Indian Tribal Histories: Tacatacuru – Tyigh. Our tribal history pages represent a cross-index of specific pages on our site relevant to a tribe. These pages are not meant to replace our search, which should be used to find a much larger number of mentions for each tribe, but to provide a quick reference point for researchers to find a larger quantity of material for a specific tribe. Beside some links are an author’s name or book title. To find more information about each author or book please view our main Indian Tribes of the United States page.
Tacatacuru Indians
- Tacatacuru Indians – Swanton
Tachi Indians
- Tachi Tribe – Hodge
Taensa Indians
- Taensa Tribe – Hodge
- Taensa Indians – Swanton
- Alabama Indian Tribes
Taidnapam Indians
Takelma Indians
- Takelma Tribe – Hodge
- Oregon Indian Tribes
Tali Indians
Taltushtuntude Indians
Tamaroa Tribe
- Tamaroa Tribe – Hodge
- Tamarois Treaties
Tamathli Indians
- Tamathli Indians – Swanton
- Florida Indian Tribes
Tamatli Indians
- Tamathli Indians – Swanton
- Florida Indian Tribes
Tangipahoa Indians
- Tangipahoa Tribe – Hodge
- Tangipahoa Indians – Swanton
Tano Pueblo Indians
- Tano Tribe – Hodge
- Tanoan Indians – Hodge
Taposa Indians
- Taposa Tribe – Hodge
- Taposa Indians – Swanton
Tatlitkutchin Indians
- Tatlitkutchin Tribe – Hodge
Tatsanottine Indians
- Tatsanottine Tribe – Hodge
Tawakoni Indians
- Tawakoni Tribe – Hodge
- Tawakoni Indians – Swanton
Tawasa Indians
- Tawasa Tribe – Hodge
- Tawasa Indians – Swanton
- Creek Confederacy – Swanton
- Louisiana Indian Tribes
Tawehash Indians
- Tawehash Tribe – Hodge
- Tawehash Indians – Swanton
Tehuacana Indians
Tekesta Indians
- Tequesta Indians – Swanton
Temiscaming Indians
- Temiscaming Tribe – Hodge
Tenino Indians
- Tenino Tribe – Hodge
- Tenino Treaties
- Oregon Indian Tribes
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Warm Springs Agency
Tequesta Indians
- Tequesta Indians – Swanton
Teton Sioux Indians
- Teton Sioux Tribe – Hodge
- Houses of the Teton Tribe
- Teton Treaties
Tewa Pueblo Indians
- Tewa Tribe – Hodge
- Tewa Pueblo Indians – Swanton
Tigua Pueblo Indians
- Tigua Tribe – Hodge
Tillamook Indians
- Tillamook Tribe – Hodge
- Oregon Indian Tribes
Timucua Indians
- Timucua Tribe – Hodge
- Timucuan Indians – Hodge
- Georgia Indian Tribes
Timucuan Indians
- Timucuan Indians – Hodge
- Utina Indians – Swanton
Tionontati Indians
- Tionontati Tribe – Hodge
- Tionontati Tribal Locations
- Wisconsin Indian Tribes – Swanton
Tiou Indians
- Tiou Indians – Swanton
Tiwa Pueblo Indians
- Tiwa Pueblo Indians – Swanton
Tocobaga Indians
- Tocobaga Indians – Swanton
Tohome Indians
- Tohome Tribe – Hodge
- Tohome Indians – Swanton
Tolowa Indians
- Tolowa Tribe – Hodge
- California Indian Tribes
Tonkawa Indians
- Tonkawa Tribe – Hodge
- Tonkawa Tribal Locations
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Tonkawa Treaties
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
Tonto Apache Indians
- Tonto Apache Tribe – Hodge
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Camp McDowell Agency
- Camp Verde Agency
T’Peek-sin Indians
Tschantoga Indians
- Tschantoga Tribe – Hodge
Tsilkotin Indians
- Tsilkotin Tribe – Hodge
Tsimshian Indians
- Tsimshian Tribe – Hodge
Tübatulabal Indians
Tukabahchee Indians
- Tukabahchee Tribe
- Muskogee Indians – Swanton
Tukuarika Indians
See: Sheepeaters
Tukkuthkutchin Indians
- Tukkuthkutchin Tribe – Hodge
Tulalip Indians
- Tulalip Tribe – Hodge
- Indian Missions of the Columbia Region
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Tulalip Agency
- 1885-1897 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1898-1910 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1911-1915 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1916-1920 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1921-1923 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1924-1926 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1927-1929 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1930 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1931 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Tulalip Agency Census
- Tulalip Agency
Tum-Water Indians
Tunahe Indians
- Tunahe Tribal Locations
- Montana Indian Tribes – Swanton
Tunica Indians
- Tunica Tribe – Hodge
- Tunica Indians – Swanton
- Arkansas Indian Tribes
- Indian Missions of the Southern States
Tunxis Indians
- Tunxis Tribe – Hodge
Tuscarora Indians
- Tuscarora Tribe – Hodge
- Tuscarora Indians – Swanton
- Tuscarora War – Hodge
- Notes on the Iroquois
Notes on the Iroquois is an official report to the government on the possibilities of civilizing the Iroquois. In the face of facts which depress all others, Schoolcraft is full of high hope that these Indians may be once and for all leaving hunting and farming. He finds the Iroquois increasing in numbers, stabilizing the organization of their society, and improving as individuals. - Tuscarora Treaties
- New York Indian Tribes
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
- Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Six Nations – Includes an extensive history of the Tuscarora Indians
- Native Uprisings Against the Carolinas (1711-17)
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- New York Agency
- 1885-1887 New York Agency Census
- 1888-1889 New York Agency Census
- 1891-1893 New York Agency Census
- 1894-1897 New York Agency Census
- 1898-1901 New York Agency Census
- 1903-1906 New York Agency Census
- 1907-1909 New York Agency Census
- 1910-1912 New York Agency Census
- 1913-1915 New York Agency Census
- 1916-1918 New York Agency Census
- 1919-1921 New York Agency Census
- 1922-1924 New York Agency Census
- New York Agency
Tuskegee Indians
- Tuskegee Indians – Swanton
- Creek Confederacy – Swanton
- Tuskegee Tribal Locations
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Tennessee Indian Tribes – Swanton
Tutchonekutchin Indians
- Tutchonekutchin Tribe – Hodge
Tutelo Indians
- Tutelo Tribe – Hodge
- Tutelo Indians – Swanton
- Tutelo Indian Tribe Locations
Tututni Indians
- Tututni Tribe – Hodge
- Oregon Indian Tribes
- Villages
Twana Indians
- Twana Tribe – Hodge
- Washington Indian Tribes
Two Kettles Sioux Indians
- Two Kettles Sioux Tribe – Hodge
Tyigh Indians
- Tyigh Tribe – Hodge
- Oregon Indian Tribes