Biographical Sketch of Thomas A. Chandler

Thomas A. Chandler was born in the Cherokee Nation, July 1871, the eldest son of B. G. Chandler, a Tennessean, and Anne Gunter, a Cherokee by blood. Thomas attended the public schools at Hicho, Arkansas, and Delaware district, Cherokee Nation, after which he entered Worcester Academy, Vinita, and there graduated in 1888, having taken a scientific course. Later he entered Drury College, Sprinfield, Missouri, and remaining half a year, went to Muskogee, Creek Nation, where he opened a grocery business, conducting the same with success for one year and a half, when he sold out October, 1891. On the thirteenth of the month following, Mr. Chandler was nominated by Chief Mayes, and confirmed by the senate, for the office of district revenue collector, for Delaware district, a position of trust, such as is rarely bestowed on so young a man, but which Mr. Chandler is quite capable of filling. He is clever and industrious, with pleasant manners and good address. During the recent political campaign, Mr. Chandler devoted his best energy towards the success of the Downing party, to which he is a close adherent. His father is a farmer, residing in the Delaware district.


Biography, Cherokee,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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