Indians in Mason County Michigan 1860 Census

The following 409 people were identified as Indians (I) in column 6 (color) of the 1860 census for Mason County Michigan. Many researchers believe that Native American’s were not enumerated until 1870, however, in 1860 the following instructions were issued to the US Marshall’s:

Indians not taxed are not to be enumerated. The families of Indians who have renounced tribal rule, and who under state or territory laws exercise the rights of citizens, are to be enumerated. 1

So the following 409 people identified in the 1860 Mason County Michigan census are believed to have renounced tribal rule, and under state law, exercised their rights as citizens to be enumerated.

The records below contains only those in a household who were identified by an I for their color. There may be others in the household who are not identified below and that will be on the actual census images.

TownH#F#GivenSurnameAgeSexRaceBirth LocationOccupation
Pere Marquette153151Ae r be15mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette153151Pah bah me sa4mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette153151Quah mick se gun10fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette153151Quatch qua8fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette153151Ching mick kequom5mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette153151Cha mo quo um6 monthsmIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette154152PeterAll29mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette155153SonQuaish50mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette155153Kon sa neQuaish45fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette155153Sha no qui umQuaish5mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette156154JohnChing ge quam30mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette156154Ke wa ge zhe ge quaChing ge quam22fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette156154Ka bash kumChing ge quam3mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette157155Ta to ge to61mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette157155Kon ga50fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette157155Ke wa kush kum20mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette157155Mo su qua18fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette157155Squa be na se15mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette157155En no zah10mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette157155Pa mah oh almo?6mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette157155Sah quo uny5fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette158156Pe na se wah ba35mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette158156Ke wa din24fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette158156Pe tah bun6fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette158156Nah gezhick3mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette159157JosephShah wah nah se ga30mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette159157Mary AnnShah wah nah se ga25fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette159157GeorgeSmith8 monthsmIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette160158Shing go ka100mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette162160Ching gwash50mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette162160Ann quot o qua40fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette162160Shah Baptiste7mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette162160Pe to ge14fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette162160Mah ne4fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette162160Cosh cah be te2mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette163161Se te no ka40mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette163161Pe mo sa e quot35fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette163161Pe tah ah no quot8mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette163161We um6mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette163161Isabelle ne te no ka3fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162Pa quo tuskPa quo tusk50mIndianMichiganFarmer
Pere Marquette164162Mo ne on45fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162Mish e nah ga14fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162Ching ga mushe cum13mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162An e wa qua7fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162Ma quah12mIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162Mun do ah be zhe6fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162Mah ti no4fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette164162A gah ne cume qum1fIndianMichigan
Pere Marquette165163JosephPe quo tuk21mIndianMichiganFarmer

  1. Eighth Census, United States—1860. Instructions to U.S. Marshals, p. 14.[]

1860 Census,

Michigan Census Records: A directory of resources providing online access to Michigan Census records. See also United States Census Records for census records on all of the United States.

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