from their Nation. Which Scheme they propose putting in Practice this Summer, in the mean time they inted to behave with the utmoft Civility & Moderation to the English, and to ingratiate themselves with the Officers all in their Power till their Plott is Ripe. This I think my Duty to inform you off that you may be upon our Guard, for I have all the Reafon in the World from the Complaints of the Cherokees to the Creeks & the Aritice of the French adding fuel to the fire, you will have a good deal of Disturbacne this summer, but I doubt not your prudence & conduct with the Vigilance of the other Officers with Render hteir Scheme abortive. Ther has been Lately two Cherokees (who tis Reported are head me of Chota) at the french fort with the Mortar a Creek Warriour & I believe a great Villian and are now Returned, I would have you be particularly watchfull of the mortar, as I am convinced he has Some Scheme in agitation against you planned by the french & Shawanese in the Creek Nation, who intend to move off this Summer, I wish it may not be to pay you a Visit with the Reft. I had Leiut Wall & Brown taken the very day they arrived in the Creek Nation & Sent them down under a Strong Guard to Town, I hear Brown has made his Excaps which I am forry for. I am


your moft humble Servt

Daniel Pepper

a True Coppy

To Capt. Ray Demere
at the upper Cherokees

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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