Indians in Mason County Michigan 1860 Census

The following 409 people were identified as Indians (I) in column 6 (color) of the 1860 census for Mason County Michigan. Many researchers believe that Native American’s were not enumerated until 1870, however, in 1860 the following instructions were issued to the US Marshall’s:

Indians not taxed are not to be enumerated. The families of Indians who have renounced tribal rule, and who under state or territory laws exercise the rights of citizens, are to be enumerated. 1

So the following 409 people identified in the 1860 Mason County Michigan census are believed to have renounced tribal rule, and under state law, exercised their rights as citizens to be enumerated.

The records below contains only those in a household who were identified by an I for their color. There may be others in the household who are not identified below and that will be on the actual census images.

TownH#F#GivenSurnameAgeSexRaceBirth LocationOccupation
Pere Marquette165163Mon e yon15fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette166164AddisonShaw42mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette166164TonyQua61fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette166164SamuelQua18mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette166164Toch e mah bum7fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette166164Samson6mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette166164Se be qua3fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette167165JohnJones40mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette167165Wa sah yahJones32fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette168166Walk she qua70fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette168166Shish coo16fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette169167Ge Gwash38mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette169167Cah za gonse35fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette170168JohnPa bah ne kah bak soc45mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette170168Quah bePa bah ne kah bak soc41fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette171169Wa wa ah be coo19mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette171169Wah we a14fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette172170Shah bwash56fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette172170Wah be gauce22mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette172170Ponte ya quah4mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette172170Zah ne quah6fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette172170Cum me go qua4fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette173171Nim me wa wa26mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette174172Ke wa cush kum80mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette174172Pa shah bun80fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette175173JacobKushcum22mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette175173Tah gwah ge waKushcum14fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette175173Nah ge zhi go quaKushcum14fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette175173Ne gah me be quaKushcum10fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette175173MarthaKushcum4fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette176174Cash wa e qua60fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette176174Mah ne15fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette177175Wah be sis41mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette177175Wah no Qua36fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette177175Jackson6mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette177175Ah zhi nick5fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette177175Cah ba no qua4fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette177175Oh pe na qua nick2mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette178176Pa be ning40mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette178176Shah be nah no qua44fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette178176Tash pah5fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette179177Ah se me gezhick54mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette179177Mick ke si qua37fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette179177Mah sah wa16fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette179177Cah ba no qua15fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette179177Wah sis eno qua11fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette179177Cota be na se11mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette179177Chibe e wa qua6fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette180178Ke chi65mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette180178Pe ne sance62fIndianMichigan

  1. Eighth Census, United States—1860. Instructions to U.S. Marshals, p. 14.[]

1860 Census,

Michigan Census Records: A directory of resources providing online access to Michigan Census records. See also United States Census Records for census records on all of the United States.

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